6\10. Why Kim? Like, call him a jerk, but Francis is right to at least reshoot, even replace Dee Dee. But seeing Kim’s attire shows she’s a diva too. Plus, she ain’t funny. I have no idea where this arc is going, but props to whoever predicted she’d be cut out and disappointed!
This would’ve been less likely to happen if Dee Dee didn’t sneak in that “amazing recovery”. Kim is definitely better for the role because of how low-key she can be
I can see where Francis went with this, I’ve seen my friends back in high school if someone isn’t going with the program for filing something, they’ll replace for someone who can be more…achievable. In this case, given Dee Dee’s all about being noticed to make it big in the future, her need to be noticed is ruining the shot. Now we all know Kim’s always chill, and we can all agree she gets annoying when she tries to claim she’s in a relationship with Nate. Kim’s role as a corpse will work a lot better, from an actor’s standpoint, since she’s got the most bland attitude in the whole strip.
Hilarious. The brutal Kim is indeed funny. In fact, she is probably the most consistently funny character in Big Nate, because she’s always ridiculous.
Well, as an “actress”, Dee Dee should know that this is what happens to those who can’t/won’t take direction. Life AND acting lesson, Dee Dee. Say thank you to Francis.
Visca barca 1 day ago
Why Kim that’s crazy
Spacehog 1 day ago
It sucks for Dee-Dee but she should not have gotten up
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 1 day ago
I hope this arc shows Kim doing it
BigNateFanForever1 1 day ago
6\10. Why Kim? Like, call him a jerk, but Francis is right to at least reshoot, even replace Dee Dee. But seeing Kim’s attire shows she’s a diva too. Plus, she ain’t funny. I have no idea where this arc is going, but props to whoever predicted she’d be cut out and disappointed!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 1 day ago
I bet Kim’s just gonna fall asleep or something, 6.5/10
ND Cool Z 1 day ago
This would’ve been less likely to happen if Dee Dee didn’t sneak in that “amazing recovery”. Kim is definitely better for the role because of how low-key she can be
doctorwho29 1 day ago
She does do this to herself
nate91 1 day ago
There’s a marvellous thing called ‘post-production’. An even better thing called ‘zooming in’.
BenGMan 1 day ago
Dee Dee kind of deserved it.
win.45mag 1 day ago
NIIIICCCE ! A dump truck wearing sunglasses !!
markkahler52 1 day ago
Kim’s livestock just went up a thousand points
★彡[ʀᴇᴅᴀᴄᴛᴇᴅ_ꜱɪʟʟʏ]彡★ 1 day ago
Oh my goodness it’s Kim.
Goat from PBS 1 day ago
I can’t argue, Kim has, like, three poses.
Wacky Dawg Premium Member 1 day ago
Kim is WAY less animated
Gabriel ( Back after like a 2 year ban ) 1 day ago
Back to back arcs with Kim? Cant we have somebody different, more interesting or unique? Kims a horrible char imo
Clarence 1 day ago
Well, Francis shouldn’t have chose someone who was begging
big nate follower 1 day ago
Nate was put back in the shadow realm, R.I.P
Mono_Matt_36 1 day ago
I can see where Francis went with this, I’ve seen my friends back in high school if someone isn’t going with the program for filing something, they’ll replace for someone who can be more…achievable. In this case, given Dee Dee’s all about being noticed to make it big in the future, her need to be noticed is ruining the shot. Now we all know Kim’s always chill, and we can all agree she gets annoying when she tries to claim she’s in a relationship with Nate. Kim’s role as a corpse will work a lot better, from an actor’s standpoint, since she’s got the most bland attitude in the whole strip.
Will_Scarlet 1 day ago
That’s show biz.
rockyridge1977 1 day ago
…..one of the extras!!!!!!
BiggerNate91 1 day ago
That doesn’t seem fair. Surely it wouldn’t have been so hard to do some editing over her eyes.
orbenjawell Premium Member 1 day ago
…..Kim could stay still…….that cinched the deal…….
Ropey Wee Yoofo 1 day ago
Hilarious. The brutal Kim is indeed funny. In fact, she is probably the most consistently funny character in Big Nate, because she’s always ridiculous.
sansdm 1 day ago
juicenolongeralive for sure
An unfortunate lesson.
Nikolas Trashlocke 1 day ago
This is a wild arc.
Brilliant_Birdie 1 day ago
I guess that’s just showbiz huh?
Happy Nate! 1 day ago
Bruh…Kim…Really? Really? Not a fan of this turn, but overall a funny arc.
Explorer Mantle 1 day ago
Of all people, it has to be Kim…
MrWolf Gamer 1 day ago
WOW replaced…who would have thought.
JDK 1 day ago
Guys let him be like he can do whatever he wants if he gets in trouble or not so you alright Amazon box?
GigaBytez(Formerly F. Butthurst) 1 day ago
Yo, indeed. it should have been Randy, then have Nate roast him. 4/10 kim get out
dogday Premium Member about 24 hours ago
Well, as an “actress”, Dee Dee should know that this is what happens to those who can’t/won’t take direction. Life AND acting lesson, Dee Dee. Say thank you to Francis.
ILoveHistory about 24 hours ago
Y’all know kevin?
Marvel phase 3 about 23 hours ago
Dang me personally I would never let Kim do that to you
Next strip Dee Dee’s revenge
Randall J. Harris Premium Member about 23 hours ago
She’s a regular That Girl!
Iowa about 23 hours ago
Wow…my prediction was actually right…
B@+m@n007 about 23 hours ago
Francis: You aren’t in itDee Dee: SO YOU HAVE CHOSEN DEATH
{}Hollow{}Knight{} about 22 hours ago
Kind of expected ngl
I hate the Packers so much about 21 hours ago
The bears are gonna win now that they got matt eberfluss Fired
kittycomiclover about 21 hours ago
Why does everyone in the comments talk about off topic stuff
primejuggernaut about 19 hours ago
Hello! How are all of you doing? I love this strip, I will give it a 7.5/10. Have a cheez doodly day!
Aladar30 Premium Member about 19 hours ago
Francis did well.
nate91 about 18 hours ago
I just love to see the comment section on a comic turn into something not about the comic!
rebaril about 18 hours ago
I love how much this community is so friendly and loves to share Big Nate interests.
Strawberry King about 17 hours ago