Earl is no dummy. If a perfectionist asks you to do something, and you do it badly, or in any way not up to their standards, you will never have to do it again.
Nelson is a wise kid, reflecting on what he sees, integrating the observation with what he already knows. Earl removed the visible dirt, but Nelson knows the glasses aren’t REALLY clean. Next he’ll put that together with the towel folding episode, and the pattern will begin to emerge. Then he’ll decide how and when to adopt the same strategy.
Llewellenbruce almost 12 years ago
He just made his glasses filthier.
Odd Dog Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Care full Nelson or grandma will clean your cheeks with spit and a hanky
in.amongst almost 12 years ago
that cleared up things for the kid!
jeanie5448 almost 12 years ago
this is a great strip, I enjoy it every day but some days are better than others and today is one of those days.
GROG Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Hey, what’s wrong with that?
magicwalnut almost 12 years ago
Darn! I didn’t see that coming. I snerked coffee up my nose!
redarmrest almost 12 years ago
makes sense!
thirdguy almost 12 years ago
Earl is no dummy. If a perfectionist asks you to do something, and you do it badly, or in any way not up to their standards, you will never have to do it again.
EarlP2 almost 12 years ago
Nelson is a wise kid, reflecting on what he sees, integrating the observation with what he already knows. Earl removed the visible dirt, but Nelson knows the glasses aren’t REALLY clean. Next he’ll put that together with the towel folding episode, and the pattern will begin to emerge. Then he’ll decide how and when to adopt the same strategy.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
one massive SNERK!!!!
jtviper7 almost 12 years ago
Earl has great manners, he didn’t sneeze on them…
mabrndt Premium Member almost 12 years ago
An unnamed Blazing Saddles character?
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
Bob Hope trying to be tough in “Road to Utopia” movie.“Gimme a glass of milk. In a dirty glass!”
Number Three almost 12 years ago
You learn something new every day, Nelson.
Very funny strip!
Jeff0811 almost 12 years ago
I like that the PTOO in the second panel looks as gross as at sounds, looks like someone spit on my screen.
Just Curious almost 12 years ago
Well that’s a sure fired way of getting out of KP!
Jobecur almost 12 years ago
If Earl had his way, dishwashing would be Roscoe’s job.
boldyuma almost 12 years ago
Yessir!..and his other cousin with his “One” flavor.
boldyuma almost 12 years ago
Coulda been worse…coulda had Roscoe come over and lick them..
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
I’m not supposed to clean them that way?
The dishes, I mean.