Frank and Ernest by Thaves for April 28, 2013
Ernest: Look at all these one cent coins! Some of them are over two hundred years old! Frank: Canada is discontinuing the use of pennies, and some people say it's just a matter of time before the United States does the same. Ernest: That'll never happen -- it would be unconstitutional. Frank: Unconstitutional? Ernest: Yeah, it's a free speech issue... Ernest: Without pennies, people wouldn't be able to put in their two cents!
Superfrog almost 12 years ago
A penny for your thoughts.
Superfrog almost 12 years ago
We haven’t used 1 and 2 cent coins in Oz for well over 20 years.
Superfrog almost 12 years ago
We got rid of $1 and $2 notes in the 1980’s and replaced them with coins. The smallest Oz note is the $5 bill.
edclectic almost 12 years ago
In for a penny…
Phatts almost 12 years ago
I say it’s OK … most people who give you their 2 cents end up giving you half a dollar more than you wanted …
KEStuck almost 12 years ago
I don’t like change.
fixer1967 almost 12 years ago
If this happens in the US there will be a lot of problems. I have seen people stop a whole store and tie up the cashier over a few cents more times than I can count. If this happens I do see a way that stores could get around it. They could print ‘cent’ coupons on the receipt. Or credit the “cents” to the bonus buy cards that every store seems to be using now.
highway48 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
How about a penny for your thoughts?
sfwriter almost 12 years ago
Nice visual history of the one cent piece there. Even had a Flying Eagle. Impressive.
stoneswivel almost 12 years ago
I expect any attempt by Congress to do away with the $1 bill would be strongly opposed by the powerful exotic dancing lobby.
charliesommers almost 12 years ago
The solution is simple, price the specials at $19.95 or $20.00. If there were no pennies I imagine merchants would catch on and stop pricing items so pennies were necessary in making change. The cost of minting a penny is 2.41 cents, seems wasteful to continue making them.
jppjr almost 12 years ago
I gave someone my 2¢ worth….and was offered change….
cbrsarah almost 12 years ago
If they eliminate the $1 bill and replace it with a $1 coin, that coin had better be bigger than the current ones are now. They are way too close in size with the quarter.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Will JCPenney have to change their name?
paullp Premium Member almost 12 years ago
As far as I’m concerned they killed off the penny when they removed the Lincoln Memorial and replaced it with that cheesy looking shield and banner that looks like it was made for a cheap arcade token. What an ugly design!
hippogriff almost 12 years ago
Rickapolis: They might have to go to JCP. The C is for cash. His name was James Cash Penny.