Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for May 15, 2013
Zebra: Pssst... bartender... you have to listen to me. I know your social activities director. We have a history, and he's trying to get me into the water to eat me. Bartender: Whoa... got it. Zebra: What's that? Bartender: Our "900" number. Push "4" for complaints. Zebra: Perhaps you don't understand. Bartender: Oh, I do. But be patient. They take forever to answer.
Bilan almost 12 years ago
All Zebra has to do is outrun the bartender.
WoodEye almost 12 years ago
Have her call you a taxi!
margueritem almost 12 years ago
Ok, “You’re a taxi.”
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
Push her into the water, Zeeba.
edclectic almost 12 years ago
Always be nice to your bartender…and your barber and your dentist and, well, be nice to everyone.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Zebra’s starting to look and sound like Bogart in one of those noir films, like Key Largo….
blunebottle almost 12 years ago
OK, I vote for getting Zebra back to the mainland.
Mark Hanson almost 12 years ago
Moving on…please…
John Falstaff almost 12 years ago
Hey, zeeba—you ees paying for sociel activityes but you no getting theem! Geet you money worth! Geet een water weef sociel directer, hav some FUN!
mbreed184 almost 12 years ago
Yah, take load off you mind!
Carl Rennhack Premium Member almost 12 years ago
@Wood Eye and @margueritem—Thank you. Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor!
Carl Rennhack Premium Member almost 12 years ago
@Sisyphos—Zebra looks a bit like “Bogie”, whereas that bartender looks NOTHING like Bacall!AND—Mr. Bogart never said, “Play it again, Sam” in Casablanca or anywhere else! The real line, “You played it for her, you can play it for me. PLAY IT!” is much better!
corzak almost 12 years ago
Zeeba should go explore the other side of the island.
knight1192a almost 12 years ago
Sh’s still trying to force him to change his Yelp! posting. Push her in the water.
jessegooddoggy almost 12 years ago
Please end this story.
flagfly almost 12 years ago
They COULD tip over the wooden bar and float back, perhaps using the stool as a paddle.
duffer37 almost 12 years ago
If this same lame island gag is back tomorrow, I’m quiting this strip…
IgnatiaOrr almost 12 years ago
Can’t he just shove the bartender in the water to appease croc?
Potrzebie almost 12 years ago
ALl Zebra has to do is point out to LArry that he’s not a salt-water croc and can’t exist in the ocean. The logic of that will automatically kill him, then Zebra can use his carcass as a paddleboard to get home.
TTL almost 12 years ago
Great, we now thanks to a fan have a way out for zebra!
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
And the phone is located??
Number Three almost 12 years ago
Oh this gets better and better for poor Zebra doesn’t it?
Potrzebie almost 12 years ago
LArry is so dumb, Zebra can fool him into thinking he’s a gator.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
I’ve never seen Zebra look so disheveled. And so unshaven.
ajComix almost 12 years ago
Stephan: Cut. Next Act.