Endtown by Aaron Neathery for October 09, 2012

  1. Dscn3933
    tarzina3  over 12 years ago

    and she has her tail back!

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  2. Rock house 03b
    RockHouse  over 12 years ago

    Guess who has her tail back.

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    unidyne  over 12 years ago

    A blessing or a curse?

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  4. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago

    This scene would not hold the absolutely stunning amount of power that it does if the story of Endtown had not taken us all through the wasteland of tension, grief and despair that it has. Now is an all-too-rare moment of healing – and given that it is here, it’s beautiful.

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  5. Rori poster
    SapphireDragonStudios  over 12 years ago

    Flask is not only healed, but her tail is back!

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  6. Idano
    Ida No  over 12 years ago

    “I’d say Touched by an Angel and Doctor Who had a love child, and Marx is it
”Put a cigar in his mouth and paint on a black mustache and you’d be closer to the truth.

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  7. Idano
    Ida No  over 12 years ago

    “And when your body dies, all those thoughts that make you you go back into the big bin
”So, Flask wasn’t a mass murderer after all, and not even a coldblooded killer. She’s just guilty of unscheduled recycling. Maybe if she’d called ahead for personalized pick-up services everything would have worked out all right

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  8. Lh 50
    Level_Head  over 12 years ago

    So Flask will now give up wholesale slaughterDue to Marx’s retail therapy?Well, therein lies the tail, and it oughttaBe long gone — one tail short — but there it be!There is something about Marx’s words that occurTo me as a conflict (but such is AM)If he’s removed part of what makes her herDid he now absorb it? Is AM still him?Apparently this being takes it all inDestruction and hatred and things that explodeAbsorbing it all with maniacal grinBut this process changed him more than that missile showedHe has worked a small miracle (not counting death)Removing bad thoughts like a book from a shelfSo she’s alive, and we’ll take a deep breathBut wonder: Could she have done this for herself?=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books

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    Superfrog  over 12 years ago

    There’s a touch of “the Green Mile” here.

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  10. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 12 years ago

Flask is healed because Marx has removed the bad experiences that would spread like a cancer, etc. Does that mean that she won’t remember those events that pushed her over the edge? She was unhinged when she removed her tail. That experience is gone
so her tail is back. If her tail remained gone, then would the reason it was gone still be in her head? How far back would one have to go to change what Flask had become? She was a Topsider after all. Just living with them could bend someone’s psyche. On the other hand, falling in love gave Flask back some humanity. So she has not reverted back to human possibly because the reason that she mutated was a positive one (Flask was in love). And
is Flask still dead? Will she still be moving on, but intact instead of moving back into the pool of life energy? Another late night pending as I wait for answers.

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  11. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I guess she was fading because the bad thoughts were breaking her apart, and when Marx face-sucked them into himself, they were eroding him until he purged them.

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  12. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  over 12 years ago

    pulled together by empathic purging

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    mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago

    It will be interesting to see what happens next.

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    a.c.zoffuto  over 12 years ago

    She got her tail back!

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    Arcaton  over 12 years ago

    Is our lad licensed to re-tail spirits?

    Seriously – this is a lovely piece of writing, but is Flask going to return to the Endtown universe or the big bin?

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    See you can get anything and everything at Wal Marx.Pun intentedAs to the strip.For once I am speechless.What a ride!I do remember something being said around human history.Something like what once was broken now shall be made whole. The body and soul reincarnated as one. These just may have been things I picked up over life.And TSOJHope is not a cancer. It is an ideal. You just have to keep the focus correct. She was using Hope for all the wrong reasons. That is why her path in life was so rocky.She will return to Endtown. She has been through the Big Bin thoughts untangled, cancers removed, cleaned up, reassembled, and sent back. I remember one of the posters saying about him being a Buddhist and could this be reincarnation.I think he was on to something.Just where is she going to re-enter the fray?Has time been standing still there in crossroads and moving elsewhere or has all stopped waiting for the outcome with moist anticipation.Tomorrow is Wednesday.The story comes!(Apologies to Rango. Love that movie. If you did not notice the badge given to him by the Mayor is the same design given to the first Texas Rangers. I was especially moved when he returned and picked it up. He too went on a journey to the other side of the road. Remember the Spirit of the West said it is what you do that matters. " I cant go back." “I dont think you have a choice, son. No one can walk out of their own story.” Then went on to face the challenge. :-)Flask cannot walk out the story.

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    Storm F-1/4  over 12 years ago

    I knew it!! Sorry, I am so seldom right!

