Starting to pull it all together….Hmmm… anyway, wow this is going to be rough. Eventually, I think Walt and Wally are both going to have roles in restoring order, and possibly the rat commander..In the meantime, I’m very worried for Algood and especially Linda…
Now I’m convinced Allgood is a dead man unless a third party steps in. He knows way to much, and his sacrifice will be a symbol of Jacob slaying a great evil. has been a lot since I have been this early. What profound comments should I spout.Why didn’t he expose Linda? Now that is what we are wondering about and have been wondering for many, many WEEKS. So now we wait again. The weeks go so fast and the week ends drag on and on. Sigh. Miss you then Aaron.Blessed Be.
Hmm…. if Jacob really had so many “trusted devotees”, then that means there are a lot more people down in Endtown who know at least a little more about what’s going on than we previously thought. The more people involved, the more danger for Jacob- perhaps there’s a slight chance one of them knows too much, and is going to spill?
[redacted]For Jacob is quite serious, enjoying pulling stringsAnd monologuing, guilty of no doubt some other thingsHow well-drilled are his “troops” in what’s supposed to happen now?And I don’t think that Maude is his — or Holly’d have a cow=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooVote for Endtown ClassicThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books
I Guess Allgood is a turned Topsider himself. Exposing that Ex-Topsiders dwell within Endtown may result in a Witch hunt for Ex-Topsider that would expose him too.
Well, I was wrong on one count. Allgood has shame.I thought he hadn’t exposed Linda only because someone else was stopping him from it. This does mean, though, that Jake was throwing Linda to the wolves. Given that he hates Topsiders as much as he seems to resent unmutated humans, he probably still considers Linda as expendable.It’d be hard to see Maude as originally being part of Jake’s plan, since he couldn’t have second guessed that Linda would ask her for milk for the cake. Unless… If Jake was able to dictate where Linda was going to stay when she got out of indoctrination… The fact that she was in a room with blackmarket tootsie rolls… And the staged appearance of “Mr. Hopper” asking for cake… Then maybe having a landlord that produces milk was an additional part of the sting… But Linda started at the cafe at Holly’s insistence, and that’s only because Doc. Chase asked her to. Ok, yeah, this all goes back to everything being one big prank on Allgood. April Fool!
Quick update on the fundraiser the new total is $2,585 truly amazing progress on such short notice.5 days left to donate and spread the message.Please keep passing the link are all wonderful! XD.
To make it easier, here’s that link againRemember that your last chance to help Aaron with his medical bills in this fund raiser will run out on July 2nd. Keep Endtown AliveDonate a lot of money, a little money, spare change or EVEN JUST A HUG!
How many think Jacob is going to lead them to “FREEDOM”?How many think Jacob is going to lead them to impending DOOM?Jacob is one hell of a musician. He played Allgood like a custom Les Paul.Once it was said “When the cat is away the mice will play.”New saying. "When the “cat” is away the rabbit will play."Really no reason to kill Allgood. All the blame has been laid on him completely. Who would believe him over a “upstanding, strong, patriotic, explosive, fearless reporter” like Jacob Jackrabbit.After all the hatred was vented at Allgood and his society as guided by Jacob.Unless this conversation is being sent out over the Network live no one will ever know the full story except the one told by the “most trusted”. That right now is Jacob Jackrabbit.And Wally coming to the rescue. Please.Right now Wally would rather grab Holly and head surface to take his chances there where he can at least control his own destiny. He is not strong enough or connected enough to do anything. Nor is Walter. If faced with more violence Walt will do what is best as Mayor. No bloodshed just give in and hope for the best. He will become the “front” man by rubber stamping any new rules.It is becoming the TERM of the Rabbit.Be afraid, be very afraid.
