Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 08, 2010
Ned: Can I get input from the guys at the bar on this one? Woman: Uh...sure. Ned: Multiple choice, guys...wainscoting is: A. A style of body painting at mardi gras. B: The second baseman for the 1953 Red Sox. C. A type of paneling. Voices: A.No, B! A. B. A, baby! B! Ned: The consensus is, "C". Woman: I'll give you that one for using sound deductive reasoning.
WoodEye about 15 years ago
Anything they say has to be wrong.
TlalocW about 15 years ago
I knew what wainscoting is thanks to the Monty Python skit about Killer Sheep.
ejcapulet about 15 years ago
Wow - he’s clever!
pouncingtiger about 15 years ago
(Response to TlalocW) “Ow! One’s got a gun!”
brewwitch about 15 years ago
This touches on a deep philosophical question:
If a man has an opinion in a forest, with no woman there to correct him, is he still wrong?
poppy1313 about 15 years ago
Wainscoting was used a lot in Kitchens and dinning rooms in the 1940s.
Paneling up from the floor about 3 feet or so with a big molding at the top. Same height as the top of the kitchen chairs to keep them from marking up the wall.
Who says reading the funny’s is a waste of time?
kreole about 15 years ago
She’s Audrey, Hank William’s wife.
AKHenderson Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’d like to see the guys who answered “A” explain the etymology…is the wain the part of the body that gets coated, or is it what it gets coated with?
ArtyG about 15 years ago
That’s right poppy you buy 4X8 sheets of it and cut it to three 32” pieces then top it with rabbited chair rail molding. Makes a cheap house look custom for very little money if you do it yourself.
aardvarkseyes about 15 years ago
Wayne Scotting - was he not a third baseman for the Mets in the 1940s?
DolphinGirl78 about 15 years ago
I think alot of us still need to be on vacation… :D
FresnoDude about 15 years ago
This is a question a guy is likely to miss by his psychology, body painting would be about female physical attraction and of course sports is a guy thing while wainscoting is home decoration which is a female thing. Joe was warned that this is a Kobayashi Maru question so he is going to have to be creative in answering it.
ben_david about 15 years ago
Yeah, it’s a guy thing.
lewisbower about 15 years ago
Wainscoting—The apron he will soon be wearing if he doesn’t RUN!
geezer1 about 15 years ago
ArtyG, wainscoting is not the same as beadboard. Beadboard can be used for wainscoting, but other woods are more traditional.
Plods with ...™ about 15 years ago
Yes we are
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
I didn’t have a clue I like Joe’s process of elimination.
spok27 about 15 years ago
geezer1: while your description of wainscoting is correct, the beaded paneling is what most people use out here. It’s become a generic term, like band-aid or kleenex. Beadboard, out here, anyway is another term for white styrofoam sheeting. In any case wainscoting looks wonderful if done properly, and is currently driving me nuts after seeing an episode of Trading Spaces. My wife still insists it would look great in our basement. Sigh
grinstoya about 15 years ago
I don’t know about you guys… but Joe’s ability to think, deduce and answer like a woman is beginning to scare me. But then again he does live with Danae and Kate.
And I could have sworn that Wainscoting hit .289 in the summer of 74.
Potrzebie about 15 years ago
aren’t all of those used to hide joint tape and gaps in the plaster?
fredbuhl about 15 years ago
Maybe he could use it to plaster her inside a wall somewhere and take an extended vacation.
briankblough about 15 years ago
poppy1313- and therefore, you also defined “chair rail”
CliffG.I.Woes about 15 years ago
Dump her and get on to somethig more creative.
rdclark53217 about 15 years ago
I still harbor a sneaking suspicion that Victoria is Brenda with a new look that she adopted so that Joe doesn’t see her as his childhood bud…
But then, I’ve read WAAAY too many Shakespeare comedies.
wicky about 15 years ago
“she” will “give” him points, she needs to rinse out that overinflated ego of hers and go find someone in san francisco, thas what.
rmbdot about 15 years ago
“Wayne Scotting - was he not a third baseman for the Mets in the 1940s?”
Mets didn’t exist then.
I found a Wayne Scott Rosenthal who was a relief pitcher for the Rangers in the early 90s. Also, a Scott Wayne Feldmen who has pitched for the Rangers since ‘05 (deemed by at least one group of supporters to be “The greatest Hawaiian-born Jewish baseball player to ever set foot on the mound.”)
Droptma Styx about 15 years ago
wainscoting … what a strange, strange word … waaaainscoting …
treered about 15 years ago
Scott Wayne Feldmen, SWF? conspiracy? also, is it ok to say that Joe “connected the dots” (or lack there of)?
artybee about 15 years ago
That’s as far as I every got in “the theatre” – painting baseboards and rocks on walls. Didn’t have much talent for that, either.
Fables about 15 years ago
Is that Richard Nixon in the suit at the counter?
COGNIZANT about 15 years ago
I’ve been out of touch with this strip for awhile, but it sure looks like Richard Nixon.
Redkaycei about 15 years ago
I wonder how many times people will have to explain that Joe’s brother looks a lot like Nixon?…lol
Spyderred about 15 years ago
What I’m waiting for is Joe’s questionnaire to her.
Bany39 about 15 years ago
answer to brewwitch————-of course
dsom8 about 15 years ago
I’d like to know how knowledgeable Victoria is about body-painting and the ‘53 Red Sox. She may not be all that bad!
reynard61 about 15 years ago
Wayne’s Coating: A local brand of paint?
ottod Premium Member about 15 years ago
”,,,standard rules of English…”
Dmajor about 15 years ago
Run, you dumb bunny! Run like the wind! Flee!
James Lindley Premium Member about 15 years ago
At least he was smart enough to know that none of the guys at the bar would know the answer.
NightOwl19 about 15 years ago
Would Brenda have taken points for the Star Trek reference? (I certainly wouldn’t have…. I think I would have taken points away if he DIDN’T get the reference….)
thirdguy about 15 years ago
I had no idea there were so many geeks, getting so high, and still reading this strip. Oh, and if anyone of you had ever watched “This Old House” you would know what “Wainscotting” is,
Jiblet_VT about 15 years ago
Wainscot derives from the 1300’s (The Middle Ages) . It was originally not an over application, but an instead of application. Wood board paneling would be cheaper than plastering, which was labor intensive, used 3/4 of the amount of wood anyway and horsehair to hold the plaster together. Now we use relatively cheap gypsum board and dress it up with thin veneers instead of real boards to simulate what people used to do out of low tech necessity.
Here’s a definition from
Main Entry: 1wain·scot Pronunciation: \ˈwān-skət, -ˌskōt, -ˌskät\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch wagenschot, probably from wagen wagon + schot shot, crossbar Date: 14th century
1 British : a fine grade of oak imported for woodwork 2 a (1) : a usually paneled wooden lining of an interior wall (2) : a lining of an interior wall irrespective of material b : the lower three or four feet (about one meter) of an interior wall when finished differently from the remainder of the wall