Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for June 07, 2013

  1. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 11 years ago

    That just doesn’t add up !In my book, there are two types of accountants – the crooked, rich ones and the honest, poor ones.

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  2. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    She sounds honest, so vows work, is the moral? ;)Seen Tom Hanks in “Big”? Same premise; Guy finds-himself in an NBA Player’s Body; the rest doesn’t need language. ;)Kevin Durant Commercial.

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  3. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    Ok, that’s more like it, what a crappy strip
. Smythe is spinning in his grave tonight

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  4. Tzarevna
    Harry Grapjas  over 11 years ago

    @afficionadoWe visited Malta several years ago and it sure is a beautiful island. I can honestly say it was one of our best vacations ever. Hope to come back one day.So when our son asked for a nice holiday destination with his new girlfriend, I recommended Malta. They went and agreed: perfect place to fall in love (double meaning: in love with the island and in love with each other).I envy you for living there.

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  5. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  over 11 years ago

    Loaning me money is a bad idea on account of I’m not likely to pay it back. Actually, that’s not true but it sounded clever, no?

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  6. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 11 years ago

    Andy could never be an accountant himself, what with being terrible at math. He can just barely keep his score at darts, and he clearly has no clue at all about the betting odds on the dogs and the ponies!

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  7. Missing large
    loves raising duncan  over 11 years ago


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  8. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    While my nose was buried in a good book, Gweedo said:An evening of Thursdays

    Yes, I Hirt very much !Nice play on words, “Slick” !My original French “painting” shows up here, via My pruny poster. I might have used Al as the example.. just didn’t think of it..Nice beer party poster, Mikey. You’re back and good as ever !.beviek said, about 1 rant ago

    @Linda Dean


    A short note on today’s “political” Capp. As one poster noted
. the “Guard” and its ilk are not here. Count Your Blessings !====I haven’t seen all of his posts but I haven’t seen any of his that I don’t agree wholeheartedly with.

    To me, it’s not so much agree or disagree. It is the acrimonious tone with which the material is presented. “Guard” reminds me of my dad; whatever the argument, just make a point to be a pr&ck. .Conga-rats on the new renters, Number six !   Hope they stay long enough to give you peace of mind. I’ve been with my guy for about ten and a half years now. Peace of mind for him to have someone like me and me not having to constantly keep shuffling from pillar to post. I enjoy the relationship part of it too..Oh yeah.. forgot to mention that today’s Capp was spot on. Who are these new guys !?.On to Number Three, who gets her own post. Not like we’re BF-GF; the age spread is pretty wide. Some people just rate, I guess.
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  9. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    and further says:Late Thoosday

    Number Three said, about 2 shaggy drunk stories ago

    @Gweedo Murray

    I absolutely loved your story about ‘Buff’ I read it about 4 times.

    Well, thank yooou !  He was a character. I spent 3 days with him and his aunt during Easter vacation week in ‘74 out at her house on the Tonawanda Indian reservation outside Akron, NY. Dad dropped me Friday afternoon and by the evening the “chief” and I were popping tops. He got a good dressing down too, for “corrupting a minor” as he put it. Myra was eighty-four and doing okay. I remember his brother George and George’s wife I believe, coming over in their station wagon where upon some shopping and general running around was done. I forget which day it was, but Buff (Wesley) and I walked over to a friend of his house. He took me the shortcut which took us along the railroad track through the woods. New York state woods are pretty dense as they have that wetness you know so well in old Blightey. Bealy (Rubber Gut) Peters was glad to have us. There was beer, of course. Bealy played lacrosse as a younger man and somewhere picked up that handle. His place was surrounded by woods, as you might guess. He had a large, probably late 1950’s, early sixties floor radio. It had FM. I played it a bit. I liked the sound from the big speaker; that was probably about a 12 incher, to the best of my recall. I brought Dad’s 22 rifle out in the hopes of shooting something. I drew a bead on some birds
. ah
 but they knew better and lofted pretty quick. I felt stupid afterward
 trying to kill something for no good reason. Bottle and can targets would have been fun enough.