I just have a deep in my heart feeling that Mr. Neathery is going to reveal Maude to be one filthy dirty evil b!tc#
-I thought this way too for a moment. Van der Weasel was so obvious it gave me a real “V8 moment”, and in the aftermath I went looking for other clues I might have overlooked. I thought I found one in Maude Heffer, but then realized her last name was HEFNER and that it was her married name. I believe Maude is just exactly as she presents herself. The Maude/Linda/Holly connection only came to be because of Linda’s difficulty in adjusting to mutant life. While it certainly seems a common enough occurance, you could hardly hang the success/failure of a plan of this magnitude on such an intangible. Either those responses she gave on the stand were sincere, or she is a most consumate actress. My vote is for the former. ;-)
I have to admit I am still in the dark as to what direction this is going to go…. never underestimate a good story teller…… the anticipation…it is sooo hard to wait!
It seemed the High Council subversion started as soon as the HC was put in charge of the rats, and Mallard went off to play with his ditto ball. Mallard claims to no longer have authority, but maybe he just didn’t want to look like he was in charge while the conspiracy proceeded. He might be in charge of the conspiracy, or be giving it enough rope to hang itself so that he himself can be Endtown’s savior, and eliminate the rivals he saw rattling their sabers, without having his hands dirty.
If I remember correctly, Meg told Linda that Mr. Hopper had been coming in for a long time. Either Meg is in on it also, or Mr. Hopper (if he’s playing a role) has been doing this set-up for a number of months. On a similar note, we should remember that the more people in on the plot, the greater the chance of it being exposed before its fulfillment. All that’s needed is a few people to take advantage of a small social rift (mutant vs human traits in this case) and create something large. While we are discussing who might be in on the takeover, we should be just as interested in weeding out the innicent as in discovering the guilty or the list could end up including everybody, including us readers.
We have gone around about mutant rights, by-products, who is screwing who.The whole point of all this was to take down the political machine that runs Endtown. Jacob called it by his own words useless and stupid. He went on how “nobodies” clamor at the High Council wanting them to solve this or that. Jacob compared it to torture just to be there for a month dealing with all what came up. Other than that just sit throw darts at the wall.This is all about forming a New Government in Endtown free from as Jacob called it “Direct Democracy”. Just what does Jacob have in mind for those who have issues. Where do they take the issues to if there is no longer a High Council.Jacob said yesterday he was a person of power. Jacob wants power. We can see from the events he was willing to sacrifice folks to get it.And forget Velda turning on Jacob. She has the Rabbit Fever. ha(Have you noticed Jacob has not lit one up in a while. Why stop chain smoking now???)
Its okay wabbit. One can get confused. I tried to simply some answers. This is a power grab by Jacob since Flask nor anyone else is there to stop him. He just needs a situation to arise to get folks on his side so he fixed this entire plan. Taking 4 months or more to get it all done.Twists or turns could still happen but that’s the fun of the story. And I said COULD I meant WILL.
While I don’t doubt that Velda could easily kill Jacob once he loses his usefulness or becomes a liability I don’t see that as happening for quite awhile. She has spent a lot of time and energy developing this trial to make Jake the hero of the trial and become the figurehead of the operation. I figure that she will be happy letting Jacob wear the crown and pull out the things he wants as long as she gets the things (luxury items and cigarettes) she wants. Velda gives the impression of being a player and she probably realizes that Endtown would have trouble accepting her as the city’s dictator and that she is better off staying in the shadows.
