Endtown by Aaron Neathery for May 17, 2013

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    bobguthrie  almost 12 years ago

    No, blood in the lower part of the shirt.

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  2. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Bullet holes in the wall.

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  3. Denver boone  an american icon
    GoNordrike  almost 12 years ago

    Allie! Oh no, I can’t wait for Monday!

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  4. Lh 50
    Level_Head  almost 12 years ago

    Aaron’s skill with facesDepicts a grimmer strainShe’s likely shot in placesAnd grimacing in painIt isn’t to embraceAs she falls toward her friendHer arm is out of place:I’d guess she’s near the end=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooVote for Endtown ClassicThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

and an expression of extreme pain.

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  6. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  almost 12 years ago

    It is possible also that she feels guilty for “having started” this while mess. Blessed B e

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  7. Ytmnd
    MacEwanMouse  almost 12 years ago

    Won’t lie, if she does die, she will be the one I miss the least. I understand her hardships, and her importance in bringing Wally into the story, but I never really liked her as an individual.  Others moved on through death and suffering, she fell deep in the drink and lead a life of “woe is me.” Little else to blame but herself.

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  8. Penguins
    DADOF3  almost 12 years ago

    Oh dear, gut shot. I hope Doc’s up on gator anatomy :-(.

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  9. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 12 years ago

    I think we had enough of Allie’s backstory to make her a sympathetic creature with one too many traumas to push her over the edge and into the bottle. She was a friend of Holly’s, and as such, I hope she recovers enough to join Wally on a mission to save Holly. Allie was competent at negotiating scavenger missions, but like too many Endtowners fell into the bottle.Please remember to vote for Endtown 2.0, Doc Rat and the original Endtown using Level_Head’s links. We are in trouble of falling off the first page of topwebcomics at the current rate of voting this weekend. Vote early and often, on every machine you can access.I think with Wally’s help, she can climb out of the bottle and redeem herself. That thought will get me through the weekend.JusSayin

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  10. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Back Allie.Blind Allie.Dead Allie.

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    Gildedtongue  almost 12 years ago

    Looks like Allie is in a lot of pain.

    Pain is good, though.Pain means you’re alive.

    Let’s just hope she keeps that way! (erm, the alive part, not the in pain part.)

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  12. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    Doc Chase counted off 72 injured in yesterday’s strip. If he’s the only one in Endtown qualified to operate on the wounded, then at least a few will die while queuing up for surgery. Allie is either going to be in for an excruciating wait in line, or she won’t make it long enough to get into triage.

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  13. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  almost 12 years ago

    Oh man
 I think Allie took a round or two to the stomach. I’m guessing her scales acted a little to stop the bullet, but not enough to prevent real damage. Or maybe it’s guilt. Or both.

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  14. Fiver2
    Francis362003  almost 12 years ago

    Oh god no!

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    twcowdery  almost 12 years ago

    4 panels with only one word of dialogue, yet a very powerful message.

    I continue to be impressed on how well Mr. Neathery can tell a story visually.

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    witchspell63  almost 12 years ago

    I got a feeling by the way she slumped over, we may be saying goodbye to Allie. I hope not tho. BTW, whoever posted it, she did NOT throw that bottle

