Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for June 08, 2013

  1. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 11 years ago

    You had to ask, Bob.

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  2. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 11 years ago

    C’mon, Guitar Bob, it’s a classic! If you really want to do it, then how about another Queen favourite or two: We Will Rock You or Fat-Bottom Girls.

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  3. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    @ Linda “Dean Favors”:

    Shabbat Shalom, Linda De. ANDY should “ring up Mum” and sing the first line. About the Hand-wrunging there; no Weapons involved. In Bob’s Arsenal.. . . while You Ladies were out bumping-around trying on Nudie Suits and Red Hats, Dalek Qwee-dough sent some autumn almanac Pictures of Dais gone lore of the the Stuffalo Clan Family Homestead. They seem pretty leady-heavied Folk. . . .Our li’l Punker wasn’t allowed to play with Whips, yet. Expressly.

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  4. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    Know what? I feel like doing some “ceasing” Todai. Like paying-attention to what G. G. Gumby has to sai; how about something We’ll really enjoy, like a seminal, Andy-creating Classic? . . .how long did It take for any Telly Character anything similar to-Him to-develope? 1958 here.

     •  Reply
  5. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    Hi Gaffer. Or in So-speak, “Hey” Sitting down?Nawwwwwwwwwwww; had to let You go; under new [cough] management, Now. Well, you Nursed that Position for some time . . . doing the work of 2-or-3, even . . . . .just not the best Woman for the Job, any-more ’fraid.

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  6. Missing large
    charlenelin1201  over 11 years ago

    Who says you can’t sing Bohemiam Rhapsody on solo guitar. Watch this:

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  7. Missing large
    John M  over 11 years ago

    I’d suggest John Cage’s 4’33"

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  8. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    Some Pigeon sent-mi this letter from Qwee-dough and I was sound-set on sharing this wilde relic of the Stuffaloe Clan: . . . . it’d be a shane not mentioning this was back, way back back. He was just a Ladd. It think the shot was staged tho; The Stuffaloes are known for taking some coaching. Did Granny know Qwee-dough that far-back? Thought She might-a just flown-in for the Picture; already Fambly. Li’l Kip ot the ol’ Chip. She stick-around that Gal. Take carousel, with-caution.

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  9. Missing large
    loves raising duncan  over 11 years ago

    Be careful what you wish for Guitar Bob!

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  10. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    How about

    ‘Excitable Boy’ by Warren Zevon


    ‘Psycho Street,’ by Richard Thompson

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  11. 09 28 2003 03 23 20pm 2
    quartermain  over 11 years ago
    where have you been Hiving?
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  12. 09 28 2003 03 23 20pm 2
    quartermain  over 11 years ago

    He’s a young boy and cannot leave his mother.

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  13. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    I see a little Silhouetto of a ManScare You much? Scare You much?Can You do the Fan Tangle?

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  14. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    Oh well
 You can’t please everybody, Bob.

    He’s getting pretty het up in the last panel.

    LOL xxx

     •  Reply
  15. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    Now obviously this is fake; make-up was involved, but Qwee-dough’s Great-Uncle Earnie wanted to get-in on the fun. That’s not really a giant Pea [though the studio claims He took one]. not really a great Uncle, either, kind of a “wink-wink” thing. What really “wink-wink” is Nuncle’s not wearing Pants. Around the House. Won’t tell You the “where” stuff about pants locution.

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  16. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    @Gweedo MurrayGweedo Murray said (via Linda Dean), about 12 hours agoI only stayed over that one weekend but had gone out other times to visit when Dad was in the mood. It would usually start out as a leisurely country drive that might happen to make a stop-in. Dad and friends went there as kids. This was in the ohhh.. late ‘30s and into the ’40s. I don’t know how long Myra was in the house, but it was plenty long time. She was married once, that I know of, but was a widow by the time I started knowing her. Dad started bringing my brothers and me around when her brother, Mcrae “Unc” Skye was living there. There was two dogs. The large one, “Biggy” and the little one, “Twiggy”. I couldn’t tell you what breed they were. The big one had died by the time I stayed over, but the little girl dog was, to use a girl word, as adorable as ever. The biggun was a boy. The house, from what I remember being told, was built 1895 and was a bit ramshackle by the time I met it. The kitchen floor had a tilt that reminded me of some of the Batman tv show villain’s lairs. Early on in the series you knew you were at the bad guy’s place when the camera was on a tilt. Still had the outhouse which was superseded by indoor plumbing by the time of my stay. They had a pump outside too, if I be ‘membering properly. -Mr. Peters had a big belly which might have something to do with the name. I think it may have been a “weapon” when he was younger and played lacrosse. Their version is a good deal more violent than white boy stuff. You are allowed to hit other players with the stick, something you’re not allowed in hockey, even though it’s been done. That guy was, I believe, in his early seventies at the time. -Sorry for the long ‘monotribe’. I told myself while making grub that this would be short. I hate to be the cause of people having to skip over my dribbles. When you are older you will have accumulated a tale or two, so don’t sweat it. Friday is outgoing
. let’s see what tomorrow brings.I will be going to see the cowboy band Sat. late afternoon.Take care and good day, G. -Oh yeah ! Bought a new DeWalt power drill today at the Home Depot. 8 amps, 0-2500 RPM, keyless chuck and 3/8 inch bit diameter capacity. 58 dollars with tax and military discount. The sales guy was helpful.

    The only long comments I would take great pleasure in skipping over are talks of religion or politics. It’s not like you’re talking about those things. What you’re saying is a lot more interesting and enjoyable to read.

    I loved it when you mentioned about the little dogs “Biggy & Twiggy” Love the names! Yesterday I was walking behind this couple and the man had this very big dog on the leader
 I THINK it was an Alsatian but I don’t know many dog breeds either. It kept turning it’s head around and pulling a little on the leader and I happened to be walking near it and it went towards me and I got scared and backed away and the man must have noticed I was scared and he said “He’s all right” meaning that the dog wouldn’t try to bite me or go for me which I was relieved to hear.

    I’m a bit scared of dogs
 Please don’t laugh.

    I hope your new drill works great especially if you are going to use it often.

    Have a nice Saturday and you may have noticed that I’ve added little paragraph marks in your comment so it won’t look crowded. Hope you don’t mind but it looks easier to read now I’ve done that.

     •  Reply
  17. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago
    . . .as long as We’re speaking for other Posters, Six wants to point-out “in decent language” is genius, and that Todai’s Strip had two wasted Panels.
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  18. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I used to sing Boh Rhap on stage

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  19. 061
    pawpawbear  over 11 years ago

    You’re not guilty of a little California dreaming? But at least you have us here at Clubb Capp for a Bridge Over Troubled Water. I just hope you can take that trip on the Yellow Submarine. Then maybe you can go 500 miles or more on that train. :) I got all your groups in one post. And I loved everyone of those.

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  20. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    Up Upance-away; Admire Dept.: Andy has a huge, bloated nose . . don’t You love his beautiful Balloon?

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  21. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 11 years ago

    Free Bird!

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  22. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    Here’s revisionist 3 wasted Panels, one waoooooooooghspt.

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  23. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

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  24. Keaton
    fredd13  over 11 years ago

    I saw a guitarist do precisely that whilst on holiday in Avignon about a week ago. Prettty good job he made of it, too.

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