Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 20, 2015
Mom: Do you have a date? Cathy: A date? Yes. Wow. If I'm engaged, I do have a next date! And a date after that... and a date after that... no more wondering! No more fix-ups! For the first time in my life I have a guaranteed Saturday night date!! Mom: Wedding date! Do you have a date set for the wedding??! Cathy: ONe shocker at a time, Mom...
lightenup Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“If I’m engaged”? Shouldn’t it be “Since I’m engaged”? Is she in denial?Anyway, at least she’s seeming more positive about this.
Hello Cathy clan! Enjoy your Friday and weekend! We’re going away for a couple of days, so not sure when I’ll be back.
rgcviper almost 10 years ago
Personally, I don’t even know where to start on this one. So, I’ll go back to my ever-trusty … yup—you guessed it … [eye-roll].
HI, MOM. Good Morning and Happy Friday, “Cathy” Clan.
hendelca Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I second the eye-roll from rgcviper
lightenup – I don’t think the reality has hit her yet!
Anona Mouse I am glad the rest of the summer was good. Evidently the week before we were there it rained the whole week. Our week was wet with a few showers but nothing to stop us from really enjoying ourselves. We talked to a group of young people in a park in Inverness and they were saying it was cooler and wetter than normal for that time of year. The three day’s we were in Edinburgh it was beautiful – sunny and warm. The entire valley next to the train station was packed with people just lying in the sun. We are hoping for some signs of spring ourselves – but don’t expect any for a month or so. With temps of -37C with a windchill of -45C this morning I suspect we are still in winter.
legaleagle48 almost 10 years ago
Actually, her answer to Mom’s question makes me wonder whether Cathy is really ready for marriage. Like her mother, she seems think of marriage as the ultimate endgame, when it’s really only a beginning. She’s only thinking of what marriage to Irving will mean in terms of her happiness; she doesn’t seem to realize that she will also be expected to contribute to his happiness. In other words, she only sees what she thinks are the benefits of marriage, but she hasn’t yet started seeing all of the responsibilities. That’s why she’s not panicking at the thought that yes, she’s about to change her life forever.
Gretchen's Mom almost 10 years ago
Most people ask “Have you set a wedding date (yet)?” when they hear someone has just recently gotten engaged — not “Do you have a date?”. That’s pretty weird — even for Cathy’s mother. Huge [eye roll] for this strip today.
Hi, rgcviper!
lightenup: Wherever you’re going, hope you have a wonderful time and we’ll “see” you when you get back. Until then, we’ll miss you!
legaleagle48: I like your insight into Cathy’s current mindset right now and totally agree with you. If she weren’t always so fixated on herself, she’d have more time to think about other people and their feelings for a change. On the other hand, you have to admit that Irving can be pretty egotistical and “me-oriented” himself . . . especially when it comes to all the electronic “toys” he likes to buy. Thank goodness these two selfish people somehow man-aged to find each other because I can’t imagine anyone else ever wanting either one of them (at least not for the long haul anyhow).
Hello and Happy Friday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope you all have a really great day today. Keep warm and safe everyone!