I wonder if IBM’s WATSON has that problem? Those Jeopardy winners are pretty smart. And I’m sure that WATSON has figured out that 9 out of 10 times only three boxes need be checked.
OMG, I HATE those things! Sometimes the pictures are too small, too close up, or so weird looking that you can’t always tell if it’s one of the correct choices or not. I was required to do one last night just to text someone on Craig’s List about an item they had listed. I had to pick out every picture that had a truck in it and obviously didn’t get all of them because I had to do it over again before they finally gave me access to the information I was looking for. It’s completely stupid! If they want me to correctly identify every picture that has a truck (boat, plane, train, motorcycle, etc.) in it then, for the love of all that’s holy, I wish they’d provide me with clear enough pictures so that I can actually DO it! ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
BE THIS GUY almost 4 years ago
The box in the bottom right has a little bit of a crosswalk in it.
danketaz Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Then I guess you don’t compute.
blunebottle almost 4 years ago
Of course not. Because it’s always asking you to prove you are human.
Strob almost 4 years ago
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog” (or cat).
Strob almost 4 years ago
“On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog” (or cat).
nosirrom almost 4 years ago
I wonder if IBM’s WATSON has that problem? Those Jeopardy winners are pretty smart. And I’m sure that WATSON has figured out that 9 out of 10 times only three boxes need be checked.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Chasing laser beams has ruined your eyesight!
The Reader Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Just select all the pictures that contain a mouse.
Doug K almost 4 years ago
Maybe it’s because the Cat is in denial – maybe he is a Robot.
davanden almost 4 years ago
Maybe you are a robot. Would you know?
Breadboard almost 4 years ago
Not just getting the pictures right but trying to push a key on a keyboard with a paw ;-)
danholt almost 4 years ago
I haven’t seen one of those in a while…
Kaputnik almost 4 years ago
I’m waiting for one of them to say: “Okay, you’re definitely a robot. Welcome, brother!”
jagedlo almost 4 years ago
Fascinated by the dog’s facial expression!
Nyckname almost 4 years ago
Then request the audio prompt.
well-i-never almost 4 years ago
That’s why it’s not CATCHA – to keep cats off the internet.
ChristineMurphy almost 4 years ago
Don’t we all have the problem some days?
proclusstudent almost 4 years ago
I’ve seen a cartoon with a scene of pine trees and you are required to find which boxes have Finnish snipers in them.
The answer is obvious, “All of them.”.
Gretchen's Mom almost 4 years ago
OMG, I HATE those things! Sometimes the pictures are too small, too close up, or so weird looking that you can’t always tell if it’s one of the correct choices or not. I was required to do one last night just to text someone on Craig’s List about an item they had listed. I had to pick out every picture that had a truck in it and obviously didn’t get all of them because I had to do it over again before they finally gave me access to the information I was looking for. It’s completely stupid! If they want me to correctly identify every picture that has a truck (boat, plane, train, motorcycle, etc.) in it then, for the love of all that’s holy, I wish they’d provide me with clear enough pictures so that I can actually DO it! ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat almost 4 years ago
Get the things left behind if you can’t get the things right.
Hey, there’s a dog leg left behind the cat!
willie_mctell almost 4 years ago
Poor cat.
sergioandrade Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Spellcheck kept changing my family name to Android so I constantly had to prove I wasnt a robot.
uniquename almost 4 years ago
You are CAT-agorically denied.
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
I hate the ones that say, “C’mon, misspell something.” :)
syzygy47 almost 4 years ago
What’s have you got against robots? Robophobic! Call the lawyers!
Daeder almost 4 years ago
…which should prove you’re not a robot.