Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 21, 2013
Mrs. Berger: "I'm delighted you're finally here, Quill!" Quill: "Me too, Mrs. Berger" Gunther: "C'mon, Quill! I'll help you unpack!" Mrs. Berger: "Are you hungry? I'm not sure what you eat in Austral-" Gunther: "This way, Quill!" Mrs. Berger: "Gunthie - GUNTHER - Like milk and cookies before bed. How does that s-" Gunther: "WE'RE GOING TO OUR MAN CAVE NOW!"
joisy^corncob over 11 years ago
Let’s play Tug of War with Quill.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Twighlight Zone”“Hot Toddy And A Cookie”“What Is This Mess I’ve Gotten Myself Into?”or “Twighlight Zone”
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I think G-man wanted Quill to skip over this part of the house….And a nice try by the Bergers, welcoing him with a game of “tug of war”…. Though I think Quill is a little too tired to want to play, right now… – And it seems that everything’s going according to the way that all three of them didn’t plan….or at least hoped that it wouldn’t…
ILuvLu over 11 years ago
Mrs. Berger needs a man around the house to calm her down. I don’t think these two boys will add up to that.
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
[covers eyes]
DaJellyBelly over 11 years ago
If the Bergers have a house, why does Quill need to share a bedroom with Gunther? Couldn’t they fix up a different room for him?
Mr.Felix the Cat over 11 years ago
Man Cave?? HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!! Sorry, couldn’t help it.
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
Alas, poor Quill. Clingy mom, clingy Gunther…and this is before you count Luann….
Angelalex242 over 11 years ago
Quill:Why in the name of almighty God am I here again? Oh yeah, the girl who keeps me up past my bedtime…
ILuvLu over 11 years ago
Sorry gang. Computer glitch. Tomorrow.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Sponsored” by….Mr. T. Pajamas….. – Charles Bronson Cookies… – and by:Chuck Norris Coloring Books…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I just discovered that GoComics colored it differently from other online comic sites… so it’s a “wardrobe malfunction” by the colorist….
luann1212 over 11 years ago
I guess on a blog every weird idea that people can come up with show up. Cougars? What strange idea is that in the context of this strip. They are just delighted that Quill, a very likable young man, is coming to stay for awhile. And the idea that Nancy DeGroot likes Dirk? Hmmmm. I think this arc will be one overall of change, of new stages, and of maturity. And finally I think Rosa is fine, and Gunther will follow her to some Ivy League school, to become rich and successful, with beautiful smart kids.
People can be normal in a family strip; strange but true.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
He’s wearing a blue suit and tie on other comic sites… -It could also possibly be both a color goof, and a time goof, where today’s strip is meant to take place before the dance……
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Gunther just doesn’t want Quill to go through what he goes through, namely “warm and fuzzy stuff”… he is trying to spare Quill such things… and he is trying to get his mother to treat him like an older person….. that is all……..
Barbara McKibben over 11 years ago
Sorry folks but I still think Gunther is a little strange with his obsessive behavior with Quill. He has many good friends and yet he is so needy, I still wonder what Rosa sees in him.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
That game board/picnic spread pattern looks awfully familiar…. Wonder if there’s any distant Berger Heraldry out there? – Could be a part of their family crest… they probably had it when Gunther’s great great great, etc. grandfather went to colgate university….
transylvanian over 11 years ago
Gunthie…er Gunther never had a male role model. Hm.. What happened to his dad? Did we ever know?
transylvanian over 11 years ago
honeysum over 11 years ago
As long as Quill is around, I stay up late to catch the next moring’s strip.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Ah, “Sleeping Beauty” is Finally Awake.
GOOD. We DON’T Want Him to MISS This.
You Grab one of Pretty Boy’s Arms Ma Berger and YOU Grab the Other G-man!
Now RUN as FAST and as HARD as You can in DIFFERENT Directions!
And DON’T Forget to Make a WISH!!!
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
Poor Quill. Mom Berger and Gunther should just let the guy crash!
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Does today’s strip imply that Quill is just now arriving at Gunther’s house for the first time, after the dance? He didn’t even unpack before Luann hauled him off to the gym to decorate? And where did he shower, after his 18-hour plane trip, before putting on his suit and going to the dance? Nancy’s – er, Luann’s bedroom???
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Re: Quad-neck axe: Yeah, tell me about it… he says it’s for when he breaks a string while playing, but He’d better care for the body of that guitar… Hamer (incidentally in their backyard, upstate in Chicago) isn’t producing anymore…. but then again, he’s got 2000 axes… one of them HAS to be a backup of it….. – Sad to hear that now B.E. Carlos and the rest are now suing each other….
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Like I said, we have an actual “Berger’s Cookies” store or three over here… maybe dad is still feeding Gunth and Ms. Berger for their slice…… or piece, in this case…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Of course, that was after he became “dis-barred”, when he ran away after losing another case….
curmudgeon68 over 11 years ago
Willow Mt Lyon over 11 years ago
It is my guess that Gunther’s mom is a single mother whose life centers around her only child. If Quill is smart enough about relationships, he would understand. Meanwhile Gunther is trying to break away from her focus that he is still a child. By calling his bedroom his man cave shows that he wants his mother to treat him more grown up. He is maturing as should be expected of him.
