The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 02, 2025
Riley: (Sigh) I'm hungry... I'm really hungry. Huey: Well, get something to eat, then. Riley: I don't feel like walking to the kitchen. You know, someone should start a delivery service where people come to your house and bring you stuff from different rooms when you don't feel like getting up. You could just call someone to get you some kool-aid from the fridge, or bring you the remote from across the room. I can't believe nobody's done this yet! Huey: I'm guessing it's because anyone lazy enough to think this is a good business idea probably lacks the requisite entrepreneurial drive to execute it. Riley: Yeah, well... I'm gonna work on it as soon as somebody gets me something to eat... Man, why'd they have to go and put the kitchen all the way in the next room?
PoodleGroomer 1 day ago
They’re out there. You have to pay for it. Find out how much it costs and ask Grandpa for the money.
batmanwithprep 1 day ago
Walmart sort of has a service like that.
bpscg 1 day ago
This strip was obviously written before DoorDash. Riley was obviously way ahead of his time.
Prey 1 day ago
Trust someone to deliver your food to your door, someone you have never met and probably won´t meet again, no sirree, do not like the odds!
Ellis97 1 day ago
Riley is probably too lazy to even blink.
TexTech 1 day ago
Well, there is lazy and then there is Riley who is at a whole ’nother level of lazy.
William Bludworth Premium Member 1 day ago
So none of you have never had a relative or friend, while you were both watching a good TV show or movie, say “Go take a leak for me.” ?
namelocdet 1 day ago
In 20 years, we’ll be saying, “Remember when we were dumb enough to pay people to pick up our overpriced food, bring it to us, and then were forced to tip them or else we’d never get it”?
Khatkhattu Premium Member 1 day ago
Well Riley, perhaps you should check with Earl in today’s Pickles or Lio in his offering today. (Both on GoComics.)
Omniman 1 day ago
My dad just used to call me.
David Rickard Premium Member about 24 hours ago
There are already people who do that. They’re called “butlers”. I’m surprised Riley has never seen one in a rap video/lifestyle show.