Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 29, 2013
Roland: Shep, I'm now crashing the after-party of the gala opening of the George W. Bush Center... With me is Bush Library archivist Marv Twee. Mr. Twee, which exhibits here had guests buzzing? Twee: Gosh, there were so many, Roland... the statue of first dog Barney, another of the cat, and this exact replica of the president himself! George W. Bush: Replica? Twee: Oh, sorry, sir! I though you'd gone home.
Salinasong almost 12 years ago
He must have took him for “granite”
aardvarkseyes almost 12 years ago
Richard S. Russell: Quite right. They get their surrogates to do the bad-mouthing for them.
water_moon almost 12 years ago
hey, at least they don’t punch each other?
TheWildSow almost 12 years ago
I thought the correct pronunciation was “Lie-Bury!”
rpmurray almost 12 years ago
I keep waiting for GT to start mining some of the comedy gold that is the current administration, but all I get are tired re-treads of the previous one. Maybe one day he’ll even pick an avatar for the big O.
Benign Bodger almost 12 years ago
As The Onion puts it “All Of Nation’s Living Presidents Gather To Lie About Bush Presidency”
TexTech almost 12 years ago
Sorry Sarge but what you have would never pass muster with Joe Friday. You do not have facts. Only very strong opinions that you mistake for facts. And for what it is worth, the most recent study by scholars of the Presidency rank Mr. Bush somewhere in lowest quartile of all presidents. And this is several years out and they have had a chance to see how some of his decisions have played out. The experts are still not impressed.
babka Premium Member almost 12 years ago
invisibility. great tactic for a war criminal.
babka Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“My Pet Goat” first on the liebury shelf.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
A quarter-billion dollar monument to failure. I can’t wait to see how many “scholars” actually go there to do “research”.
Mitchtheone almost 12 years ago
Get over it.. Your Etch a Sketch Artist and Lying Ayn Rand Disciple lost the election.
EarlP2 almost 12 years ago
I gotta get my eyes checked.When I saw the second panel, I thought Roland said “Mary”, not “Marv”, and I thought “Yuck! Whatta dog!!!”
— Same reaction here, and I was wearing my best glasses!
Benign Bodger almost 12 years ago
The numbers certainly don’t back that up:
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Nailed it this time GT! This is going to get interesting. The comedy gold in GWB liberry had to be explored…
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Hi, mt, good to see you back. Where you been? (I know it’s not grammatical)
Justice22 almost 12 years ago
I suspect that you were in the “Guard” when it meant you were avoiding the draft and service in Viet Nam. That is much like your hero President George W. Bush. I had more problems with “Guard Sergeants” than anyone else when I was in the service. The last one was just before I left Korea and a few weeks later I got a letter telling me that he had been Courts Martialed and busted to Private as well as transferred out of my outfit. Everyone was grateful for my little part in that.
Uncle Joe almost 12 years ago
“It is NOT an opinion that the US Supreme Court in 1875 defined Natural Born Citizen as REQUIRING TWO US Citizen parents at birth to be a Natural Born Citizen.”Minor v. Happersett had nothing to do with Presidential eligibility, but it did affirm the status of women as second class citizens. It’s no surprise a birther like you thinks it’s an important decision.Natural Born Citizen means a US Citizen at birth, as opposed to a person who acquired Citizenship later. We all know you wouldn’t care about this issue if a white Republican whose father was an Irish citizen were in office.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Bush continued: “Heh, heh, heh.”
J Quest almost 12 years ago
He is too deeply vested in his lunatic fantasies. All of the Justices of the Supreme Court could personally tell him he is “plenus stercoris” and ole’ “Sarge” would still be incapable of changing his child-like, conspiracy-filled world view. His beliefs are as immutable as the block of granite that rests between his shoulders.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
You all are still flattering him by insulting him. Just the fact that you acknowledge his existence gives him a boner. And all the other trolls. Just sayin’.
potrerokid almost 12 years ago
Pardon me while I throw up!
potrerokid almost 12 years ago
Your hatred surpasses that of muslim extremists! Are they learning from you?
joe vignone almost 12 years ago
I took a dip in the BLOOD and OIL Pool. Then got white washed by Cheney’s biographer. What fun!
braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“My answer is bring ’em on.” —President George W. Bush, challenging militants attacking U.S. forces in Iraq, July 2, 2003 -“F**k Saddam, we’re taking him out.” –President Bush to three U.S. Senators in March 2002, a full year before the Iraq invasion-“Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.” –President Bush, standing under a “Mission Accomplished” banner on the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier, May 2, 2003 - “We found the weapons of mass destruction.” –President Bush, in an interview with Polish television, May 29, 2003 -“Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere!” —President Bush, joking about his administration’s failure to find WMDs in Iraq as he narrated a comic slideshow during the Radio & TV Correspondents’ Association dinner, March 25, 2004 - “Oh, no, we’re not going to have any casualties.” —President Bush, discussing the Iraq war with Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson, after Robertson told him he should prepare the American people for casualties -IRAQ: What was the one word uttered by no one at the Bush ‘library’ celebration?
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
That’ll open a whole new can of worms (literally!). However, from what I read, every scholarly institution that has recounted those votes has declared Gore the winner. If only the Democrats had asked for a complete recount, and not just certain counties…
Hawthorne almost 12 years ago
Why would they bash each other? Each has agreeably fostered his predecessor’s policies … They’re all in the same party, after all.
