Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 02, 2013

  1. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 12 years ago

    This little quiz was designed by Darth Chaney !

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  2. Temple
    locuravamp  almost 12 years ago

    Wow. This strip is getting more and more subtle as the years go by.

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    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    Is there an emotional APP? How it feels to have sent 5,000 of our finest to their deaths for no reason?

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    Salinasong  almost 12 years ago

    Sounds like the opinion polls I used to get before caller ID.

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    mojobeans  almost 12 years ago

    the “decision points theater” would be hillarious if it weren’t real.

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  6. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  almost 12 years ago

    As Kurt Vonnegut pointed out, the word is Psychopathic Personality_. Look up _The Mask Of Sanity for the whole book on psychopaths. They’re quite sure they’re right, full of confidence, and just don’t care. As politicians, that’s a seductive combination.

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    GrimmaTheNome  almost 12 years ago

    You’re supposed to pray before making that sort of decision aren’t you, so that you know that you’re doing your God’s will. Like Bush and Blair did…

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    roctor  almost 12 years ago

    What insight.

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  9. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 12 years ago

    Democrats confirm Saddam Hussein has WMD.flv

    Some comments before Bush.Always fun to point fingers.

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    Doughfoot  almost 12 years ago

    EVERYONE makes mistakes. The mature person admits he made a mistake. Politicians are not generally permitted to be mature.

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  11. Hpqscan0023
    Q4horse  almost 12 years ago

    The art of shaping public opinion is in how you ask the questions. That’s how different opinion polls manage to produce seemingly contradictory results.

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  12. Manachan
    rpmurray  almost 12 years ago

    Let’s see how option two plays out in Iran and North Korea.

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  13. Menard2
    habfan40  almost 12 years ago

    You could do option 3 (Like our Left Liberal Justin Trudeau)(same last name same political slant)Just give them a hug and sit down with them and find out what we did wrong so we can say were sorry

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  14. Shark vs swimmer stencil copy
    SwimsWithSharks  almost 12 years ago

    At the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History I like to ask the guides — when I’m exiting the “Evolution” wing — if they can point me to the Creationism wing.

    At the Bush museum, I think I’d enjoy asking where the WMD wing is.

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  15. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    “Is there an emotional APP? How it feels to have sent 5,000 of our finest to their deaths for no reason?”#Did you forget your talking points already? It was “all about the oil”. Remember? And, of course, There’s the tried and true “it’s all Obama’s fault”. Now go stand in the corner and count to 1000, slowly!!!

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    Beleck3  almost 12 years ago

    oh you mean there is a difference between Obama and Bush, other than skin color?

    Obushma 3 is carrying on the Decider’s Glorious Path.Freedom is just that way!

    5000 dead Americans in Iraq, cannon fodder for the Right, profits for Cheney and the Oil Companies.

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  17. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    Always fun to poke fingers? People in congress don’t have the same intel as the WH, sorry. Also, not everyone in congress did go along with the Iraq war.

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  18. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    Amazing the Bushies keep beating the drum on the Iraq war, a miserable, gigantic mistake. Does Nixon have an I am not a crook booth at his library? Does Clinton have a booth about lewinsky at his library? Nope. Only GW. That is why he is so great to make fun of. He writes his own comedy.

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    tlynnch  almost 12 years ago

    Those were the actual choices Cheney told Bush he had. Obviously he choose best outta the two.

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    phdtogo  almost 12 years ago

    WMDs were not the issue as the end game was to isolate Iran by establishing a military presence in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I was in the latter country and consequently, obtained the information first-hand.

    Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain have now replaced Iraq as the “forward deployed” presence.

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    Bill French  almost 12 years ago

    It is still Bush’s fault. Never mind the Obama behind the curtain.

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    kaffekup   almost 12 years ago

    Somehow, this is exactly the way I envisioned it. Either GBT is a genius or I am. There is just no way they could offer you valid choices in a place like that..And by the way, rather than isolating Iran, they did an excellent job of empowering it, and spreading its influence throughout the Middle East (in Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza…).

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    cmcmail  almost 12 years ago

    News brief: The current administration has defined a pressure cooker full of fireworks black powder as a “weapon of mass destruction” . If the simplest of IEDs are defined as WMDs then Bush had plenty of justification to enter Iraq or practically any place in the world.