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Each person deals with their own crisis. Sure Allie climbed in a bottle. Cooper chose self medication ie use drugs becoming something he does not even know what he is. This situation in the Endtown Universe hammered any one and every one. You may not like her but there is no reason to deny her any more respect than anyone else. To me that does appear as a stomach wound. Those are the most painful things to go thru. I have seen soldiers hit that way and the pain took all the morphine we could shove in them. Recovery is just as bad. They do not sew you up till you heal from the inside out. So you lay there with your guts exposed while they heal then you get closed up. I know that because one of my fellow officers took a shotgun blast to his guts. Nearly a year to recover but he did.Sepsis and Shock are the killer here. Wally is going to feel this one deep. He wronged her one time and never took the chance to apologize. I hope he at least gets to patch up things with her. She was the last survivor of a scavenger team that found Wally just as he was about to be skinned alive. They lost two getting back. Her best friend sacrificed himself to keep Wally from getting shot.Then to get slammed in the face by the one they had lost lives to save. This is the first time he has seen her since that day.As far as marching with bodies to the elevators and yelling look what you did. My response would be to hold up the three dead rats (tho I know they only have one the other two are down there) and say this is what you MADE us do. All you had to do was leave. Just leave.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    One thing for sure. Allie can tell him how it all happened. Sure, tensions have been high for sometime but when you look for the spark that caused all this. You have the start right there. She accused a bar fly. A fight started. The call was made. The results happened. Man I feel sorry for Allie. That poor girl can’t get a break. She seems to have a black cloud always following her.And there’s probably a shortage of LUBRIDERM lotion.You know for dry skin. (Sorry I had to add a little humor here)

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    dew2  almost 12 years ago

    Why keep the trial going . . . the “human values” of tyranny, murder and hatred seem to live deep within the citizens of Endtown. Lord, help them all!

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  20. Clippedcat
    GoodDoctor  almost 12 years ago

    Looking quickly I thought that was the shadow of Allie’s arm on her blouse on panel 4 but no, it is blood from a gut shot.

    Doc Rat could explain it better but Veteran is correct, infection is a big worry, let alone what internally was hit or nicked, small or large intestine, stomach etc. And what makes things worse off for Allie is that there is contains in the stomach which she only ingested maybe a couple of hours ago, so there is higher stomach acid levels to worry about.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Gooddoctor,What even make this worse is Allie feeling its all her fault and having gun shot wound to the stomach. Either one will make your stomach hurt by itself but adding the two together is just punishment I would not wish on anyone.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    It would be a jester of good faith if help came from above in the medical department. They may be Rats but even in war doctors will work on either side. They don’t see enemy or friendly. They see a wounded person needing aid. Many of you may not know this but even in WWII German so called NAZI medics would field work on American soldiers. A friend of the family told me this happened to him in Bastogne. He was lying badly wounded as his unit backed up from the German assault. A German medic stopped and dressed his wounds and went on. In a few minutes the whole German group now ran by retreating. He was recovered by American forces and taken to the medics. Lying beside him in that hospital was the German medic who had cared for him. He was receiving no care. He got up and made the docs take care of him. He felt it was the least he could do. It was only then he learned the injuries were too severe to survive. The Medic died but not alone.I doubt help will come. The High Council knows and can watch what is going on up there. They would halt any attempt to aid Endtown.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Wally only tried once. When something like this happens it can take many attempts. AND has to go both ways. But sometimes life gets in the way.Folks just shrug their shoulders and move on.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Ohhhhhh. Here’s one that would tug at your heart strings.Its not her blood. Its the blood of the one she picked the fight with. Who was hit by a stray bullet and died in her arms.Guilt Road Trip deluxe.Either way this poor girl can’t get a break.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Just an observation.Does Wally’s badge appear more “darker” than usual??Artist coloring or (as we followers know he can do) suggesting something.TSOJ trying to remember. Does overdose mean the badge goes white or black? (Need Vol 3 and 4 for research. Easier than review by click click mouse)

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  26. Jenav
    lordrunningclam  almost 12 years ago

    July! July! by the Decemberists keeps running through my mind:

    and i say your uncle was a crooked french canadian and he was gut-shot runnin gin and how his guts were all suspended in his fingers and how he held ’em how he held ’em held, ’em in

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  27. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Whoever filled Security with rats may have been trying to have a readily recognizable force in a highly variable population. Ratness would be a uniform and badge, and people are traditionally intimidated by rats anyway. Also, rats might have been the most numerous and available, due to the amount of experimentation of the mutagen that would have been done on rats, dispersing a higher proportion of rat DNA to the victims. The Security recruiter might have preferred a more imposing species like police dogs instead, but there weren’t enough. The rats may have had no choice in their careers, just like Wally had no choice in being handed weapons as an APEX engineer, and were just as unprepared and reluctant.The only non-Security rat I recall seeing is Maurice’s spicy rat, and he may not be very popular right now. Maurice might have had to fire him or be arrested for using mutant products for food. They may both be arrested anyway, if the HC orders it despite the riot. The spicy rat might be charged with being a deserter, if all rats are drafted for Security, unless his size made him exempt.

