Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 29, 2013

  1. Th  chihuahua avatar
    barbarasbrute  almost 12 years ago

    Nancy invited Toni to a family dinner? That’s an improvement.

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  2. Fire scull a
    ridenslide65  almost 12 years ago

    I’ll bet she asks HIM

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  3. Dsc00030
    alviebird  almost 12 years ago

    My parents married on an April first.

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  4. Th  chihuahua avatar
    barbarasbrute  almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, if something doesn’t happen REALLY SOON, he should just cut bait and take his chances elsewhere.

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    auramac  almost 12 years ago

    Not necessarily. She may be getting her cake and eating it, too.

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    Angelalex242  almost 12 years ago

    Toni:And while you’re at it, promise me you’ll drop a brick on TJ and say April Fool’s for last year ;)

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    kenhense  almost 12 years ago

    I can’t believe Luann said that to Brad & Toni. In real life they would have both been enraged at her question. Nevertheles, today’s “Luann” was depressing. It looks like Toni’s feelings about this relationship are never going to change. If Toni meets another snake charmer and goes for it – this might be a merciful development for Brad.

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    george  almost 12 years ago

    women in general, attractive women in particular, want nothing to do with decent guys. I propose 3 reasons:

    1 – looks make you shallow.2 – women are only interested in guys they think they can’t get3 – why have someone decent when its more fun to complain and gossip about a jerk?

    I have never met a girl or woman who was interested in a genuinely decent guy for very long. Yes, sometimes they accidentally marry a decent guy, but they inevitably cheat on him with some jerk, then blame their husband. The only way to keep even a marginally attractive woman interested in you is to treat her like she doesn’t matter to you.

    Your other option is to date/marry someone so unattractive and dull that you are her only option. And even she won’t hang around any longer than it takes for a thuggish jack@$$ to pay attention to her.

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  9. Marina and cruise ship from dick s resized for avatar
    kfccanada  almost 12 years ago

a touch cynical, eh? You can’t tell me that men are not excited by the ‘thrill of the chase’ 
especially if the female happens to be blond.

    Perhaps some women are attracted by a handsome jack a$$ because they know how to sweet talk and treat a woman as if they really matter
. even if only for a very short time.

    We all know how emotionally hurt Toni was by Dirk. It’s no wonder she is being careful with Brad. Luann should step back and give Brad freedom to romance Toni in his own way. Who wants to have his sister at his elbow while he’s trying to show his girlfriend he can be an intelligent and mature choice as a future husband?

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  10. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  almost 12 years ago

    Reckon you’ve nailed it. I’m taking money on Toni proposing to Brad this time around, 2:1.Any takers?

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  11. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Brad is keeping his promise to Toni and she is thanking him for it.

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  12. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    It might have been meant to be funny, but Luann’s dig is poisonous. Don’t mess up Brad and Toni’s relationship, little sister!

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  13. Cm1
    Mordock999  almost 12 years ago

    Aw the HECK with This Mushy Crap,

    The REAL question is Whats Nancy Havin’ for DINNER????

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    ekw555  almost 12 years ago

    LOL, I think some of you forgot you were reading a comic.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Has a a year pass already? Yet Luann is still in the same grade ; ).It seems that many think that Toni will be asking Brad this year. May be she will..But Brad is getting the milk for free

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    drewpamon  almost 12 years ago

    So here we have rare evidence that time actually passes in luannverse. So there has been a year since Brad proposed on april 1st. So obviously Luann and crew have been held back in school.

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  17. Ranger gord
    PMark  almost 12 years ago

    Then what was the point of reformed Dirk?

    No, something is up. I suspect Toni is really saying, “Good, you’ll ruin the surprise if you do.”

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    yldonaldson  almost 12 years ago

    Seriously, Toni needs to snap out of it. Brad’s a good guy. He’s a great male role model for Shannon. If she doesn’t propose to him, NOT on April Fool’s Day, they both need to reexamine what they want from their relationship. Brad wants more. Toni likes the status quo. Not a good combination.

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  19. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 12 years ago

    On a different note— I suspect that the recipients of the Goth baskets will have a surprise when they discover the chick Peeps all have missing heads. Bitten off on stage by Knute!

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  20. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 12 years ago

    Question for all readers: Has the story line this week inspired anyone you know to actually do something thoughtful for others this week?

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    Tim Pickard Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I proposed to my late spouse on April fools day and it lasted 42 years when I lost her to cancer. I guess we were April Fools, but it worked for us.

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  22. Ranger gord
    PMark  almost 12 years ago

    What I fear will happen: Toni proposes. Brad says no. Status quo is maintained except the roles are now reversed. Stalemate good for another year’s worth of comics at which point, Brad decides to pop the question and now finds Toni isn’t interested.

    Rinse, repeat.


