Total annihilation seems like very stressful work — he sooo deserves to pamper himself with a weekly DIY spa day. Besides, studies show it boosts lethal efficiency! And wearing that armor all day? Add some talc-free powder, too, while you’re at it honey…
Just your friendly reminder from one of your favorite cartoonists that Valentine’s Day is next Sunday so if you haven’t bought her anything yet, DO IT NOW!!!
Bilan almost 4 years ago
I don’t think you’re going to get free delivery to the Death Star from Amazon. Maybe you should try Space X.
LookingGlass Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Wait until the news spreads around the Death Star about his “proclivities!!”
Radish... almost 4 years ago
Beam it up.
artsyguy65 almost 4 years ago
Total annihilation seems like very stressful work — he sooo deserves to pamper himself with a weekly DIY spa day. Besides, studies show it boosts lethal efficiency! And wearing that armor all day? Add some talc-free powder, too, while you’re at it honey…
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 4 years ago
And he’s ordering it on The Notebook.
Sanspareil almost 4 years ago
That storm trooper will soon be spaced and breathing hard vacuum!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 4 years ago
Russian hackers or Cliff??
cdward almost 4 years ago
And is that a scented candle in your cart?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’s only a partial view…
But from what I can see… “he’s” got much narrower shoulders than the trooper, and a less scary face…
Plus more lavenderish coloration, some curvature to the midsection, and what MIGHT be earrings.
I’m no bot zoologist, but I’d say, considering all that, plus the items in the shopping cart,
there’s a fair chance we’re looking at a FEMALE of the species.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Don’t forget the lavender patchouli blend.
Michael G. almost 4 years ago
You’d think there’d be “Brasso” in the cart as well.
gantech almost 4 years ago
MikeM_inMD almost 4 years ago
He should have used the “Buy Now” button.
ChessPirate almost 4 years ago
“I see you’re ordering from ‘Amazon’.”
“Not that Amazon, the warrior one, for… Warriors!”
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
And – the photon torpedoes have free shipping! They just launch them from the warehouse in your general direction…
Buckeye67 almost 4 years ago
That storm trooper better keep his mouth shut or Dirk is going to have him counting rocks on Pluto.
Andrew Bosch Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’s now the R. U. SiriusXM rather than the R. U. Sirius! There were some corporate changes.
S.Curtis almost 4 years ago
Just like my cart at Amazon…
geese28 almost 4 years ago
It’s gonna be aloooong 6-8 week wait, dirk
Ermine Notyours almost 4 years ago
If your coworker says you need to buy soap, buy it!
smartman almost 4 years ago
Just your friendly reminder from one of your favorite cartoonists that Valentine’s Day is next Sunday so if you haven’t bought her anything yet, DO IT NOW!!!
bakana almost 4 years ago
Wait until they find out the Red Nightie he ordered was in His Size.
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
Is it wrong to want to smell Spring fresh?