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  28. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I’m assuming the spicy rat hasn’t been retconned like Cooper’s detachable head, by the way.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 12 years ago

    First time I ever felt sad for an alligator.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Mac,I know you don’t believe that. She is not unfit. PSTD is written all over her. Just like us Vets. Its the baggage we carry and sometimes no one is there to help us or WE don’t want the help. Allie watched the death of her two companions while saving Wally who was then all about DONT KILL THEM.Wally had seen too much slaughter so wanted no more. He failed to understand that in this situation those Topsiders could care less what a damned mutant wants. Its kill or be killed. Wally convinced them not to kill the final Topsider. He freed himself and ran them down. Allie’s friend the pig pushed Wally to safety and took a Zero weapon that would have got Wally. Dust to Dust.Then later Wally does not even appreciate what they did for him. Two died to bring him to safety. This is one of the monsters in his dreams. A thank you then would have gone really far.What helps you survive are others.And when others around you die and you continue to survive the guilt runs deep. Survivor guilt is a heck of a weight.No one makes it alone. Even with all my skills and training I stand a better chance of survival bonding with some others. They have skills I could rely on and I have skills they can rely on.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    My bad.PTSD (fingers got all crossed up again)

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    mr_sherman,I thought it just might be the colors. I just remember the teacher told him to always wear that badge and watch out for pockets of radiation.His wearing it for her would be a real caring thing when sometimes Wally only seems to care about himself. I am not pick on him. Just observing. Wally seems to swing from almost being the leader to running away with the only thing he cares about now which is Holly. But I think he understands little about Holly. Has she ever had the talk with him like she had with Linda? She has talked to Wally about letting go of the emotional baggage but has she talked about how much she loves Endtown. I don’t think he could convince her to leave even if it got tough. Her story on the tower. She made a decision rather than to jump off the tower to jump into the life of Endtown. Her running had stopped there.I still see a little rabbit in Wally.And now Holly is not there to help him with his decision.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Night-Guant49You mention suicide as an option.There is no survival doing that just death.Do you see Endtown now at the point where death is the better alternative?Endtown is not that far gone.If food was out, starvation rampant, Topsiders busting in the elevators, pushed back into a crevice, and your option is to become fleshy pieces in a machine or vaporize your self NOW there is where suicide would be an option.Right now Endtown is in a state of confusion. Tension is at an absolute high. The system of government designed to be fool proof has been hacked by some fools. Someone is on an agenda for control.Only one side can win this. One way or the other Endtown will come out of this. For good, for bad remains to be seen. One always hopes in stories the good guys win. I know they don’t always win and sun does not always shine but do you die just because it isn’t going your way today??There is always tomorrow and who knows IT COULD BE WORSE!!!!!

