Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 16, 2013
Rick: And the GOP congressional caucus convenes its annual retreat in Williamsburg. I'm guessing Boehner is about to find out just how hard it will be to restore unity... after the tumultuous fiscal cliff bout. Man: You're dead to us, suntan! Hear me? Dead! Man 2: Any other opening remarks?
Linguist about 12 years ago
Speaker Suntan thought he had problems with the last bunch, just wait until this crew of lunatics gets rolling !
Basqueian about 12 years ago
Is that Paul next to him?
Linguist about 12 years ago
GOP = Gouge Old People !
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
he is also dead to many in the northeast after delaying a vote for sandy relief.
cdward about 12 years ago
I’m sure rightisright has and will post dumber. But it’s kind of all the same from him. Too bad we can’t tax like Eisenhower.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Great strip today GT!
pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago
The Tea Party is in favor of limited government, reduced taxation, and adherence to the Constitution, so naturally to a leftist that makes the Tea Party crazy.
Beleck3 about 12 years ago
amazing how ignorant these Republicans are, but after all these years of being sold a bill of goods, reality is such a harsh concept. they simply have no clue. watching them rant and rave, i think of 4 year olds, complaining to mommy, stomping their feet and yelling. as i’ve heard it so well descrbed, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
when they get their own “cuts” we’ll see how quickly they shut up in stunned silence. once the Koch brothers get what they want, it’s goodbye. the Tea Party/Republican Base will see how thoroughly they have been used. such easy marks!
wdgnas about 12 years ago
any republicans piling on any of that pork?
Rainfoot about 12 years ago
As a native of ohio I apologize for Crybaby Suntan. I would much rather deal with Kusiniches krazyness.
puddleglum1066 about 12 years ago
Every president since (at least) Reagan has been trying to undo Social Security. Reagan pulled off the “Trust Fund” scam, under which baby boomers paid more into SS, which was then cycled through “investment” in US treasury bonds (another name for “government debt”) and ultimately used to finance tax breaks for the wealthy. Clinton was moving toward partial privatization (handing the “trust fund” over to Wall Street) when l’affaire Lewinski distracted him. Dubya openly proposed privatizing SS. And now, even though the program is entirely self-funding and able to meet its obligations, Obama’s talking stealth cuts (the “chained CPI” scam, raising the retirement age, etc).
Hey, in Washington, money talks, and Wall Street has always had the money. Even when they had to get it from We The People.
William Bednar Premium Member about 12 years ago
Why should anyone be surprised by the GOP response to Hurricane Sandy? The mindset of most Conservatives has regressed, intellectually, back to the 19th century when the idea was that if you found yourself in trying circumstances, it was YOUR OWN fault and you’d better get yourself out of it without anyone else’s help!!
kaffekup about 12 years ago
‘Surely NOTHING to do with trying to cut the Pork out of it.’.And yet, nobody can tell me why the republicans in the house wouldn’t submit a bill without pork until now. Perhaps it’s because some of the loonies are coming back with “cutting spending to pay for relief’”. .OK, I’ll suggest cutting all government spending in any district whose rep refuses to vote for aid for any region outside his or her own. And for the military, while we’re at it.
Beleck3 about 12 years ago
interesting how the Military isn’t called “pork.” that is half the budget, over $750 billion this year alone. that’s why it is interesing to see how the Tea/Republicans will like “no government”. such willing sheep.
Beleck3 about 12 years ago
Obama is just a Republican in darker skin. and watch the Republican howl at such a thought. lol. like taking candy from a baby. screams like murder.
TCulberson about 12 years ago
Sandy relieft was totally bloated with pork! It was bigger than some departments of the Federal Govt. It needed to be cut back to just relief instead of cash for California arts!
thirdguy about 12 years ago
Wouldn’t that violate some international sanction against dumping toxic waste?
kaffekup about 12 years ago
‘ship them to Somalia’They would love it! All the guns they wanted and no government. Just send the SS check c/o Mogadishu.
Mitchtheone about 12 years ago
Yep sadly I think you are right…
smadanek about 12 years ago
GOP=Greedy Old Poops
kaffekup about 12 years ago
Whose hat?
kaffekup about 12 years ago
I’ll bet most of them haven’t. Sure, Dick Armey & the Koch Bros will be fine, but the average bagger is probably on SS & Medicare. And when it all comes down around their ears, will blame the president, of course.
kaffekup about 12 years ago
No, it just makes them witless tools of their elite corporate masters, who use them to get more breaks from the government. And if you’re not one of the masters, you’re paying for those breaks.
octagon about 12 years ago
I’d like to thank you for at least not referring to them as “tea baggers”.
octagon about 12 years ago
Why can’t you just voice your opinion civilly. If someone on the right referred to someone on the left in the crass manner that the term “tea bagger” implies he or she would be labeled a racist or hater.
kaffekup about 12 years ago
Hey, we’re not the ones that stapled tea bags to their hats…
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
The Tea Partiers only see their interpretation of the constitution as correct. The truth is that our founding fathers saw the constitution as a living document. It is also ironic that the Tea Party does not appreciate our current president, a Harvard-trained expert on Constitutional Law. Our current president is a very intelligent man, he is the real deal, unlike many of the recent presidents whom the Tea Party so reveres.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Do you ever get the feeling that the right wing congress is a reality show, like Jersey Shore? That the extremist whack jobs are the GOP answer to Snooki and Honey Boo Boo? It would explain so much.
DavidGBA about 12 years ago
Appropriate retro location!
griffon8 about 12 years ago
Um, those last two are part of the 1st Amendment…
DavyG about 12 years ago
Has anyone noticed the irony of the name Tea Party being used by people that are so fired up about private property rights? The Boston Tea Party was a massive act of vandalism against private property, belonging not to the crown but to the East India Tea Company. There was public condemnation at the time, most notably from George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, the latter of whom advocated reparation to the EITC. The value of the tea destroyed (over 40 tons) would be close to a million of today’s dollars. Something to think about next time you want to adorn your tricorner hat.
The nearest parallel in recent history was when “ecoterrorists” burned down a ski lodge building in Vail CO a few years back.
DavyG about 12 years ago
@Kaffekup – I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to say “Obamaphone,” which would be more correctly called a “W Phone,” or something else entirely. Perhaps the foam on the White House homebrew, or the product of foaming at the mouth by his more strident critics.
Kip W about 12 years ago
Pork in the Sandy bill = scientific stuff that teabaggers don’t understand, so they think it’s useless, even though it will go a long way to mitigate future problems.
DavyG about 12 years ago
The Two Elk Lodge (under construction) and a ski patrol office. It was done to protest expansion of the ski area into lynx habitat, or so they claimed.
Spade Jr. about 12 years ago
About today’s strip: Sort of like the times in recent history when a Republican president and a Republican Congress leave Democrats without a real leader and kind of fumbling. What goes around, comes around. But that’s OK. Recycling in the comics is not always a bad thing.
It’s just boring.
riley05 about 12 years ago
“One of my many fans. You’re welcome.”Hmm, okay, maybe that was your most stupid comment. There’s so many…it makes it hard to choose.
DavyG about 12 years ago
“They” refers to the people that did it. What doesn’t make sense to you? Was the building already finished then? If so, I remembered incorrectly. Or do you not consider 1998 to be recent history?
BTW – It didn’t work, and the terrain was cleared anyway.
riley05 about 12 years ago
“And take their guns away”Just another NRA lie. And it sounds like you’ve fallen for it.