    From now on, no more pic links from “Tripod”. I get a logo with no pic when others do it and don’t like inflicting that on people. Not familiar with The Prisoner “Dead” episode even though it’s possible I could have been in the house that particular Saturday evening when it ran. Mom loved that show. I’m not sure how much Dad felt about, but apparently enough to be watching it too. As a kid who wasn’t outside doing something else, I would look at it too. It struck me as queer but fascinating. I can just hear Number six now

    Sounds like your cousin is the brother you don’t have. Good Friday is fish Friday,so have a good one.

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  10. Wallpaper2 cg 1024 768 1
    Cuddleman  over 11 years ago

    Tough luck Andy but that won’t work either.

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  11. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 11 years ago

    I’m seeing 2 of every post on my screen 0.o

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  12. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    Well it would save him wasting his breath asking Flo.

    But any WISE guy would refuse to lend Andy a penny!

    Let’s hope the first accountant he asks is one of them.

    LOL xxx

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  13. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    @Gweedo Murray

    It sounds like you all had a blast there. Did you go EVERY Easter? Why was Bealy Peters’ nickname ‘Rubber Gut’? I actually love the radios they had back in the 50’s and 60’s. They’re pretty awesome.

    I only mentioned the ‘Tripod’ part just to let you know that the image didn’t come up. Sorry if you felt ‘inflicted’ upon. I wouldn’t mind at all if somebody mentioned it to me if I posted an image though I get mine from Bing and the ‘Tripod’ thing doesn’t happen.

    Thank you loads for sharing that story today and the one yesterday. They were both a fun read. I wish I had stories like that
 Well I probably have but it’s likely you would read a sentence or two and then drift off to sleep.LOL
 I do bore people sometimes. But I really hope I don’t bore anybody on Andy Capp.

    I only started viewing The Prisoner nearly two years ago
 I think your Mum has awesome taste in music and TV.

    I hope your upcoming weekend is a pleasant one and have a great Friday.

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  14. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    At odds with photobucket; i suspect i’m getting the bandwidth warning TOO late . . .couldn’t be anything on MY end, natch. so, repeating:

    Andy’s learned to boycott unprofitable EstablishmentsNo Loan, no Quarter.

    When the decision is important, seek Professional help.

    Increases the odds of failure success.

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  15. Avatar 3
    pcolli  over 11 years ago

    Free food from a Chinese restaurant? Can you tell where it is, please.

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  16. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    The idea of borrowing from an Accountant sounds like a topic worthy of further pursuit for Andy; . . . Andy seems pretty keen on accounting [and accounting for Himself.

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  17. Pogo
    Buggerlugs  over 11 years ago

    In case you missed this yesterday.

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  18. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member over 11 years ago

    My accountant gives me money once a year. It is called a tax refund.Good afternoon Cappers!No time to stop and chat though. Have a great day.

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  19. Avatar 3
    pcolli  over 11 years ago

    I love Chinese food and having recently spent 4 days in China, I will gladly order more. It’s a pity that what we buy in the UK and the US isn’t genuine.

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  20. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    Number 1 Dalek maker says:Friday morning, not so funny strip

    Andy should be wary of borrowing from an accountant. They have a bad habit of ‘keeping account’ of the funds until they are returned. Can they send someone to debtor’s prison these days ?  I heard they don’t serve alcohol. Bootleg booze; courtesy of sugar packets leaving the dining area and whatever they use for starter yeast. Gotta give him credit for turning over every bush. Strike that he owes all them too ! .Linguist said, about 7 lost (?) photos ago


    Oh good. You got them. I sent them to several people but you are the only one who responded that they received them.

    If you sent any this way, didn’t gett’m...Labor on a hot humid day and get all the “sweatheaven” you can handle.LOve that “Unprofitable Establishment” tag that accompanies the classic. That guy could have been the writer for the side of the page MAD mag bits
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  21. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    Ling I would love to see them also.

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  22. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    The Boulder Dasher also says:A fine Friday afternoon

    pcolli said, 38 potential banishments ago

    @Number Six

    I understand what you and The Three are saying. The jokes are good (to my mind) but, yes, keep an eye on things. We’ve lost the Gweedo, let’s not lose anyone else..PS please let Gweedo back, Mr / Ms GoComics.