2Goldfish over 11 years ago
This is horrible…
sjsczurek over 11 years ago
“Man cave?” Rot! Men do not live in caves. This troglodyte nonsense needs to stop.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Does Gunther have a father?
milania over 11 years ago
The Gunthie-apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Well, I wasn’t meaning going back in the same vein of a “flashback”, but somehow where this week was supposed to take place already, and maybe the strips got switched by accident….– But even before this, I checked and I see that the black suit and green tie is only on GoComics, and elsewhere, it was blue…. so that’s why I was saying that either this was a “color goof”, or a “time goof”, where the strips from last week were meant to be this week, and vice versa, and maybe this week would explain why Quill didn’t get to rest before the dance, maybe even why Luann took him, anyway…. maybe….
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
@IamJayBlue:…. so that’s why I was saying that either this was a “color goof”, or a “time goof”, where the strips from last week were meant to be this week…….. I agree that the timing seems confusing, since Quill was supposed to have already met Gunther’s mother at the dinner she made for him. On the other hand, if this comic represents the time before the dance, wouldn’t Quill be wearing his casual clothes and carrying his suit? Very confusing….
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
Q needs to move out pronto and crash with TJ and Brad for the duration. Gad, this is painful.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I’ve seen some parents too, (mothers included) who took the “Boy Named Sue” approach with their kids, where even the mothers treated the sons a little coldly, only to “toughen them up” in their estimation, to “prepare them for the real world”… there are some who are indifferent because they don’t really have that love for their children…. in this case, what Gunther has can be something to be appreciated, the fact that his mom does show warm love and affection, which some don’t ever see….. and perhaps in a “perfect world”, it would seem that a balance of these two approaches would be in order… the right amount of attention, and the right amount of “tough training” (but of course never in the sense of abuse, neglect or lack of love)….. – But I’m sure that Gunther has gotten to the stage where he wants to be “weaned off” a little… having Quill in the house must be to him like “reinforcements” coming in, where he can be able to feel a little more like a “guy”, and less of “his mom’s baby”, and also be able to “balance the scales” in the house a little….. he may have been hoping for Quill to be like a “buffer” between he and his mom…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
When you are as busy as Greg is, it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that you go and date the strips before you realize something was out of order…. he does use a special tablet, though… but my point is that any of us have at one point or another have had a similar “faux pas”… so, he is a great cartoonist, but he is also a human cartoonist…
gogirl536545 over 11 years ago
why is that girl so fat and ugly
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
Yes, that’s true. But more of concern, to me, at least, is the fact that some posters are displaying very disturbing bigotry. I’ve flagged those comments, but it never seems to make any difference.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Makes a lot of sense…. but maybe that would seem to happen only if he (A) slept enough during the dance and the drive on the way home to sufficiently be awake enough to tell the tale, or (B) Luann stops and gives him some Mordy™ brand coffee… “Good to the last shock”…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Forgot… my mind cant comprehend going past two necks to begin with anyway, Lol! He could name it Quint-in, too… – Ha! a duodecim neck guitar… one tuned to a mood to correspond to each month… Or good for all the solos on a 10 minute L.Z. song, or a long version of “Simple Man” or “Freebird”, or any Rush up to 1980…. It would be funny for someone to ask for a strap for that, too! And a digital tuner would only register with a question mark when you use it….
JayBluE over 11 years ago
A.k.a. The Disorient Express. ^What a novel thought, there!
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Today’s strip is definitely set after the dance. Gunther is wearing his suit, and Mrs. Berger Mom is asking what Quill wants to eat, explaining that “Gunthie” likes a snack of milk and cookies every night before bedtime. (Didn’t you just know that he would?) So if Quill hadn’t been to Gunther’s house before the dance, then where did he shower after his plane flight and change into his new suit?
lmonteros over 11 years ago
Well, at least Mrs. B. is trying to accept that Gunther is growing up.
bronzeskater over 11 years ago
Or Gunther’s mom and Gunther could have been out earlier (Gunther picking up a corsage, his Mom grocery shopping), so he and Luann changed at her house!
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
“Ham” Burger! Very good! Never thought of him that way, but, yeah…
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Gunther has not constructed a “man cave”. A “man cave” does not have a sewing machine beside the bed. That’s a “dweeb dwelling”.
EricPost over 11 years ago
This guy is obviously gay and dating an illegal for cover. It helps him to cover and her to stay in this country
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
As usual, nothing seems to phase MPQ, this (panel 3) is the closest to a real expression that I’ve yet seen on his face, any normal person would be getting pretty upset by this time.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
All right already—game room, studio, workshop, basement (in older houses), etc. ^How about: “Secret war room to develop and implement guy strategies to take over the world until somebody calls out and says it’s time for dinner room”?
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
“…get ready for the BS-EXPRESS.” Couldn’t have said it better myself… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
Hahahahaha! ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
“sometimes this place reads like a group therapy session instead of a comics comment area. Too many personal agendas.”
Quite true, that… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
(continuing on “Mancave” definitions): “den” also works well… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
“Nancy does like his (TJ’s) cooking but she cannot stand TJ. She thinks he is a sleaze.”
Best definition I’ve heard yet… ;)
Barbara McKibben over 11 years ago
Joel, I never thought of it that way, probably because I am a female and forget about the manly issues that young men have to deal with. Thanks.
watmiwori over 11 years ago
“Why not? We were all 12-year-olds once.”
And some, who shall be nameless, apparently still are