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    No issues MacI can understand your side.But I can also see Endtown’s folks sides.You should see us go on about what weapons can defeat the suits the Topsiders wear. You know they are sharp edged proof? What would a 7.62 NATO do to that. What would the Rats guns do to the suit? Its not Zero knife proof. Flask showed that after she MUTATED dozens (maybe) escaping her captors. She never killed any of them just cut the suit letting the virus mutate them into monsters. Men, women, and children.There is a lot going on in the Endtown universe. A lot on peoples minds.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Mac,Check out Topsiders doctrine.They believe there no place for weakness. They are the genetically and physically pure to re-inhabit their planet.What happens if born you are not “genetically” perfect. I shudder to think about that but that is Topsider doctrine.No dissention is tolerated.All obey orders of the One leader.No Mercy, No weakness, No tolerance, No quarter asked nor is any given.They will sacrifice their own to get the mission completed.Linda was out with a newbie named Doug. They became part of Flask’s cruelty only Linda surviving by Wally’s intervention.Doug was 17. The Topsider leader had no qualm sacrificing those to catch Flask in the end. He failed but you can see what they are willing to do. Endtown offers something different. Your service is asked but not demanded. You can step out if you like. Wally was forced into his mission with Flask by Flask. She wanted cannon fodder. Flask by the way before her mutation was a high level Topsider scientist working on the Rocket program they completed without her. As a Topsider she began to doubt. She was more than likely watched and finally dealt with.So to cut all weakness from Endtown is just becoming that which they were running from. It would make Endtown, Topsiders.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Mac,I enjoy our exchanges you are right in some aspects and I am right in some others.We do agree on one thing. The unit has to remain strong. We can tolerate no weakness.You and I could make that HARD choice between life and death and move on. Being older I would feel it a bit more right then and being younger you would probably not. When I was younger I did not feel it as much as I do know. Probably age difference also seen much more than most in my life. I have been to the edge of the abyss and came back. Folks in my life have told me to go to hell. I just smile Been There Done That. Wanna know what its like???I can agree Mac some folks in Endtown need to put on their big kid clothes and get on with it. But they are like us, they can fall, and they can fail.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Just one thing Mac,Not all Topsiders would mutate into foxes like Flask or perfect physical anthro specimens. Linda had a body and she turned into a Koala. Petit size with a cute little puff ball tail.Topsiders do hold all the cards.But if they ever win this war, the virus does disappear as mysteriously as it showed up, radiation levels completely subside, the monsters living on the surface disappear, will they be a good representation of Humanity? Will their doctrine of overt superiority to all things be a good thing?Or would it be better to see Topsiders gone, the war over, the underground settlements be able to move topside and recreate the world they remember just leave out all that nasty stuff that caused all this to begin with. There are some underground who have not seen the topside since they came underground. Dottie for one in Flask checking Al and Gustine’s story.Brave new world either way. The story is well worth the ride.

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  38. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    One way of looking at it is both sides are in suits. The Topsider’s in their biosuits and the Endtowner’s underground. Yes, we readers are on the side of the anthro’s, but what if the story was written from the perspective of supporting the Topsider’s? What would the comments be like, then?

    They’re more alike than different with the exception of the Topsider’s total eradication belief system. Which is ironic, because evidently, the Topsider’s haven’t figured out a way to eradicate the mutagen from even their own cities. What makes them so sure they will ever do it?

    The rats and the rest of the Endowner’s are even more alike because they are in this together. Like previously stated “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

    On a lighter note, I temporarily changed my avatar to a beer label I recently found. It sure resembles our dear departed captain!

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Well put Mac,lets see how Mr. Neathery runs with this.He after all is the “A NUMBER ONE OVERLORD HIGH HAT COMMANDER AND GOD” of the Endtown universe However I do disagree, Age does give Wisdom.It is the looking back that gives the Wisdom. One looks back to question and there in the past is the answer. This is history.You cant learn anything from the future. It has not happened yet. It is a mysteryNor can you learn from the present. Because you are doing it right now. This is existence right now.But only one of these is a gift. It is the most precious of all. Can you guess which one?

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    mr_sherman,That is nice. Both the new avatar and label. Amazing.That looks like the after POOL party.I will tip a cold one tonight.Long Live the Captain.You know this would have never happened with her around.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I guess it all makes an impression when it’s just happening, but it really brings it home when it happens to someone you know.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I will check back Mac, my day is done and time to shuttle on home.I just love the bravado of youth. Its always out there being what it is. Gives me faith in humanity. Sometimes I think most of today’s youth just folded up and moved back in with mom and dad.But do remember Mac, a good leader reaches back to bring those along who falter. Did you figure which one was a gift?It is today, the now, the PRESENT. Treat it as one everyday. Remember it can end suddenly.You and I have been lucky so far. Every day I wake up it is a really good day. I don’t care how bad it gets. It’s still a good day.Peace, bro Later.