I have to give Jake credit for this: He put Allgood in his place. Sure, He’s not an evil Panda, but he is a Jerk. Look at it his way, If you deny what you’ve become, your going to be a prime candidate for the schism syndrome. Remember Gustine’s plight? In her story, it was using her rhino traits that saved them from Sparkplug. It was when she accepted herself for ALL that she was that she came to terms with herself. My error with Jake is that I figured if he was still with the newspaper, he would have only kept his job after being put through the wringer by his boss and kept on a very tight leash for a long time, in which he would have had to change. I’m not discrediting the requirements to do a good job of being a reporter, but I would probably have had an ad for his replacement a long time ago and would have accepted an eager trainee.So where does that leave us as I see it?Starting with the “suspects”:Linda: She’s too new. A strong woman but still out of her element although she’s adjusting well….as long as she stays off the alcohol.Holly: Another good character. A strong will yet honest to a fault. She is also too trusting. If she had snapped at the rat who arrested her like Linda snapped at Allgood, she would still be walking the streets as knowing the other suspects is not a criminal offense. In Endtown being a waitress would probably create a situation where you know just about everybody.Maude: When she was introduced, I was originally taken back by her appearance (wearing the robe) and behavior. I knew women like that as a kid and as I learned much later in life, they were extremely dysfunctional. But those women wouldn’t have lasted and stayed true to Holly and Linda like Maude has done. The only explanations to me are she is either a loving person with poor social skills or actually the boss of this whole escapade and wants to govern more than a boarding house. Lets bring up this question: Is there a relationship between Velda and Maude that we don’t know about?Allgood: I’ve already explained, a Jerk. And one who may be on his way to his own schism.Jake: a megalomaniac who is also a coward in the worst way. He’s only talking (the monologue) because he thinks he’s in control. We, the readers are probably correctly guessing that’s not true. Is his chain smoking evidence of this fear being restrained, and now that he’s not afraid, he’s stopped smoking?Velda: It’s obvious, she’s in this for herself. She doesn’t want to be in control, just reap the benefits of one who’s in control like a spoiled daughter. Whoever’s spoiled daughter she is (figuratively, not literally), I hope they know that once they can’t give her what she wants, she will drop them like a hot rock. I’m waiting to see how Aaron might make me like her like I do Flask.Wally: He’s thinking with the wrong head. That’s what happens when you go up the elevator trying to fight the rats instead of trying to talk with them. He’s no dummy. Remember he unknowingly came up with the idea of talking the rats to death, which brought up the current situation in Endtown.Walt: There’s a communications link to Security through the police switchboard. Will he choose to use it?I’m not used to writing this much. Other comments?
Bigoted Prideby Jenner. Based on Ticket to Ride, by the Beatles (Lennon & Mc Cartney)I think I’m gonna be king, the king o’ this town, yeahI played that fool on a string, my puppet and clownHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideThat id’jot bearHe went ‘round preaching for free. If only he’d known, yeahHe was working for me, and building my throneHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideThat id’jot bearRidiculous, inflatable guySee, I’m a mutant, and he’s a mutant like meHe’d better look himself in the eyeForever mutants, a pair of mutants are weI think I’m gonna be king, the king o’ this town, yeahI played that fool on a string, my puppet and clownHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideThat id’jot bearMy idiot bear…My idiot bear…My idiot bear…
Folks, you’ve been fantastic. I can vouch that this fund raising has been crucial for the continuation of Aaron’s medical treatement, for a recurrent infection that really would really would have stopped him for writing and drawing at the needed pace. It really HAS been instrumental in keeping Endtown alive.That link again: Keep Endtown AliveDonate a lot of money, a little money, spare change or EVEN JUST A HUG!And thank you Surfstuff 55 making it happen.
Wild cards:- Allgood didn’t expose Linda’s past, seemingly when he could have made some mileage from it.. From his expression, he knew it was ammunition, but he thought better of using it, for an unknown reason. This holding back may mean he still has one small point in reserve, which he kept either from a shred of decency or some tactical ploy, I don’t know which. Linda may be grateful to him, for a small mercy. I don’t know what will come of it.- Mayor Walter Trimble was once a heroic resistance fighter, even though outwardly he looks like a standard dumb schmuck.- Professor Mallard has the power to do many things. The welfare of the community is very close to his heart, from border protection to food sustainability.- Velda may seem to Jacob that she’s an ally or partner in crime, but she simply cannot be trusted.
Thanks for the repeat strips I had missed all those. Computer issues. That does explain. The ship is gone. Marx has a thing with Rats. Previous knowledge or just plain charisma??? And Linda? He just loves Koalas. Its an Aussie thing. Jenner would probably know.
