Matt Davies for January 11, 2013

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 11 years ago

    @mdavis: Nah, only the above one is. The Pixel version means you can hold down the fire button and get continuous firing.From what I have observed, the latter usually held by automatons (no, never had the fascination for FPS games)

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  2. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    Leftists should arm themselves against the impending attack on America by hate-filled right-wing extremists..That’s the only useful purpose of guns other than hunting.

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  3. 051019 f 5674z 002
    SZonian  over 11 years ago

    Hey Morty, why don’t you ask your man in the white hut about Fast and Furious? Why not ask the US AG why he’s stonewalling? Why not ask the so called US media why they aren’t flaying 0bama and Holder alive about the illegal shipping, transfer and use of firearms to Mexico?

    Don’t you care about the US Border Patrol agents and hundreds of dead Mexicans murdered as a result of this administration’s attempt to backdoor public opinion against lawful gun owners? F&F was not “botched”, it was all part of the plan…and the TEA Party, well if you’d actually do your homework instead of sitting in front of the idiot tube or du, you might find they’re just average folks who are tired of being told what they can and can’t do by a goverment and other groups.

    What’s so wrong with telling the government to back down? Why does that generate a visceral response from leftists? Because leftists don’t like free people., keep on drinking that kool-aid being poured by the media and other shills determined to malign otherwise good Americans who are just damned fed up with a government spiraling out of control.

    Don’t tread on me is analagous to our government today…they are quite busy determining what we can and can’t do.

    I pity you and folks like you…just keep trusting your government Morty, I’m sure they’ll eat you last.

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  4. Missing large
    meetinthemiddle  over 11 years ago

    You know, the militia movement existed before the tea party. There were a lot of the same rumblings up until Oklahoma – but that drove them back into hiding, and didn’t escalate. Hopefully it won’t take something like that to wake people up again.

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  5. Missing large
    meetinthemiddle  over 11 years ago

    There may have been more than 1, Church, but when I saw it on the evening news the fact that the AR-15 owner was black was in there. In fact they interviewed him. I think it was in Phoenix in 2008.

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  6. Missing large
    meetinthemiddle  over 11 years ago

    It’s been a while, but the coverage I saw was on the street with the guy carrying his AR-15. I thought it was day-of, but it’s been so long I can’t be sure.

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  7. Missing large
    Oaking  over 11 years ago

    All the gun laws INFRINGE upon my right to bear arms.What I rarely hear is that with rights come RESPONSIBILITIES. If I am to be a responsible owner of weapons of any type, I am responsible for making them secure.Now, if 3 teachers had been carrying, how many would have died? We will never know. If it were NOT a ‘gun free zone’ would the incident even have taken place? Again, we will never know.We do know that ‘gun free zones’ are not the answer, they are just a magnet to draw mass killers.

    BTW – The 2nd amendment was all about assault weapons, having the ability to resist a tyrannical government because the first step in a tyranny is to remove the defenses of the subjects. Look up the Magna Carta. This is not the first time, learn from history.

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  8. Evil rat
    Bill Chapman  over 11 years ago

    I really hate to burst any “safe” bubbles you may have, but I have no education past public high school. However, living with grandparents who used to be farmers and having relatives that still ARE farmers have taught me a large number of skills -How to make a small pipe bomb(with or without gunpowder) for clearing stumps, “potato” guns(many of which were used for shooting other things), and how to make a crude home-made shot gun using parts from a hardware store(it was for a varmint trap). – As for such creations being limited to those skilled or trained to make them …. think again – ANY mechanic or metal-shop worker can create any number of such devices with little trouble, no special materials, and a little time.

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