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  43. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 12 years ago

    Aaawww, I feel the need to support the alcoholic.(Br)" Another accusation by enemies, accused Grant of being drunk during several of his successful campaigns. A member of General Grant’s staff at Vicksburg, Colonel Dickey, was sent to Washington with dispatches for the Secretary of War and President Lincoln. Lincoln had been friends with Dickey for many years. At the meeting with the President, Dickey told Lincoln; ‘I hear that some have tried to poison you against General Grant, saying that he has been drunk.’ President Lincoln replied; ‘we get all sorts of reports here, but I will tell you this, if those accusing General Grant of getting drunk will tell me where he gets his whiskey, I will get a lot of it and send it around to the other generals, who are badly in need of something of the kind.’”

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  44. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 12 years ago

    <a href"http://www.cracked.com/article_18786_the-5-most-inspiring-things-ever-accomplished-while-drunk.html">5 most inspiring feats accomplished while drunk. I’ll figure out what I am doing wrong laterJusSayin

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Mac,Take some philosophy courses. They can be quite interesting to guys like us.Good on the GIBill. Its what I used. Of course I got a degree in Geology. Watched the Oil Field crash and ended up doing 32 years as Texas State Trooper. So there is no guarantee of being homeless or unemployed. The DPS is not high paying, not glamorous, one of the more “free” type work, you have a schedule but what you do and where you go are your choice. Just get to work. The only thing is this job requires more compassion than force. Sure you can chunk everyone in jail without question and go home at night and feel fine. You can write everyone you want a citation (ticket) without any considerations as long as you follow the rules. Which are rather general.I did not join for that. I would rather make a friend with a stern don’t do that again or a little compassion when you are drunk in public because you are a bid down. For once rather than jumping all over folks I wanted to see if I could help. I have banged my head on some hard walls. Sometimes failing but the few I did get thru to came back years later and thanked me.I have shot and killed. There was no choice. He pointed I fired. Turned out later his gun was broken it would not have fired anyway. That never bothered me. Its what I saw at the time I remembered. The Grand Jury nearly indicted me for Murder. Reason. I should have waited till he fired. Reason finally ruled out. But it showed me how the people I protect can turn. Much like Endtown and the Rats.I am glad you made it as a Vet. But remember many more did not. We both left blood back there and pieces of ourselves. Some vets may look for the free ride. Some vets may just want a hand. You know the difference. I know you do. College will help your mind but remember your heart also. That is what I serve the State of Texas with my heart.Botasky ehhh? he is pretty cool.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Hey JusSayinThe song In a Gadda da Vida was penned by the artist when drunk. He meant to write In a Garden of Eden. Would that song have the same appeal with those words? 1969 was a great year.

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  47. Idano
    Ida No  almost 12 years ago

    A couple of hours left on this week’s auction. Help support Endtown – bid!

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  48. Ytmnd
    MacEwanMouse  almost 12 years ago

    Or, one party is forced to stop fighting. At least at a large enough scale to cause collapse.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    By the way, anybody notice that the picture in the link GoComics uses in the “A Z Navigation” for “Endtown” is one of the “Crazy Flask” pictures from the last storyline?

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  50. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  almost 12 years ago

    Back when I was fantasizing about an Endtown Swimsuit Calander, I imagined Petey in a Hawiian shirt and his beloved transporter painted up as a surf van.

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  51. Helm08g1f01t
    Melkior  almost 12 years ago

    I have some theories on how the ruling council system was manipulated. It involves failing to design the system with such manipulation in mind.

    Fanatics will do things other folks won’t do. Like not leaving a small living space even after a month of virtual isolation, leading to the “system” not picking a replacement
 or some variation of that.

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  52. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  almost 12 years ago

    Something is wrong with this comment accumulation. I counted three of the mayor and his gal. Vetran’s comments were repeated word for word at least 3 times. Is this something planned or put on by Gocomics?Blessings.

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