Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 30, 2013
Roland: Mr. Twee, as archiver-in-chief of the Bush Library, do you have a favorite artifact? Twee: I honestly don't, Roland... they're all marvelous! From the butterfly ballots to the autographed baseballs to the dishes of the first pets... to the library's crown jewel, Mr. Bush's iconic bullhorn! Roland: Any books here? Twee: Actually, yes! From his reading contests with Mr. Rove!
Kali39 almost 12 years ago
Oh, look, “Green Eggs and Ham.” Didn’t know that was in here…
Watcher almost 12 years ago
See Dick. See Dick run. See Jane. See Jane run
Varnes almost 12 years ago
Bush….. library…….in the same sentence…………..Really?
opentomeet almost 12 years ago
See Dick, see Dick shoot his hunting buddies… see them run…
roctor almost 12 years ago
Did they save the banner?
roctor almost 12 years ago
The President is the most vetted person.Any skeketons would be ferreted out post haste.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
My Pet Goat
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Oops somebody else noticed that book…
JosephBidenJr99 almost 12 years ago
.02 cents from a WW2 airplane driver: I am also a life-long CONSERVATIVE Democrat. George W. was able to fly one of the hottest interceptors ever built. Ask our present leader if Community Organizers are capable of mastering such things. I cast my first presidential ballot for Capt. Harry Truman. It was the best presidential ballot I ever cast.
Beleck3 almost 12 years ago
lol. to see Obots fight the Right is like looking in a mirror and yelling at the reflection, and vice versa. ignorance is such bliss for these people. lol
i can’t imagine there’d be any books at all other than “My Pet Goat” and the Primer for “Dick, Jane and Sally” school. since he never learned how to speak correctly, like “nucular”, this just goes to prove how lucky we are Bush didn’t start a “Nucular War”. though Obama may finisht the job,go team go!!! ObamaBush 111.
Bush term 4. and now Sandra Day O’Connor has reservations about her appointing Bush as President. lol
more proof of the “ignorance is Bliss” idiocy.
Mitchtheone almost 12 years ago
Guard SGT said, about 21 hours ago
“With so many leaders in one place, I hope one of them asked Barack Obama about his role in the Benghazi Murders.”Or how he gets away with being a Usurper?Or how he gets away with being a forger?Or how he gets away with gun running to Mexican drug gangs?Or how he gets away with destroying the Health Care System?Or how he gets away with executive orders to NOT follow the law with immigration.?So many questions. Not one answer.
So you are a birther. No kidding. Wear your tin hat with pride. You certainly earned the right to do so with this post alone.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me that the extremist elements are the most vociferous and the first to resort to personal attack when confronted with logic and reason.Also, they never seem to have anything to say about the strip ie. perhaps commenting on the fact that poor ole Turd Blossom is even less well-read than Dubya. They always go back to their cliched rhetoric about birth certificates or cover-ups. We’ve heard you and heard you and heard you. Now go away !
pauldamin almost 12 years ago
If you think that salt was unimportant, you don’t know the importance of salt in the pre-refrigeration days.
magicwalnut almost 12 years ago
What universe do you live in? It can’t be the same one I inhabit!
wwh85cp almost 12 years ago
They HAD to call it a library, even if there were no books at all. Gotta justify it to Laura Bush, who was an actual librarian back in the day.
Cue music… “Tradition, Tradition! Tradition, Tradition!!”
Astolat almost 12 years ago
Repeated from yesterday:Minor v Hampersett, says:“Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case it is not necessary to solve these doubts.”The key point is the last sentence – Minor v Hampersett specifically does not decide the position of someone US born of foreign parents. That was decided in US v Wong Kim Ark. The case uses the terms “native born citizens” and “natural born citizens” interchangeably and in contrast to “naturalized citizens”; it appears that usage has changed from the latter to the former during the century after independence. Wong Kim Ark decides:“all white persons, at least, born within the sovereignty of the United States, whether children of citizens or of foreigners, excepting only children of ambassadors or public ministers of a foreign government, were native-born citizens of the United States.”This comes from the British principle of ius soli, expressly upheld by the Supreme Court as the basis of US post-independence law.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
‘There is at least one on each side of the fence that seems to have nothing better to do than hang around all day and argue’.It wouldn’t be so bad if they would at least argue. Instead, they keep repeating the same ignorant nonsense and calling names as if that would convince anyone of anything. No, they’re just here to irritate and enrage people with real intelligence. The best thing to do is ignore them.
stephenf almost 12 years ago
Judging by the record of the current occupant, the ability to read does not appear to be correlated with the ability to lead. Scary.
Richard Klinzman Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I love the revisionism this jerk insists upon Why include the butterfly ballot? It was designed by democrats, approved by democrats and the voters too dumb to grasp it, didn’t vote for their pet goat, Al Gore. Yet that’s Bush’s fault? I’m no fan of W but I do insist on accuracy, something Trudeau has no use for.
ironflange almost 12 years ago
Two sections of coloring books: easy (stayed inside the lines) and hard (didn’t).