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    To TSOJRead your comments from yesterday about parks and Shin ChanRemember the Shin Chan Man oath“To be a man you must have honor, honor and a p

”Remember the oath. Stay true to the oath.I heard Funimation here in the US had fits making the English language translations finally just giving up and using the Japanese translated into English forgetting the context. The did change some of the people to make the jokes more US oriented. Used Simpson sisters, GWB and others. My favorite episode.The kids were being terrorized by chickens in the playground after tossing stones into some bushes. Their imagination they were being attacked by Velociraptors.The teacher responded Her words.“It is better to choke your chicken than to toss your rocks off into a bush.” That was the way the Japanese was written so Funimation just ran with it.Think about it. It will sink in or just become a stain on the side of the sink.I think I am going to sit back and enjoy my frappachino.Phonetic speller.

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Been enjoy the discussions about deep earth, geologic pressures, real science stuff. Heat dispensation, heat sinks, how about the septic issues, everyone poops. What about the methane build up? Not to mention the CO2 build up, O2 depletion, water vapor buildup due to pressures, close location to the earth core and not to mention PLATE TECTONICS.Frankly who cares!!!!!!I have a degree in Geology. Been in deep mines, under ground stuff. Don’t like under ground, creepy when the lights go out. Talk about true dark. Can’t get any darker.Endtown was obviously a pre-constructed place prior to all the WWIII and virus. A pre-planned area for the end of the world.Plans like this were laid out in the 50s, 60s to give hope to surviving the nuclear war and fall out.Plans were to hold a lottery for everyone else. A select few were pre-chosen to go first as they were necessary for survival. You know famous people, politicians, lawyers, all their entourage. The rest of us were relegated to a lottery.It was discussed but never put into usage.MAD is what saved us all.Mutually Assured Distruction. MADEach government helds its population hostage basically saying if you strike first look at all the innocent people you will kill. That works with superpowers. It maintains control. It worked as we are all still here.But now. There are those out there that do not care about MAD. They don’t care. It is a bomb. Can destroy alot. Innocents. They are the enemy and deserve to die.That is why I am a bit more fearful now then I was back then. It only takes one mad man to trigger it. See the news today. A man is going to freefall jump from 26 miles up.N. Korea announced they have missiles that can hit the US. If they can hit us? Japan, Phillipines, China, Russia all need to worry. And anyone else because as we know N. Korea is not afraid to sell their stuff to anyone who wants and can but it. Probably a nuke too if you can afford it.

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  20. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    One great story, Flask has always been my favorite. Keep up the great work Aaron.

    PS I thought the comments were supposed to be about the strip??

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  21. Rori poster
    SapphireDragonStudios  over 12 years ago

    If Marx removed her memories or negative feelings himself, it would defeat the purpose of her reliving her whole experience to begin with. The cancer he removed, I think, was first crushing the hope that kept her bound to Petey by having her discover that on her own (he never said anything for or against Petey, he let her ask and answer her own question), and then helping her purge all the negative tension, anger and despair she had built up all this time. I think it’s kind of like being really angry about something and not being able to express it – it becomes internalized and a ‘cancer’ that poisons all of the emotions. Once it’s expressed (especially in a place like this, where it’s about as much emotional support as Flask has probably ever had, anywhere), and the hope for Petey’s affection has been crushed, Flask can now redirect her focus on a new life.

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  22. Dile
    Paul Gabbard Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Her twitchy tail is back and the rats can keep saluting

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    Darwinskeeper  over 12 years ago

    The big question is who will Flask be now that Marx has helped her exorcise her demons? It seems like a lot of the Flask that we know and love/hate is defined by the psychosis stemming from her desire to avenge herself and Petey and the frustration of being madly in love with someone who doesn’t remember her. Who will she be now and what will she be like?

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    Darwinskeeper  over 12 years ago

    The big problem the new Philomena Flask will have if she returns to Endtown is that everyone will be reacting to her as if she were still the old Flask. In her misery she has given lots of people reason to hate/fear/distrust her. Will she be able to earn people’s trust? Will she even try? It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.

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  25. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 12 years ago

    yesterday strip was such a surprise, I was totally unprepared for that and this too. I like that she got her tail back. Cat’s tails are so expressive.

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    To Wabbit.You are sooooooo right. That is my mantra.Do what good I can. Rule one Don’t Sweat the Small StuffRule Two It’s all Small StuffHold yours you love and care for everyday as if it is the last day. Remember to be kind when you can. Protect fiercely those needing protection. Never spurn a kindness. Be happy and healthy. (Eat those beans HA)To Night-Gaunt49Buddhist?Reads like it. So very true.Myself. No particular following.Just believe it has got to be better if I work at making it better.I may not receive rewards but maybe allowed to rest after doing a good job.The journey continues. Death is but another beginning not just an end.Don’t know the whole story but ride is fun.The coined these new phrasesLIVE, LAUGH, LOVEGood words.

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And on the strip.AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!This is driving me nuts.It is like watching a play.Act 1 Scene 1John and MarshaJohn.Marsha.JOHN!MARSHA!Announcer “Be sure to come back tomorrow to see what happens.”I know I know It is the limits of the strip.But AAAAAHHHHHH!Must stay tuned. Nearly got up at Midnight just to log on.

