FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 20, 2013
Peter: Guys, the odds of correctly guessing when Google maps is taking their satellite photos are like a billion to one. Jason: Don't listen to my brother. He's bad at math. Marcus: When you have a minute, Marcustown national park could use your volcano drawing expertise.
Templo S.U.D. about 12 years ago
Reminds me of Otisburg on Lex’s Luthor-themed map in the first Reeve/Hackman “Superman” film.
Destiny23 about 12 years ago
Maybe they never noticed, but those pictures are taken in the summer…
Bittermelon of Truth about 12 years ago
Jason would be better off waiting for the Google Street View van to show up!
Wren Fahel about 12 years ago
A recent episode of “Victorious” covered this recently. One character ended up looking like she was picking her nose (“I was SCRATCHING!!!”) and when she tried to remedy the situation (long story; it’s a kids’ show so reality is not in play) she ended up in a worse picture!
kup67 about 12 years ago
@Destiny23, not all those pics are taken in summer. it depends on whom Google buys the pics from, they get them from multiple sources. sometimes the best suburban pics are taken in the winter, otherwise streets are obscured by foliage on the trees.
poping149 about 12 years ago
Haha! That’s the kind of thing I would do!
garfield246 about 12 years ago
If Jason had any brains, he’d know that there is no snow in the streets on the photos.
stinky_harriet about 12 years ago
I Googled my job address once and I could clearly see two of my co-workers walking around the corner heading to work.
iminmaine about 12 years ago
In my area they are taken in the fall.
Chris Kenworthy about 12 years ago
I remember looking at the Google satellite view of my neighborhood, and you could clearly see a city bus turning at the main intersection.
The weird thing is, city buses almost never turn at that intersection. There are three bus routes, but they all go straight through, north-south or east-west. There must have been a detour that day.
Biltil Premium Member about 12 years ago
@Chris KenworthyGoogle also buys maps from an alternate universe :)
Sylvannis about 12 years ago
Knowing Jason and Marcus, they most likely do.
Ermine Notyours about 12 years ago
For the image used a few years ago, they took my home satellite picture the week when a friend parked his car in my home parking space and we drove so San Francisco in my car. I still have yet to see my own car in a satellite image.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Even the calendar is named for Jason. J uly, A august, S eptember, O ctober, N ovember
Ernest Lemmingway about 12 years ago
Actually, Peter’s right. The numerous factors that make or break a satellite photo (orbital position, weather, atmosphere, I could go on) are why so many Google satellite photos are several years old. It’s only when absolutely everything goes right that they can use photos taken. The odds aren’t quite a billion to one but certainly several million to one.
tom.amitai about 12 years ago
How did Jason get to that spot without leaving tracks?
Waddling Eagle about 12 years ago
Perhaps Jason Googled satellite tracking and found out when mapping satellites would be over his neighborhood.
falcon_370f about 12 years ago
They also screen their map pictures against things like this.
Doctor11 about 12 years ago
When Google took a picture of my neighborhood, it was when my dad was a truck driver and his truck was parked in front of our house at the time.
gutodiascomics about 12 years ago
water_moon about 12 years ago
Ours changed basied on the zoom level, if you were way far out it was Spring (green grass) if you zoomed in most of the way it was winter (snow) and if you went into house veiwing level it was late summer/fall (dry grass but leaves on trees)
hobbes_the_homicidal_jungle_cat almost 12 years ago
i just checked google maps it says im living in north jasonville!