UltraL almost 12 years ago
He might have won a reading contest with Rove – Mr. Rove couldn’t comprehend what he was reading on election night…
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
‘grounded for age or failure to pass the physical’.Well, actually, he never took the second physical. (Remember Michael Moore’s Farenheit 9/11 playing “Cocaine” in the background as this was discussed?). So what he did was cost the United States a kaboodle to train him for a skill that did us absolutely no good ever.
Kylop almost 12 years ago
In the ‘toon Mr Twee refers (in panel 3) to "…Mr. Bush’s iconic bullhorn…" When did he use a bullhorn?
Justice22 almost 12 years ago
I believe GW was reading a book along with some grade school kids when 9/11 happened. That book, I believe something about a fish, should be there. He is on record as saying he read a book once.
McSpook almost 12 years ago
Jack and Jill went up the hillTo fetch a pail of water,Jack fell down and broke his crownAnd Jill said “We have to invade Iraq because they have Hills of Mass Destruction.”
FriscoLou almost 12 years ago
What about the interactive shoe throwing exhibit?
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
The very worst president of my lifetime. In fact, Bush is worse than any since James Buchanan. It will take a generation to recovery from all the damage he did. Longer to erase the stain of torture. That remains a national disgrace. It diminished America’s greatness. And that will be hard to regain.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Rickapolis,I don’t think we’ll ever regain it. He completed the job Reagan began of turning us in to a Third World nation, with no middle class, just serfs and masters. Unfortunately, Clinton and Obama have done nothing to turn that around and therefore are just as complicit in it as Bush was.
joe vignone almost 12 years ago
LIEbrary of the Nincompoop in Chief, first Chicken Hawk of the Yale Cheering Squad, Mission Accomplished in his own Mind and Ultimate Village idiot of an Entire Nation!
JP Steve Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“I’m rubber and you’re glue…”
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Plenty of braindead con comic strips already do that. Maybe you’d feel more at home there.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
That commie-pinko Alley Oop! And don’t get me started on “Dick” Tracy.
sierraseven almost 12 years ago
Okay, so the banner represented the ship’s mission, and was already there when Bush came on board (which did, you cannot deny, delay the crew getting home). However, Bush did not have to set up for the speech with the banner conspicuously visible behind him, did he? If he did not intend to have “Mission Accomplished” connected to his speech, why did he do that?
FriscoLou almost 12 years ago
They ought get Neil Young to play at the grand opening, they like CSN&Y in Texas don’t they?
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
sierraseven, you never heard that after all the denials, the Bush White House admitted that the banner was their idea and their execution? It had nothing to do with the ship.. “Clearly putting a ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner on an aircraft carrier was a mistake,” Mr. Bush said in reference to a 2003 speech he delivered on the deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln. (…) “It sent the wrong message; we were trying to say something differently but nevertheless it conveyed a different message,” Mr. Bush said.
x666dog almost 12 years ago
Ever think that “Manchurian Candidate” could actually happen?
porkerroy almost 12 years ago
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Or 18 1/2 minutes of blank tape in Nixon’s?Or a cake in the shape of a gun in Reagan’s?Or a pair of lips in Bush I’s?All these guys are human and have foibles. The only difference is how many people have to die for them. So far Bush II is WAY ahead.
bostonEddie almost 12 years ago
I used to read history books but I gave up. If two of them said the same thing I felt like I had wasted my time. If they didn’t say the same thing I got confused.
bostonEddie almost 12 years ago
Remember that Bush’s flight training was cut short, not because of failing the drug test but because he was pulled out to work on a relative’s political campaign. Coincidentally most of his military records were destroyed in a fire.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Hey, calimaghazi, Nancy has an all Fritzi Ritz strip today, and she needs cash! Just up your alley.
Weakstream almost 12 years ago
This strip is going to be fun this week.
MelvinLott almost 12 years ago
And yet, your post is certainly not a “loony toony” post at all. No sir, not at all
Tim_B almost 12 years ago
I always wait till late at night to read your comments. They are always good for a chuckle before bed.
“I’ll believe anything you say as long as you say what I want to hear. Anything other than that is a lie.” – anonymous
Linguist almost 12 years ago
I actually read your entire post. Very illuminating, if a tad long for this venue. I am afraid it is far to long for the intellectual midgets who cling to the Birther Ideology. You can’t convince them that reality and facts are real and the truth. The only truth is, that of their own delusional paranoia !
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
" More people have been killed by their own governments than in all wars in history."-Are you saying now that the US Government orchestrated the attacks in Benghazi?
Astolat almost 12 years ago
I read the case instead, as you now can since Newshound posted the majority judgment above,. You can see that, as I said, it interchanges native born and natural born, and starts teh discussion about the law applying to Wong by looking at the “natural born” presidential requirement in the constitution. Natural born = ius soli, which has always meant just being born in the country, nothing to do with parentage save the exceptional cases such as being the child of an ambassador.
Hawthorne almost 12 years ago
To be realistic. Mr. Bush’s handlers thought it was a great idea, because it would imply that the carrier’s success belonged to Mr. Bush.
As head of state, that would be appropriate. However, the intent to deceive, which it was, was not.
Hawthorne almost 12 years ago
And they say marketing has no effect on the public … sure.
Nobody would spend the billions they do on propaganda – er, sorry, marketing, if it wasn’t effective.
And that goes double for politics.