Wouldn’t matter. The bay would have to have been born by December 31st to count as a tax deduction on this form. So you would have to give birth to a 4 and half month old baby.
Hubby and I take our taxes to tax accountants. One did not know what he was doing, another worked from home until retired, and one we have now after 50 years works at his home, and wondering when we will have to find another tax accountant. Hubby knows some on taxes me wife no nothing of taxes. We do not have Turbo taxes. IRS is behind yet want taxes paid on time.
It’s good for a joke, but in real life, unless a person is a paper millionaire, I don’t understand this big deal about tax season.
For what it’s worth: if you know from the past returns that you are getting a refund, then the due date doesn’t apply to you. Same with breaking even, you don’t have to file by due date. You can file late, and there won’t be any penalty.
The due date applies only to the people who “owe” meaning they might not have had enough deducted from their paycheck. If that happens that means your employer is using outdated software, or the software hasn’t been updated for the current year, which figures out those deductions.
If you are self-employed there is always enough room to play around with deductions that you will end up not paying more, that’s assuming you’ve been sending your taxes quarterly, so that your business should be getting some taxes back…
Ratkin Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Donate to charity.
boydpercy Premium Member almost 3 years ago
They’re cutting it close if they are filing their return!
mystieb123 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
HOTLOTUS1 almost 3 years ago
The new name for the baby could be Audette
DM2860 almost 3 years ago
Wouldn’t matter. The bay would have to have been born by December 31st to count as a tax deduction on this form. So you would have to give birth to a 4 and half month old baby.
ctolson almost 3 years ago
Although his bedroom may be messy and stinky, I don’t think it qualifies as a pigpen in the eyes of the IRS.
The Quiet One almost 3 years ago
Probably not.
Ryan B almost 3 years ago
Ahem, yes you CAN make another baby by midnight.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 3 years ago
Moving on up!!
kab2rb almost 3 years ago
Hubby and I take our taxes to tax accountants. One did not know what he was doing, another worked from home until retired, and one we have now after 50 years works at his home, and wondering when we will have to find another tax accountant. Hubby knows some on taxes me wife no nothing of taxes. We do not have Turbo taxes. IRS is behind yet want taxes paid on time.
1JennyJenkins almost 3 years ago
It’s good for a joke, but in real life, unless a person is a paper millionaire, I don’t understand this big deal about tax season.
For what it’s worth: if you know from the past returns that you are getting a refund, then the due date doesn’t apply to you. Same with breaking even, you don’t have to file by due date. You can file late, and there won’t be any penalty.
The due date applies only to the people who “owe” meaning they might not have had enough deducted from their paycheck. If that happens that means your employer is using outdated software, or the software hasn’t been updated for the current year, which figures out those deductions.
If you are self-employed there is always enough room to play around with deductions that you will end up not paying more, that’s assuming you’ve been sending your taxes quarterly, so that your business should be getting some taxes back…
The Orange Mailman almost 3 years ago
Dual status is the way to go.
QuietStorm27 almost 3 years ago
He could always make less money or give to the needy
Baucuva almost 3 years ago
I’ll bet where they’re living they’re not zoned for livestock.
BlueIris Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Hammie should count twice since he’s so much trouble! :)
ToneeRhianRose almost 3 years ago
Haha! XD
KageKat over 2 years ago
And this is why we go to an accountant – she knows what to look for on our return!