    Hear !  Hear !.I agree on Number Three’s polite, tactful means of conveying that message. The jokes are a little risk-yu, but what’s a little bawdy banter among friends ?  Don’t need casual once-in-awhile readers getting their “dandruff up”.I don’t anticipate making any effort to come in as a ‘new me’ until after PRO expires; that be in November..Thanks for bringing back the rotating postage stamp, Number Six. .Poor McChaulkie cawky is doin’ all the work now. Come back, Sandman !.So, Mikey’s got a case of Double up Double up vision vision too too !..And I thought it was just me.
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  23. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    Ruth said to Bev:Thats nothing, my late husband used an old horse watering trough to run the “juice” down to his funnelled jugs and used the old chicken coop to hide his still in. He told anyone curious that it was now his “smokehouse”. The finished product reeked, but sure warmed your innards.

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  24. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    Ruths hubby ran shine after WWII, until his farm started producing, then the chicken coop went back to holding chickens and still holds a few for her own use.(Just to clarify – we dont need ATF to pay her a call)

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  25. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    slumber party II
we having fun with Gweedo and he still said:someone duct tape that mouth!oh, here ya go, Gweedo
and he says:Sundown Friday

    Number Three said, about 1 boring gut ago

    @Gweedo Murray

    It sounds like you all had a blast there. Did you go EVERY Easter? 


    I only stayed over that one weekend but had gone out other times to visit when Dad was in the mood. It would usually start out as a leisurely country drive that might happen to make a stop-in. Dad and friends went there as kids. This was in the ohhh.. late ‘30s and into the ’40s. I don’t know how long Myra was in the house, but it was plenty long time. She was married once, that I know of, but was a widow by the time I started knowing her. Dad started bringing my brothers and me around when her brother, Mcrae “Unc” Skye was living there. There was two dogs. The large one, “Biggy” and the little one, “Twiggy”. I couldn’t tell you what breed they were. The big one had died by the time I stayed over, but the little girl dog was, to use a girl word, as adorable as ever. The biggun was a boy. The house, from what I remember being told, was built 1895 and was a bit ramshackle by the time I met it. The kitchen floor had a tilt that reminded me of some of the Batman tv show villain’s lairs. Early on in the series you knew you were at the bad guy’s place when the camera was on a tilt. Still had the outhouse which was superseded by indoor plumbing by the time of my stay. They had a pump outside too, if I be ‘membering properly.

    Mr. Peters had a big belly which might have something to do with the name. I think it may have been a “weapon” when he was younger and played lacrosse. Their version is a good deal more violent than white boy stuff. You are allowed to hit other players with the stick, something you’re not allowed in hockey, even though it’s been done. That guy was, I believe, in his early seventies at the time.

    Sorry for the long ‘monotribe’. I told myself while making grub that this would be short. I hate to be the cause of people having to skip over my dribbles. When you are older you will have accumulated a tale or two, so don’t sweat it. Friday is outgoing
. let’s see what tomorrow brings.I will be going to see the cowboy band Sat. late afternoon.Take care and good day, G.

    Oh yeah !  Bought a new DeWalt power drill today at the Home Depot. 8 amps, 0-2500 RPM, keyless chuck and 3/8 inch bit diameter capacity. 58 dollars with tax and military discount. The sales guy was helpful.

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  26. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  over 11 years ago

    OH LORD, just what every woman here wants, a Handy Man!
ignore us
4 old ladies having a slumber party wearing our best “sexy” sleepy stuff
we are going back to watch Rutger Hauer in some of his early “sexier” stuff
I am surrounded by Dutch/German/Swedes etc. I think I am the only Native/Jew in several counties, if not states
Mazel Tov Chalkie

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  27. Missing large
    Sherlock5  over 1 year ago

    A man was interviewing a candidate for an accountant job.“How much is five plus five,” he asked.The job candidate got up, closed the door, pulled down the window shade, then sidled closer and said “How much would you like it to be?”

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