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    gaslightguy  almost 12 years ago

    Saw a news clip on that yesterday. So sad. How anyone can delude themselves and point to everyone else is beyond comprehension.

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    TCulberson  almost 12 years ago

    History will show that W was one of the best Presidents since Truman

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  26. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  almost 12 years ago

    Give me a break, both W and BO never should have been in office, one because of voter fraud and the the other because he is at best, an naturalized citizen. When is everybody going to sit up and realize that our representative government is representing the power behind the huge multinational corporations – They are the ones that want control over the world, be it a one world government, or all vassal states, they are fine with it as long as they have total control.

    They are making reasonable(to some) suggestions to the sheeple to just hand over their rights and they will keep everyone safe. Safe from whom?

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  27. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    Oh wow. Someone on this thread thinks Obama is “at best, a naturalized citizen.” Some people are really pathetic. Obama comes from the beautiful state of Hawaii, a state since 1959. But keep it up, Birthers, it just shows you for what you really are, ignorant fools.

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  28. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    It doesn’t sound like the Decisions room really allows any disagreement with the Bushies. Hence, it is a misnomer.

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  29. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    As someone from the state of Missouri, I can tell you that Harry Truman does not appreciate being placed in the same sentence, let alone category, as W, and is now turning over in his grave even as we speak…

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    solaria Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Bush and his “gang” - still masters of deceit.

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  31. Masked
    Rickapolis  almost 12 years ago

    That’s right. Make up any lie you can think of to justify invasion, THEN torture prisoners. The Bush legacy of stupidity, cowardice and failure. The result of letting the Supreme Court decide the victor rather than the voters.

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    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    The first decision he ever made was “Lie and get rewarded or tell the truth and get a spanking” The rest is history.

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  33. Bbjcesh
    barister  almost 12 years ago

    There is not enough room on this message board to address the point being made in today’s panel. I still vote to send the sons of polititians FIRST as a sign of their true committment to public service and sacrifice. If they really believe the war is valid, make a point and send YOUR kid!! Have them put their decisions where their mouths are. I bet there would be less wars!!! Still peeved that Vietnam Vets got a raw deal, while politician sons (most of them) got off. Where’s their parade?? Where’s the apology and sympathy for sending them in so young only to return as junkies and the most hated Americans of the 60’s and 70’s. I TOLD YOU THERE WASN’T ENOUGH ROOM.

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    kaffekup   almost 12 years ago

    lavubua, I think you made your point perfectly in the space you took. Although, based on the posts of some of our local trolls, there really is no limitation on space.

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  35. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    Yes Lavubua, I get your point. I am assuming you are no fan of Mitt Romney, who supported the Vietnam War, but went to France to do his Mormon missionary work instead of going to Vietnam.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 12 years ago

    A correctly framed question creates the desired answer.

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  37. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    Ha! You don’t wanna know…

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    bradindvr  almost 12 years ago

    Did Iraq cross a red lone?

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  39. Hacking dog original
    J Short  almost 12 years ago

    Well I can tell from the comments no one went and looked at the site. We’ve made up our minds; no matter the evidence. What a feeding frenzy of BS.

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    Newshound41  almost 12 years ago

    The United States vs. Kim Wong Ark.That is all I have to say.

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  41. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  almost 12 years ago

    Sorry for Sarge? Not me. Not even. And oh my— more birther talk. Obama meets the Constitutional requirements to be POTUS, like him or not. He was born here. He is over 35. Even Marco Rubio, a new GOP darling, could legally become prez, even though he has 2 Cuban-born parents. Even if Marco’s parents were merely on vacation in Florida at the time of his birth, he is still eligible to be POTUS, though I would never, ever vote for him.

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    kaffekup   almost 12 years ago

    But, mt, I thought I remembered Rube-io saying he remembered running throught the surf as he fled Cuba…

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  43. Oddballsayssilkscreen
    sprint11  almost 12 years ago

    Remember when ol’ Garry was relevant? 5 years later and we’re still on Bush, while The Kenyan and his head assistant Billary crank out lie on lie on lie. Come on, already.

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