Kali39 almost 12 years ago
The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Remedial Kindergarten — and if you are very lucky, you may see its namesake taking classes…..(oh, and please don’t tell him that of all the great and wonderful things that Bush brags about his Lie-Bray-Ree, the Reagan Library beat him to it by almost thirty years, without, of course, all of the whitewashing.)
Hawthorne almost 12 years ago
That would be because you are not the only misinformed person in the country.
Hawthorne almost 12 years ago
Because Obama has done the same as his predecessors.
In other words, he has continued the policies of the preceding administration.
Hawthorne almost 12 years ago
Politics trumps the moon any day of the week.
Just sayin’ …
Alabama Al almost 12 years ago
You know, Guard, it is obvious it just doesn’t bother you to be thought of as an idiot.
UltraL almost 12 years ago
Bush library? Oxymoron, at best. Not sure which is more entertaining, or more surreal – Doonesbury, or the SGT comments! So much fiction, touted as “facts”. There should be a “Bubblecomics” strip – could be populated directly with posts by the SGT!
UltraL almost 12 years ago
Well, it seems any government agency is: the most inept, inefficient, overly costly organization OR the most brilliant, time-travelling, seamless keeper of conspiracies ever known. Seems either outlook is used as rw tin-foil hat folks see fit. The time-travelling needed to post PRESIDENT Obama’s BC is a good example.
UltraL almost 12 years ago
Hee hee – who needs GoComics? “Barry is BARRED from being president…”. Comedy gold!
UltraL almost 12 years ago
Here’s your answer – you ask questions based upon right win lies/talking points. Copy?
Justice22 almost 12 years ago
I was right about the draft dodger part of my post anyway. I spent one day and night on an airbase. There I slept on an innerspring mattress with a feather pillow, soft blanket and with pleasant elevator music lulling me to sleep. No Retreat nor Taps. I ate in a dining hall with civilians doing the KP, the only thing the airmen did was pour the drink of your choice into a real glass, glass and I ate from ironstone with silverware. No metal trays or melamine. Talk about soft, I was not impressed with the airmen I met. Civilians did most of the work.
DaRitz almost 12 years ago
Real classy of Trudeau to pick on retired politicians.
UltraL almost 12 years ago
Birtherism is just the rantings of weak minds with nothing substantial to talk about…Sheriff Joe from AZ had incontrovertible evidence – which he still hasn’t produced, along with the Trumpster who had lots of folks investigating in Hawaii (vacationing on his dime, actually), along with every tool with a computer who spouts nonsense (e.g. “BARRED from being president”…hmmmm, makes you wonder! Who is full of it, and who is an American citizen?
Uncle Joe almost 12 years ago
“It does have to do with Presidential eligibility if it concerns status as a Natural Born Citizen. You know that yet you toss it aside, why?”Nut Sgt’s birther talking points include a case involving eligibility to for women to vote. It said nothing about eligibility to hold office. No later court case regarding eligibility to hold office refers to Minor vs. Happersett. Unless there was an actual decision upholding it as precedent, it’s irrelevant to the discussion. Trying to engage him in any rational discussion is of course, pointless. It’s amusing watching him try to argue without letting his racist attitude slip through. At least he seems to have stopped referring to the President as ‘the Kenyan usurper’.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Doc, where is the evidence that flagging anyone accomplishes anything? Other than to make us feel better; people still expend their energy arguing with fools with the inevitable result. They’re still fools, but they feel like real human beings.
DavyG almost 12 years ago
From Minor: “…it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.”[
The court left out a word there: “Only,” as in “Only these were natives, or natural-born citizens…” which is how some have intentionally chosen to read Minor.
It is like reading the sentence “Frogs are amphibians, as distinguished from members of all other classes” as meaning “Only frogs are amphibians.” If anything, it is less of a stretch to say the actual wording appears to equate natives and natural-born citizens.
The ruling in Tisdale v Obama in federal district court said “It is well settled that those born in the United States are considered natural born citizens,” and not one peep was heard from Thomas, Scalia, Kennedy, Alito, or Roberts. Surely they would have spoken up if a constitutionally forbidden candidate was running. They were similarly silent on a number of state court rulings. They were negligent, too frightened by agents of a vast left-wing conspiracy, or secretly part of the conspiracy, or else they just didn’t think the arguments that Obama wasn’t eligible could hold any water.
This discussion has become a waste of storage space on a server somewhere in GoComics headquarters. I’m not going to waste any more time or kilobytes trying to convince anyone about anything to do with this. I recommend that you all do likewise.
DavyG almost 12 years ago
mocca momzer? If you have misspelled the two words I think you have misspelled, you are both technically inaccurate and using racist terminology. Flag.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
If only W could read could read comic books but at least he can enjoy the pictures in the X-rated books.
Astolat almost 12 years ago
Though this is probably a waste of space, I just wanted to put the key quotes on the record.
Minor v Hampersett, after the para already cited, continues:“Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts.”
The key point is the last sentence – Minor v Hampersett specifically does not decide the position of someone US born of foreign parents. That was decided in US v Wong Kim Ark. The case uses the terms “native born citizens” and “natural born citizens” interchangeably and in contrast to “naturalized citizens”; it appears that usage has changed from the latter to the former during the century after independence. Wong Kim Ark decides:“all white persons, at least, born within the sovereignty of the United States, whether children of citizens or of foreigners, excepting only children of ambassadors or public ministers of a foreign government, were native-born citizens of the United States.”
This comes from the British principle of ius soli, expressly upheld by the Supreme Court as the basis of US post-independence law.
bevgrey almost 12 years ago
Is there a way to not see posts by certain people?
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Just look at the name or avatar and scroll rapidly past. It works wonders.