Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for October 18, 2018

  1. 10978db2 67b5 4b70 9521 ec3bfce003d8
    SnowBunny12  over 6 years ago

    That’s one club she needs to leave.

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    dlkrueger33  over 6 years ago

    Forget all those club cards. Usually they can look you up with your telephone number. But women still carry around makeup, hairbrush or hair fixing/styling products, sunglasses, reading glasses (those of us of a certain age) and a few other personal items. And then, if there is any room left, hubby asks if we can hold his wallet. LOL

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    cubswin2016  over 6 years ago

    Pick a card, any card?

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    whenlifewassimpler  over 6 years ago

    A waste of a purse, I bought my pocketbook"s (another name for purse fellows and gals that didn’t know)….mine came from the luggage department and I had everything in their medicines of every kind, toothbrushes, toothpaste, wallet, brushes and the list goes on. My one boss said you wouldn’t have some alcohol with a band aid in there….said sure do….but the funniest one was Marty (guy I worked with) who said when he got his Chinese lunch…..and they forgot his chop sticks….aha I bet you don’t have an y chop sticks in there. Well the incredulous look on his face when I pulled a pair out and still had 2 pair left was just incredulous….I will never forget it. Then, of course, he had to tell everyone about it, too LOL

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    PammWhittaker  over 6 years ago

    When I realized I had about everything hubby or I wanted/needed in my purse… I realized I was my mother! LOL!

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  6. Spiny norman 59306
    Spiny Norman Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I have an app for all the stupid cards, and I can use Google pay. I need my wallet to carry my licence (my PBA card, dont leave home without it) and some cash, and I have a phone case that can do that. So I don’t under stand women with huge bags and wallets. It drives me nuts when I’m on line at a store and a woman in front has to go on an archaeological expedition to find her wallet, then has to dig in that to find a form of payment, then there can be the search for exact change, sometimes I feel like they need a rope tied around them and give them a miners light so we don’t loose them deep in the bag.

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 6 years ago

    Why on earth would anyone in their right mind want to be a “member” of that “club”? Oh. Right. This IS our favorite little whack-a-doodle we’re talking about so what more can we say on THAT particular subject matter (LOL)?!? :-D


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)

    lightenup: Congrats to Lil for making her “dream” volleyball team the other night! Hope you had a nice anniversary even if you did “forget” about it for a little while. ;-)

    I know all about tired these days. Carpet started going down this morning so we were up until 1:00 a.m. getting all the painting, base-board caulking and floor sweeping done before that happened. Unexpected problems causing delays, forcing you to wait on other people to find the time to come fix them, are real time-killers. Thank goodness this renovation is almost over because I swear, it would otherwise KILL me if it had to go on too much longer! :-(


    Hello and Happy Thursday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone has/had a really nice day today! :-)

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    sgs13  over 6 years ago

    There’s an app for that now.

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  9. Cathy aack Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The loyalty cards are a pain, but like was said above, most places can do it with your phone number.

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  10. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Thank God for smart phones! Having one has really streamlined my life! Now all I need is the car keys, my phone and a driver’s license and I can do whatever. So easy and I don’t have to lug huge purses or wallets around!

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Thursday! I hope everyone had a great day!

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  11. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 6 years ago

    Don’t forget room for the [eye-rolls], Cathy in the comic, since … yeah—you all know here.

    (I really don’t mean to overdo the [eye-rolls] in my comments, but what can I say? Cathy keeps … uh … inspiring me?)

    HI, MOM. Your mention of a Whack-a-Doodle made me laugh. Thanks.

    Hello, Clan.

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