No, this is dumb. If I understand it right, just because you can imagine some worst case scenario in government, that doesnt mean you can and should force it to happen to prove it can happen. That’s not reality or just.I didnt like Jacob when we first met him, he was just a blood thirsty idealist. Then I liked him for hi sense of individual justice with a sense of finding common ground for the common mutant. Now I dont know what hes about, blood thirsty again to create society in how he thinks it should be.Again, just can you can forcibly corrupt a democracy doesnt mean it will happen from time to time, and if it does, doesnt mean it will stay that way. You stay the course till it fixes itself again.
GregTrail_ImaDillo over 11 years ago
Starting to pull it all together….Hmmm… anyway, wow this is going to be rough. Eventually, I think Walt and Wally are both going to have roles in restoring order, and possibly the rat commander..In the meantime, I’m very worried for Algood and especially Linda…
MacEwanMouse over 11 years ago
Now I’m convinced Allgood is a dead man unless a third party steps in. He knows way to much, and his sacrifice will be a symbol of Jacob slaying a great evil.
dirtyoldlady1 over 11 years ago has been a lot since I have been this early. What profound comments should I spout.Why didn’t he expose Linda? Now that is what we are wondering about and have been wondering for many, many WEEKS. So now we wait again. The weeks go so fast and the week ends drag on and on. Sigh. Miss you then Aaron.Blessed Be.
GregTrail_ImaDillo over 11 years ago
Hmm…. if Jacob really had so many “trusted devotees”, then that means there are a lot more people down in Endtown who know at least a little more about what’s going on than we previously thought. The more people involved, the more danger for Jacob- perhaps there’s a slight chance one of them knows too much, and is going to spill?
GregTrail_ImaDillo over 11 years ago
@MacEwanMouseYeah, I really like the rats… :)
Level_Head over 11 years ago
[redacted]For Jacob is quite serious, enjoying pulling stringsAnd monologuing, guilty of no doubt some other thingsHow well-drilled are his “troops” in what’s supposed to happen now?And I don’t think that Maude is his — or Holly’d have a cow=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooVote for Endtown ClassicThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books
LordGrey over 11 years ago
I Guess Allgood is a turned Topsider himself. Exposing that Ex-Topsiders dwell within Endtown may result in a Witch hunt for Ex-Topsider that would expose him too.
Ida No over 11 years ago
Well, I was wrong on one count. Allgood has shame.I thought he hadn’t exposed Linda only because someone else was stopping him from it. This does mean, though, that Jake was throwing Linda to the wolves. Given that he hates Topsiders as much as he seems to resent unmutated humans, he probably still considers Linda as expendable.It’d be hard to see Maude as originally being part of Jake’s plan, since he couldn’t have second guessed that Linda would ask her for milk for the cake. Unless… If Jake was able to dictate where Linda was going to stay when she got out of indoctrination… The fact that she was in a room with blackmarket tootsie rolls… And the staged appearance of “Mr. Hopper” asking for cake… Then maybe having a landlord that produces milk was an additional part of the sting… But Linda started at the cafe at Holly’s insistence, and that’s only because Doc. Chase asked her to. Ok, yeah, this all goes back to everything being one big prank on Allgood. April Fool!
LordGrey over 11 years ago
@TSOJAnd where IS this HC you talking of?
BlackieFlask over 11 years ago
Quick update on the fundraiser the new total is $2,585 truly amazing progress on such short notice.5 days left to donate and spread the message.Please keep passing the link are all wonderful! XD.
Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago
To make it easier, here’s that link againRemember that your last chance to help Aaron with his medical bills in this fund raiser will run out on July 2nd. Keep Endtown AliveDonate a lot of money, a little money, spare change or EVEN JUST A HUG!
Twonky over 11 years ago
I keep thinking, where is the Mayor? He just may be the answer..
