Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 29, 2013
Zonker: It's hard to know what to do, B.D. I mean, I do want to support the strike... B.D.: A strike will get you a few pennies-- at best! Why bother? Zonker: Easy for you to say! You make 50 times what I do! B.D.: Hey... that's right... Boopsie! Boopsie: What, babe? B.D.: It turns out life is fair! Zonker: Why do I confide in you?
Linguist almost 12 years ago
I love it. B.D. zings Zonker !
Odd Dog Premium Member almost 12 years ago
B.D. looks 10 years younger in panel 3 amazing what happens when you turn that frown upside down
Kali39 almost 12 years ago
Yes, Zonker – why do you? :-)
Good for BD. About time he gets out of this ahead.
And he’ll get one more cheer if Zonker does decide to move out…
DTJB almost 12 years ago
Just as long as you’re the winner, nothing else matters.
jnik23260 almost 12 years ago
B.D. deserves it!
Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
He’s just bridging the gap between the extremities. He’s a troll bridge. Don’t let him get your goat.
AKHenderson Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Slackers shouldn’t be surprised when their income is slack.
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 12 years ago
@AKHenderson “Slackers shouldn’t be surprised when their income is slack.”
I’m sure Trudeau meant it ironically, but consider that the woman in the coffee shop at work gets there at about 5am and works two jobs (I don’t know what ii is but I bet she works much later than me). Life isn’t fair whaen her income is slack too.
Q4horse almost 12 years ago
Pay scales are perfectly fair. Everyone is paid exactly what they are worth and not a penny more. Its the magic of the free market.
Q4horse almost 12 years ago
Of course as a legal pot farmer Zonk will be worth a great deal more. He has a perfect green thumb in that respect.
nimbleswitch almost 12 years ago
Which one is this troll you’re talking about, Doc? I wanna know so I’ll be sure not to read him.
rmacprivate almost 12 years ago
OK Doc, I understand your frustration and agree that ignoring them is best, but don’t you ever just want to let the leash slip on your inner troll and let it run free? There is so much fodder out there for it to feed on.
djmalloy almost 12 years ago
Calvin’s Dad: The world isn’t fair, Calvin.Calvin: I know, but why isn’t it ever unfair in my favor?
DavyG almost 12 years ago
Sometimes Adam Smith’s invisible hand steals your wallet. Other times, it just gives you the finger, and you never realize it’s happening, because it’s invisible.
Charley007 almost 12 years ago
Taft-Hartley v. The Stoner! You can take ’em, Zonk!
summerdog86 almost 12 years ago
No, I have found that Life is not fair in many cases.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
I am not sure BD needs a babysitter anymore. Sam seems to have grown up lately. There are other characters who will have babes soon, however…
JAPrufrock almost 12 years ago
Is it a mountain troll or a cave troll? If it’s a cave troll and if you just keep quiet, it will go away. If it’s a mountain troll, you have to strike it down.
smalltownbrown almost 12 years ago
Is BD still Walden’s football coach?
zenguyuno almost 12 years ago
What does BD do for a living, and how does he make 50 times what Zonker makes?
pawpawbear almost 12 years ago
I see Guard Sargent is still wasting people’s time with his ignorance. Where has Tucci been lately, they finally ban him? You miss a lot when you’re happily dealing with family.
On the issue of the strip and the Supreme Court, these should be non-issues. I believe in the Bible. I also believe that it isn’t my/our place to restrict others civil rights. I believe God will decide in the end who was right and wrong. I also believe that their are a lot of “Christians” that are going to be very surprised when they are before the Lord and he asks if they have followed the one commandent Jesus issued to all of us, believers and non. He told us to love one another as he has loved us. It is not our place to judge.
Now, having said all of that, it is upon us to provide for the health and safety one another. Unfortunately, for some, we must provide rules and regulations to keep people from harming others with their use/abuse of different drugs. Hence, if you drive impaired, you cand be arrested for being unsafe. If you steal to buy drugs, you can be arrested. If you are under a certain age, you must be protected from your own immature judgement. But, prison is not the answer unless you do harm to others.
Rant over.
DoctorDan almost 12 years ago
I understand your point, but I’m not sure I agree. Shining a spotlight on the nut-jobs undersores how out of touch they really are. I say we should encourage them to explain their fantasies in detail. They won’t persuade anyone that they’re right, but they will turn off some undecideds. And they’ll go to bed feeling like Don Quixote. A win for everyone.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
It’s hard to argue here. BD has certainly paid dues. And Zonker still likes to get high rather than get a grownup job, after all these years. To paraphrase Hyman Roth, ‘These are the businesses they’ve chosen.’
Gokie5 almost 12 years ago
“You mean hypothesis, theories are proven.”
The following was drummed into me in graduate school courses, when I studied the scientific method:“Scientific theories are never proven, only supported (sometimes by an overwhelming amount of evidence) because there is always the possibility of new information that may show them to be incomplete or incorrect.” recall that the term “level of confidence” was bandied about quite freely. If you want to look into the meaning of this term, you can find it in Google.
Bandera_Ken almost 12 years ago
The weird thing about today’s politics is the right actually has gone off the deep end. No sock puppets needed.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
If it turns out the Administration did nothing wrong, will their deaths then be fair?
DoctorDan almost 12 years ago
Gokie5 almost 12 years ago
I wasn’t talking about facts to back things up. I was talking about “proof,” as regarded by the scientific community. Say, if you report that you see a white crow, and others report the same thing, these reports don’t constitute proof. There is a one in gogolzillian chances that the reporters were either lying or hallucinating. (BTW, I’m reading Oliver Sack’s latest book, Hallucinations. Amazing!)
Gokie5 almost 12 years ago
Even if what’s regarded as the white crow were analyzed microscopically and blah de blahly, there still wouldn’t be proof. However, the hypothesis would be supported by a pretty dang good stack of facts.
Q4horse almost 12 years ago
My comments on Doonesbury are designed to encourage a lively (friendly) debate on the topical issue and may or may not reflect my actual opinions. The very political nature of this strip makes this an appropriate forum for such debates. I refrain from making personal or insulting attacks on other comments.
Gokie5 almost 12 years ago
Gaaa! Just realized that I misspelled the name of one of my favorite authors, last sentence, third comment above this one. It’s Oliver Sacks, so the possessive should be “Sacks’,” or it could be “Sacks’s.”
annieb1012 almost 12 years ago
@Q4horse * “I refrain from making personal or insulting attacks on other comments.”
And that is SO refreshing! May your pasture receive much rain.
supersexyghotmew95 almost 12 years ago
i knew bd had hair but gezz I CANT SEE HIM WITHOUT THAT HELMET
Kim0158 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I think Trudeau should share his wealth with me