Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 07, 2013

  1. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  over 11 years ago

    Dump the Trump — and take his dancing hair with him…

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  2. Guildford town clock cropped
    Astolat  over 11 years ago

    Yes it’s a rerun. ’Til mid November, as he works on Alpha House. Sundays are new.

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    nyssawho13  over 11 years ago

    damn! Guess we aren’t going back to England for the royal wedding!

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    2578275  over 11 years ago

    I believe HIS birth certificate is a letter of apology from the B.F. Goodrich company.

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  5. Manachan
    rpmurray  over 11 years ago

    Finally a new strip. I guess even Trudeau can’t spend all his time slacking.

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  6. Theskulker avatar ic07
    TheSkulker  over 11 years ago

    I most enjoyed Seth Meyers’ roast of DT at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner. His famous opening zinger was:

    “Donald Trump has been saying that he will be running for president as a Republican which is surprising because I just assumed that he was running as a joke.”

    Needless to say, Trump didn’t spend any time laughing. Seth spent a goodly amount of time demolishing Trump’s hair, politics, veracity, etc as he so richly deserved. If you are going to act and behave like a jerk then you can expect to be lampooned.

    Here’s a link to Seth’s Trump roast (2:40):

    and the full 20 min talk is at (the DT part starts about 12:00):

    BTW, notice the format of those YT links. They strip off all the leading video ads that YT is now subjecting us to and show the video in the full window without any side bar ads or comments.
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    Jack Straw  over 11 years ago

    Trump can’t see a marching band without thinking that he should be the drum major.

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    Lee Taplinger  over 11 years ago

    Trump is a reflection of the millions of Americans who actually pay attention to him and who will pay attention to anyone with a lot of money. He’s a reflection of many Americans’ skewed value system.

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  9. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 11 years ago

    “We Shall Overcomb!”

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    kaffekup   over 11 years ago

    “I have investigators in Hawaii and they’re discovering amazing things!” (I actually heard him say this.).Sadly, I missed all those amazing revelations about Obama’s Kenyan birth. Can anyone tell me what they were?

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    Potrzebie  over 11 years ago

    Wow T-bagger. You got nuttin!!!

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    Greg Johnston  over 11 years ago

    It’s worthless to try to address your drivel T-bag, but the President is not the one who voted to shut down the government – that would be the GOP controlled House, which chose to attach the unrelated, and already passed and vetted ACA bill (by the House, Senate, Executive, and yes, even the GOP stacked Supreme Court). The House is responsible for the shutdown. Refusing to negotiate with terrorists who simply want to destroy any semblance of functioning government in Washington is not the fault of the Senate, or the President. If the GOP controlled the Senate and White House, would you applaud a Democrat-led House refusing to fund the operation of the government to try to force, say, gun-control legislation on the other branches of government? Because if the answer is no, then you shouldn’t applaud the current House trying to hijack the government’s agenda to try to essentially take the government (and it’s workers, including soldiers) hostage to force the other elected bodies to bend on their hobby-horse issue.

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    Greg Johnston  over 11 years ago

    Trump may or may not have had a trust fund – but the fact is his father Fred Trump left his children, including “the Donald” a $400 million inheritance. A fortune largely amassed… wait for it… as a real-estate developer building low-cost housing, subsidized by the government, for the working poor.Oh dear, so much for the self-made man mystique… and so much for demonizing government.

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  14. Poppysquare
    Tân Coul  over 11 years ago

    In Britain, trump is a euphemism for a loud fart. Just saying…

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    kaffekup   over 11 years ago

    I think someone responded to me, but since I don’t read a word of the nonsense attached to that name, I have no idea what he said. More lies, I’m sure.

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  16. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Donald Trump has not weighed in on whether Ted Cruz is constitutionally eligible to be president. -Someone should ask him.-Maybe Fox “news”? Yeah, sure.

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    pawpawbear  over 11 years ago

    I see the ranting troll has disappeared again. Even all the junk yesterday is gone. Too bad, we all need a counter-point to jam on.

    I’m not sure who, but someone posted we need more “non-critical thinkers”. In the use of critical thinking I’m not focusing on criticizing but on thinking in such a way that one weighs and evaluates the issues being pondered. Yes, sometimes I fall in the trap of criticizing but I am truly ashamed when I do. We must all try to set our differences aside, but some people are such easy targets. The afore mentioned ranting troll was one such.

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  18. Harpo
    dizzyspin  over 11 years ago

    Someone said this might be a rerun from 2011, I’m European and have no idea when Trump last tossed his hat in the ring for political office, but judging by Mark’s brown hair and Rick’s presence as an accredited reporter I’m guessing 07/08. I think that’s the earliest Trudeau’s gone back in this round of reruns. Oh and I like Mike’s cardy.

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    walde  7 months ago

    This week is a rerun of the week of April 18, 2011

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