Brevity by Dan Thompson for March 25, 2013

  1. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    He uses that left wing to help him catch air.

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Varnes…. you asked for help yesterday…. did you come back to see it?

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  3. Uspunskull2
    Edward White  almost 12 years ago

    Why are you using that terrorists image. He wasn’t a freedom fighter that’s Bull Bleeeep!.. All the T-shirts anything w/ that mans Image should be Burned & destroyed.

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 12 years ago


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  5. Ytinav
    jreckard  almost 12 years ago

    Free radicals!

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  6. Michael thorton
    Michael Thorton  almost 12 years ago

    I don’t know whether to be insulted by the perversion of Comandante Che Guevara’s face being pasted on a skateboard or insulted by all the comments against him that have just preceded me.


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  7. Avatar 3
    pcolli  almost 12 years ago

    “Radical!”“Totally!”“Um…who IS that old guy, anyway, Dude?”“Dunno, but I think my grandad has a picture of him in the attic.”

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  8. Missing large
    rmacprivate  almost 12 years ago

    Bet his T-shirt has a picture of Thomas Jefferson on it.

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  9. Missing large
    fins59  almost 12 years ago

    Love comments from those who know absolutely about the life and times of Che!

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  10. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    Susan, yes, thanks, on both counts….

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  11. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    He’s the guerrilla your dreams…

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  12. 1964
    konradh  almost 12 years ago

    @navy.bean: Hey, what was up with giving me a “duh” on the Gatsby cartoon a few days ago. My question was serious. I am not a student of The Great Gatsby so I did not get the joke.

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  13. Missing large
    echoraven  almost 12 years ago

    He’d be the only skater with his own death squad…

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  14. Curly pres
    jmcx4  almost 12 years ago

    I think the key is the word radical. Anyhoo, here is all I could come up with:

    picture upload

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  15. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 12 years ago

    I followed Cuban politics quite a bit (having married (in 1959) a Cuban who came to US to escape the previous regime). When they began the “redistribution of property” (like Obama and our other left are doing with wealth) I called it Communism and most of the Cubans who are here now would agree. That was the first serious argument w my X. We divorced in 1975 and he died in 1986.

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  16. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 12 years ago

    @DazzYou DO realize that tax rates under Obama are FAR lower than they were under Reagan? (I won’t even bring up Eisenhower!)

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  17. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  almost 12 years ago

    The same people who spout that re-distributionist crap need to read Milton Friedman, and quick.

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  18. Missing large
    beaver48612  almost 12 years ago

    OK can anyone tell me who this man is? I’ve seen his image everywhere and never know who he is. And you can’t google an image.

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  19. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Thanks, CoBass…..

    I was about to do that!

    Good to know you’re still on guard against the forces of darkness….

    Haven’t seen you around much.

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  20. 1964
    konradh  almost 12 years ago

    Godfreydaniel: Americans did pay more at the time of Reagan’s election in 1980 than they did in 2010, says Harvard economist Greg Mankiw at his blog, but that was Jimmy Carter’s doing, not Reagan’s. The Gipper “did not become president until January 1981, and his tax policy was not fully implemented until a couple of years later (and arguably not until his second term, when we got very significant tax reform).” The Times has it wrong.

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