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 11 years ago
I have a feeling Allgood’s “sense of shame” may yet be important. I prefer to call it “compassion,” though…
hugewolf over 11 years ago
Never trust a bunny!
Francis362003 over 11 years ago
I don’t quit understand, but If Wally finds out. He’ll give Jackrabbit a knuckle sandwich.
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
How many think Jacob is going to lead them to “FREEDOM”?How many think Jacob is going to lead them to impending DOOM?Jacob is one hell of a musician. He played Allgood like a custom Les Paul.Once it was said “When the cat is away the mice will play.”New saying. "When the “cat” is away the rabbit will play."Really no reason to kill Allgood. All the blame has been laid on him completely. Who would believe him over a “upstanding, strong, patriotic, explosive, fearless reporter” like Jacob Jackrabbit.After all the hatred was vented at Allgood and his society as guided by Jacob.Unless this conversation is being sent out over the Network live no one will ever know the full story except the one told by the “most trusted”. That right now is Jacob Jackrabbit.And Wally coming to the rescue. Please.Right now Wally would rather grab Holly and head surface to take his chances there where he can at least control his own destiny. He is not strong enough or connected enough to do anything. Nor is Walter. If faced with more violence Walt will do what is best as Mayor. No bloodshed just give in and hope for the best. He will become the “front” man by rubber stamping any new rules.It is becoming the TERM of the Rabbit.Be afraid, be very afraid.
DADOF3 over 11 years ago
-I thought this way too for a moment. Van der Weasel was so obvious it gave me a real “V8 moment”, and in the aftermath I went looking for other clues I might have overlooked. I thought I found one in Maude Heffer, but then realized her last name was HEFNER and that it was her married name. I believe Maude is just exactly as she presents herself. The Maude/Linda/Holly connection only came to be because of Linda’s difficulty in adjusting to mutant life. While it certainly seems a common enough occurance, you could hardly hang the success/failure of a plan of this magnitude on such an intangible. Either those responses she gave on the stand were sincere, or she is a most consumate actress. My vote is for the former. ;-)
cindyorch over 11 years ago
I have to admit I am still in the dark as to what direction this is going to go…. never underestimate a good story teller…… the anticipation…it is sooo hard to wait!
yangeldf over 11 years ago
there were riots…people have DIED because of this. Not to mention the fact that the rats can never show their faces in public again.
Dragoncat over 11 years ago
You can always tell how great your speech is by the number of yawns in the audience.Boy, the great lengths people will go through for their causes.
Coyoty Premium Member over 11 years ago
It seemed the High Council subversion started as soon as the HC was put in charge of the rats, and Mallard went off to play with his ditto ball. Mallard claims to no longer have authority, but maybe he just didn’t want to look like he was in charge while the conspiracy proceeded. He might be in charge of the conspiracy, or be giving it enough rope to hang itself so that he himself can be Endtown’s savior, and eliminate the rivals he saw rattling their sabers, without having his hands dirty.
Ida No over 11 years ago
Where are the 10 HC members now…?
mr_sherman Premium Member over 11 years ago
If I remember correctly, Meg told Linda that Mr. Hopper had been coming in for a long time. Either Meg is in on it also, or Mr. Hopper (if he’s playing a role) has been doing this set-up for a number of months. On a similar note, we should remember that the more people in on the plot, the greater the chance of it being exposed before its fulfillment. All that’s needed is a few people to take advantage of a small social rift (mutant vs human traits in this case) and create something large. While we are discussing who might be in on the takeover, we should be just as interested in weeding out the innicent as in discovering the guilty or the list could end up including everybody, including us readers.
