Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 28, 2012
Lucy: What are you working on? Danae: A history report on the runny-sauce era, which I think began when spaghetti and pizza were discovered. Lucy: OH... so what's your report about. Danae: A great artist and scientist, Leonardo DiCaprio! He painted the Mona Lisa and invented the helicopter, but he couldn't make a living doing that so he became a movie star. Lucy: Um... that doesn't sound right... Danae: Oh. Let me clarify it for you... Leonardo DiCaprio was a leading man in the runny-sauce era!! Lucy: I keep forgetting that being loud equals being right in human society. Danae: That reminds me... it's an oral report, so I should bring my bullhorn tomorrow.
Randy B Premium Member over 12 years ago
Distribute it as a talking point, and get several others to echo your loud statement, and you’ll have something.It’s not truth, but it will be “truthy”.
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
Well, she has debate technique for when you have nothing to say.
rayannina over 12 years ago
I’m just glad I’m not her teacher …
Rational Anarchist over 12 years ago
From “The Lockhorns” a while ago: “Leroy believes that volume trumps reason.”
Arbitrary over 12 years ago
It’s sad when the soft spoken and articulate are said to lose when they refuse to raise their voice because it’s “childish”. Sometimes getting childish is the only way to convince people.
Let’s not forget the other option though: when dominated by facts, deny everything with nothing and insult the other party!
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
that is true for fox news. being loud is being right on that channel. for example, in 2011, they showed a tea party rally in wisconsin, saying that it was rally in wisconsin. big mistake was that the footage was from california, because of the palm trees lining the streets.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Her brain must be full of that there runny sauce.
Varnes over 12 years ago
In this case the Bull horn would be the appropriate name…
But has there ever, ever been a better rendering of sheets of paper fluttering down to the floor? Answer: NO! I can almost feel them coast on the air…..The ones by the bed post are my favorite…Those things above Lucy’s head are a lot of fun, too….
cabalonrye over 12 years ago
I am torn between two impulses:- I really, really, really, do not want to be her teacher- I would love to watch her give her report
philyfanstukinmi over 12 years ago
It must be true, she read it on the internet!
Can't Sleep over 12 years ago
Lucy’s three-quarters right —Repeating the BS over and over is the other 25% (Considering the quantity of political commercials, we should all agree on this one!)
roctor over 12 years ago
Wiley, thanks for defining BULLhorn.
gorbag over 12 years ago
@Ominus: Really? Your comment seems to prove otherwise.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
Chris Matthews?
sarah413 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Keith Olberman as well. Neither side of the “news” media (visual or print) can claim the high moral ground.
StCleve72 over 12 years ago
Yes Masterskrain, you see that and a lot of others do but many don’t. The problem is the plutocrats, the people who own this country are organized and well financed and the more evolved people aren’t. It’s called organized religion and they’ve formed an alliance with the amoral major corporations to advance their mutual agenda of mind control and repression of social progress and the end purpose is: POWER! Did you see the recent poll that showed that 46% of allegedly grown up Americans believe that humans were put here in their current form 10,000 years ago? In other words, they believe that the Flintstones is a documentary, and are living in a fantasy world based on the myths and fairy tales of illiterate bronze age people. These people were indoctrinated to believe as helpless little children that there’s an old man with a white beard who watches every move they make and hears every thought in their heads and if they think the wrong things they will burn in hell and torment forever, (but he loves them). Thus they remain in a childlike state for their whole lives and are easily manipulated and thus vote for people like W/Cheyney and send in their money to huckster TV evangelists and don’t care that a candidate believes his underwear is magical. The big question for the more evolved people of the planet who are watching their freedoms and clean air disappear in a world where democracy is being taken over by the Corporate State is: how do we organize and change the consciousness of those people for whom science, reason, and critical thinking skills have been demonized and superstition, fantasy, and mythology exalted? What’s your take on this? (It’s not impossible. Women got the right to vote by organizing, blacks won important civil rights gains by organizing, laborers won rights to earn a living wage and not work in dangerous conditions by organizing. The plutocrats are trying to reverse all this so we either stand by and let it happen or organize and fight back. The Occupy movement has failed so far because of lack of organization so we must and can do better).
YatInExile over 12 years ago
Bullhorn? See if Uncle Mort @ Rudy Park will lend you his.
TexTech over 12 years ago
Lucy should know better than to disagree with Danae. It is the old adage: Do not fight with fools. They will only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
prrdh over 12 years ago
Being loud is also the preferred way of translating English into foreign languages.
Ernest Lemmingway over 12 years ago
Which is why I follow the George Carlin philosophy on voting: only those who didn’t vote get to complain. We saw the aces were really jokers before they got into office and the people who did vote them in have no right to complain. That, and I’m not allowed to vote according to a postal clerk who says anyone who’s “mentally handicapped” (I have Asperger’s) isn’t allowed to vote. I dunno, I’m too apathetic to verify the facts for myself. Like 99.9999% of American voters.
dabugger over 12 years ago
the proper word is not ‘bull horn’; but that’s OK….fantasy lives and Danae knows best!
jimguess over 12 years ago
She sounds like a DemoTAXocrat running for office … “Damn the FACTS! Full speed astern!”
orz over 12 years ago
Now this is accurate satire.
firedome over 12 years ago
wonder how danae would do at a runny sauce faire…
AlanDF over 12 years ago
Unfortunately, this seems to reflect today’s reality. And, when confronted with facts, claim the source is biased and simply loudly dismiss them.
Fan o’ Lio. over 12 years ago
How to win a debate:Tell your opponent to SHUT UP! and call him a PINHEAD.Sound familiar?
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Wow, someone else reads history. politically we’re still in the not so hot sauce era.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Well, bill maher has to retire some time. The kid could step right in.
reynard61 over 12 years ago
Gonna use the ol’ Royal Canterlot Voice on ’em, eh, Danae?
bmonk over 12 years ago
Hmmm. Tomatoes are a New World plant, so I wonder what the Italians used in their runny sauces before 1492?
neeeurothrush over 12 years ago
sounds like a lovely portrait of the artist …
Kim0158 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Interesting that so many of you think the conservatives are the loud ones. As I recall the past number of years, it’s been the Demorats (spelling intended) in Congress who have talked down any solutions to our country’s problems; it was Grinnin’ Joe Biden who thought he could win a debate by talking over Congressman Ryan; it was a CNN reporter who talked down Gov. Romney. Etc. and et al.
EDinWAState over 12 years ago
Alexikakos said, 1 day ago“She knows so much about so little that soon she’ll know everything about nothing.”
Sadly, Wiley has exposed the truth of the Tea Party