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    To Joe with the long nameIt is about the strip.If this is your first time here go back and I mean wayyyyy back.This has been going on for some time.Last Friday posts were over 100.It is an area of expression.Three Steps Over Japan and I Veteran will trade jabs back and forth. He does jab everyone so be prepared. SapphireDragonStudios is the great mediator to keep us all on the level.Join us. This story will tug at parts of you with pangs. Up and down it has gone. Whew! What a ride.Oh and check out and purchase his books at Amazon Vol 1 and 2. It is about two different characters but is just the continuing story of Endtown.This one will probably be Vol 3 sometime.And do go to the Auction site. One of a kind stuff there. Artists need love too. (AND MONEY)

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  29. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I think what Marx means is that by giving Flask the chance to tell her story to someone and realise how futile her quest for revenge had been, how killing would never bring back her lost love, how remaining all screwed up with hate made her blind to the meaning of being alive, and how her actions had been understandable but wicked nonetheless, that’s the way he cured her. He never said he removed any memories. What he did was defuse her pent-up cold fury that was service no purpose being there. He did that by talking her through it. It’s easier to make a clear-headed confession when you’re at the threshold of your life and are looking back at a story that is effectively over. It’s also very important for the counsellor to hold therapeutic power – in other words, he has to be someone whom the subject respects enough to listen to and acknowledge. This wouldn’t have happened on the ship, but it’s the right time for it to happen now.Flask was allowed to come to her own conclusion about herself. That’s what made it a powerful transformation.And, elegantly, Marx told her she can’t just slip out of her sentence unpunished. With gentleness, he said she has a lifetime of restitution in front of her. She has to start doing good. You can’t argue with a being who rules the dimensions.I don’t know if Flask will return to Endtown, and frankly it’s not important to the story if she doesn’t. Marx may send her into another dimension to start a new life. Whatever happens, she will take her personal journey with her.Even I didn’t anticipate just how brilliant the writing of Mr Neathery would become. This stuff is stellar.Spread the word, everyone.

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    To Sapphire.You had me at cookies. Yummmm.To Jenner.Endtown is her salvation. Another dimension won’t solve her problem. It is just a different place.She has to return and as they say “Face the Music”It would be like insulting everyone you know in your hometown then moving 3000 miles away to continue your life.And your conscious bothers you.What do you do?After all I still can’t wait to see when Wally and her meet up. Man that would be a hoot to see. I am like you however with no clue as to what happens next. But I am an eternal optimist. Even when confronted with the facts I am still the optimist even if wrong. I just grab onto the thing to be an optimist about.HEY EVERYONE SAPPHIRE HAS COOKIES!!!!!

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    Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And Jenner.Shame on you

.. RETAILER.You made me nearly toss milk out my nose.GUFFAW!!!!!!! Now giggling helplessly on the floor.

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  32. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago

    I agree with Veteran. She has to go back. She will have to give the town a chance to re-evaluate her. It is also easier in some ways than moving on as there will be someone to remind her when she starts to goof-up instead of making an error and going down the wrong path again before it’s obvious even to her. A big part of therapy is getting the person to be aware of when they make the mistake immediately instead of being unaware until it’s too late. Okay, that comes from experience.If after a while, she’s still rejected, then it would be time to move on. I’m going to guess that her first friend (in time) will be Holly.

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    spamster  over 12 years ago

    And what is this doing to Marx?

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  34. Idano
    Ida No  over 12 years ago

    “The only one she’d have to try and make amends to, if she truly cared to do so, would be Wally and Holly.”Oops, don’t know how I could have overlooked them (actually, I only had a couple minutes to type up the reply before being forced to turn my computer off, so I was in a rush). I think Flask could make amends with Holly relatively quickly (within a few weeks). Wally is actually a bigot at heart, and is more likely to forgive Linda for being a Topsider (and trying to debrain him and Holly) than he is Flask for having hidden her Topsider past from him. Wally, for all his superficial open-mindedness and distancing from others seems to be the kind to really hold a grudge. I doubt he’d ever really forgive her no matter what she did from this point on.

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    mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago

    @TSOJI didn’t mean to die as going somewhere else for Flask. I was refering to the other “towns” wherever they may be. The other “towns” being the locations on Mallard’s phone. I doubt they’re radiotelephones, so buried landlines (forgotten by the TSer’s) would be the most likely kind of communications available. That would mean they are in an accessable, if remote distance. Also, I just remembered Al with his compatriot looting a town in another town’s “territory”.Well, I unfortuantely have to hit the hay just a couple of hours before tomorrows installment. Type at all you later, and thanks for your input.

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    guillegr123  over 12 years ago

    I thought I never going to say this, but I’m happy it’s still not friday!

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