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
We have gone around about mutant rights, by-products, who is screwing who.The whole point of all this was to take down the political machine that runs Endtown. Jacob called it by his own words useless and stupid. He went on how “nobodies” clamor at the High Council wanting them to solve this or that. Jacob compared it to torture just to be there for a month dealing with all what came up. Other than that just sit throw darts at the wall.This is all about forming a New Government in Endtown free from as Jacob called it “Direct Democracy”. Just what does Jacob have in mind for those who have issues. Where do they take the issues to if there is no longer a High Council.Jacob said yesterday he was a person of power. Jacob wants power. We can see from the events he was willing to sacrifice folks to get it.And forget Velda turning on Jacob. She has the Rabbit Fever. ha(Have you noticed Jacob has not lit one up in a while. Why stop chain smoking now???)
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
Anybody remember Robot ChickenWhen is Weasel Stomping Day?
mr_sherman Premium Member over 11 years ago
Why did Jake stop chain smoking?? He’s gostomething else to………..okay, I’ll leave it there.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 11 years ago
Is this the part of the story where the bad guy stands around bragging about how well he did, giving one or more heroes time to stop him?
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
Its okay wabbit. One can get confused. I tried to simply some answers. This is a power grab by Jacob since Flask nor anyone else is there to stop him. He just needs a situation to arise to get folks on his side so he fixed this entire plan. Taking 4 months or more to get it all done.Twists or turns could still happen but that’s the fun of the story. And I said COULD I meant WILL.
Darwinskeeper over 11 years ago
While I don’t doubt that Velda could easily kill Jacob once he loses his usefulness or becomes a liability I don’t see that as happening for quite awhile. She has spent a lot of time and energy developing this trial to make Jake the hero of the trial and become the figurehead of the operation. I figure that she will be happy letting Jacob wear the crown and pull out the things he wants as long as she gets the things (luxury items and cigarettes) she wants. Velda gives the impression of being a player and she probably realizes that Endtown would have trouble accepting her as the city’s dictator and that she is better off staying in the shadows.
GregTrail_ImaDillo over 11 years ago
By the way…. Aaron, I sent you a note on FA yesterday.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 11 years ago
I was thinking of something more like part of Velda.
Ida No over 11 years ago
“Look at panel 4 of July 9, 2012 and Panel 2 of July 10, 2012I think the ship is smithereens”At a minimum, the warranty has been voided.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 11 years ago
I like your comments.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 11 years ago
I have to give Jake credit for this: He put Allgood in his place. Sure, He’s not an evil Panda, but he is a Jerk. Look at it his way, If you deny what you’ve become, your going to be a prime candidate for the schism syndrome. Remember Gustine’s plight? In her story, it was using her rhino traits that saved them from Sparkplug. It was when she accepted herself for ALL that she was that she came to terms with herself. My error with Jake is that I figured if he was still with the newspaper, he would have only kept his job after being put through the wringer by his boss and kept on a very tight leash for a long time, in which he would have had to change. I’m not discrediting the requirements to do a good job of being a reporter, but I would probably have had an ad for his replacement a long time ago and would have accepted an eager trainee.So where does that leave us as I see it?Starting with the “suspects”:Linda: She’s too new. A strong woman but still out of her element although she’s adjusting well….as long as she stays off the alcohol.Holly: Another good character. A strong will yet honest to a fault. She is also too trusting. If she had snapped at the rat who arrested her like Linda snapped at Allgood, she would still be walking the streets as knowing the other suspects is not a criminal offense. In Endtown being a waitress would probably create a situation where you know just about everybody.Maude: When she was introduced, I was originally taken back by her appearance (wearing the robe) and behavior. I knew women like that as a kid and as I learned much later in life, they were extremely dysfunctional. But those women wouldn’t have lasted and stayed true to Holly and Linda like Maude has done. The only explanations to me are she is either a loving person with poor social skills or actually the boss of this whole escapade and wants to govern more than a boarding house. Lets bring up this question: Is there a relationship between Velda and Maude that we don’t know about?Allgood: I’ve already explained, a Jerk. And one who may be on his way to his own schism.Jake: a megalomaniac who is also a coward in the worst way. He’s only talking (the monologue) because he thinks he’s in control. We, the readers are probably correctly guessing that’s not true. Is his chain smoking evidence of this fear being restrained, and now that he’s not afraid, he’s stopped smoking?Velda: It’s obvious, she’s in this for herself. She doesn’t want to be in control, just reap the benefits of one who’s in control like a spoiled daughter. Whoever’s spoiled daughter she is (figuratively, not literally), I hope they know that once they can’t give her what she wants, she will drop them like a hot rock. I’m waiting to see how Aaron might make me like her like I do Flask.Wally: He’s thinking with the wrong head. That’s what happens when you go up the elevator trying to fight the rats instead of trying to talk with them. He’s no dummy. Remember he unknowingly came up with the idea of talking the rats to death, which brought up the current situation in Endtown.Walt: There’s a communications link to Security through the police switchboard. Will he choose to use it?I’m not used to writing this much. Other comments?
Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago
Bigoted Prideby Jenner. Based on Ticket to Ride, by the Beatles (Lennon & Mc Cartney)I think I’m gonna be king, the king o’ this town, yeahI played that fool on a string, my puppet and clownHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideThat id’jot bearHe went ‘round preaching for free. If only he’d known, yeahHe was working for me, and building my throneHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideThat id’jot bearRidiculous, inflatable guySee, I’m a mutant, and he’s a mutant like meHe’d better look himself in the eyeForever mutants, a pair of mutants are weI think I’m gonna be king, the king o’ this town, yeahI played that fool on a string, my puppet and clownHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideHe’s got a bigoted prideThat id’jot bearMy idiot bear…My idiot bear…My idiot bear…
Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago
Folks, you’ve been fantastic. I can vouch that this fund raising has been crucial for the continuation of Aaron’s medical treatement, for a recurrent infection that really would really would have stopped him for writing and drawing at the needed pace. It really HAS been instrumental in keeping Endtown alive.That link again: Keep Endtown AliveDonate a lot of money, a little money, spare change or EVEN JUST A HUG!And thank you Surfstuff 55 making it happen.
Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago
Wild cards:- Allgood didn’t expose Linda’s past, seemingly when he could have made some mileage from it.. From his expression, he knew it was ammunition, but he thought better of using it, for an unknown reason. This holding back may mean he still has one small point in reserve, which he kept either from a shred of decency or some tactical ploy, I don’t know which. Linda may be grateful to him, for a small mercy. I don’t know what will come of it.- Mayor Walter Trimble was once a heroic resistance fighter, even though outwardly he looks like a standard dumb schmuck.- Professor Mallard has the power to do many things. The welfare of the community is very close to his heart, from border protection to food sustainability.- Velda may seem to Jacob that she’s an ally or partner in crime, but she simply cannot be trusted.
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
Thanks for the repeat strips I had missed all those. Computer issues. That does explain. The ship is gone. Marx has a thing with Rats. Previous knowledge or just plain charisma??? And Linda? He just loves Koalas. Its an Aussie thing. Jenner would probably know.
BlackieFlask over 11 years ago
Quick note folks the print of Holding On is available for purchase now with the Audrey Hepburn qoute on the print.Or without if you prefer.
BlackieFlask over 11 years ago
Quick note folks the print of Holding On is available for purchase now with the Audrey Hepburn qoute on the print.Or without if you prefer.
kaystari Premium Member about 3 years ago
No, this is dumb. If I understand it right, just because you can imagine some worst case scenario in government, that doesnt mean you can and should force it to happen to prove it can happen. That’s not reality or just.I didnt like Jacob when we first met him, he was just a blood thirsty idealist. Then I liked him for hi sense of individual justice with a sense of finding common ground for the common mutant. Now I dont know what hes about, blood thirsty again to create society in how he thinks it should be.Again, just can you can forcibly corrupt a democracy doesnt mean it will happen from time to time, and if it does, doesnt mean it will stay that way. You stay the course till it fixes itself again.