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    Fetching  almost 12 years ago

it’s a comic strip and guys who whine about a comic strip are not going to be the kind of guys women want for any reason

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    otahans  almost 12 years ago

    My wife was interested in me and I am a prince among men.A sterling good fellow of the highest moral charactor. :-)

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  25. 130 charalphonse
    topbunk  almost 12 years ago

    Her old boyfriend is married and settled down. Who’s the Derk now?

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  26. Pogo
    Buggerlugs  almost 12 years ago

    Firemen usually have 24 on and 24 off. If Brad and Toni were on opposite shifts they wouldn’t see much of each other.

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    buddy1979  almost 12 years ago

    Dont forget the run-in she had with Dirk a couple weeks back..perhapsshe’s changing her thought process on the marriage issue & will propose to Brad..of course he’ll say No thinking thats what she wants to hear when in actually..she’s serious..hmm..just a thought!r

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  28. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 12 years ago

    Time for a new Character,,, A sexy new Firefighter who see’s Brad as a Catch.^^Or just bring back his hot redheaded neighbour girl Diane (They can say she was away at school , or something)

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  29. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 12 years ago

    I agree that the whole Dirk being married and has a kid arc has to pay off somehow, or it was meaningless to include.^^Yup, totally agreed

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    drewpamon  almost 12 years ago

    Wonder how long it’ll be after Brad dumps her that Toni will realize that guys don’t date female firefighters.

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    Bandera_Ken  almost 12 years ago

    I vote with those who say Toni is going to propose. Brad will accept and they will get married. Life in the Luanniverse is slowly moving on.

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  32. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 12 years ago

    It took Li’l Abner from 1909 to 1952 before he married Daisy Mae. ^^ Actually Lil’ Abner began it’s run in 1934; it was creator Al Capp who was born in 1909

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    davidpepper  almost 12 years ago

    I, too, think Toni may propose at one point, maybe not on 1 April. It’s not leap year!

    But she may let Brad know that she’s more open to the idea.

    My wife dated a guy with some characteristics similar to Dirk. She still was hung up on him, even when he went overseas in the Air Force. I could have been considered a “classic nerd” when she met me, but she realized how kind and considerate I was. I even told her to choose where her heart lies. After awhile, I was the cause of a “Dear John” letter. Now, we’ve had a great marriage after almost 39 years.

    How old is Brad and Toni? Luann is still in high school, if she’s about 17, then Brad would be about 22 – 23? Kids today are putting off marriage until later, my four kids were in their late 20’s, early 30’s when they married.

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  34. Downloadfile
    Guilty Bystander  almost 12 years ago

    “You may remember her as Melanie Haber?
Audrey Farber?
Susan Underhill?
What about Betty Jo Bielosky?”

    “Oh, you mean NANCY!!!”

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    Angelalex242  almost 12 years ago

    All this on Good Friday. Posting this after coming back from Church.

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  36. Imgres
    pseudomao  almost 12 years ago

 if the reason she did not want you to propose is that it would ruin her surprise of proposing to you.



    I think you’re on to something. The surprise ‘Dirk family’ meeting seems a likely tie-in to this theory.

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  37. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 12 years ago

    Misogynist, hmmm. Let’s see, misogynist – oh. That’s someone who hates every bone in a woman’s body except his own

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    MadYank  almost 12 years ago

    Wisewald – it took me three times to find a good one, but I can tell you now that you are FULL OF IT.

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  39. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 12 years ago

    Every year in Seattle we have a fundraiser for charity where fully-loaded firefighters climb the stairs of the tallest building downtown. I think this could be a great story arc for Brad and Toni,

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  40. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 12 years ago

    Probably all the guys know I was kidding. I simply got sick of all women being made out to be so malicious by a couple of these fellows. And not for the first time at Luannsville. Nice guys are plenty sexy.

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    george  almost 12 years ago

    @ChihuahuaMama, et al

    Actually, I’m all of the above but not really. Waaay up top someone said it right: I’m cynical and not particularly enamored with relationships. Particularly romantic ones. Mostly, bad experience, some my fault, some less my fault, but still rotten.

    Ironically, I have stellar relationships with women of all kinds. Thing is, they are all (intentionally) platonic and non-romantic. For me, friendship is my limit. I’ve found that as long as romance is not involved, women feel ‘safe’ and there are no expectations. I’m friends with their boyfriends, if they break up they can talk to me – or not. By being the straight guy that doesn’t want sex or romance it means we can enjoy stuff and each other’s company, then go our separate ways happy instead of with all the crapola that goes with romance.

    And yes, I DID make a good monk the several years i did it.

    . . . oh, wait, maybe i didn’t and that’s why I quit. ;)

    OK – yes, they asked me to leave . . .

    hmmm . . . guess I AM a jerk.


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    carltonb Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    What is the need or requirement for two nice people who are in a relationship; to rush into marriage (especially in comicdom). It very enjoyable reading about Brad and Toni from time to time; when they display how much they care for one another. Don’t get me wrong I am a rutting pig; but it’s nice to see some good old fashion romance.

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    joecool2013  almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, but this would definitely be the good thing for Brad, since he’s progressed so much.

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