JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for October 25, 2013

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    JayBluE  over 11 years ago

    Just as long as none of those things are underneath you nails!….

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Sounds like my poor dad. None of the above as well as anything else… potassium …a list of stuff

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    Swalb%515  over 11 years ago

    Wow, no fun foods. Too bad.

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    krys723  over 11 years ago

    That sucks like when my Dad had gout when I was twelve

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    stlmaddog5  over 11 years ago

    Can he chew the fat with his friends?

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    bluegirl285  over 11 years ago

    Sure, here’s some sawdust to go along with those nails.

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    jimshari222  over 11 years ago

    I’ve been put on pretty much that same diet, only three weeks ago. I have been doing pretty well, but when I cheat a little, my body reacts. It kinds sucks to eat “right” I do have one morning cup of coffee with my comics time. And thank goodness chocolate isn’t on the list!

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    tsandl  over 11 years ago

    OK, I’ll bite. Why the yeast exclusion? Is this the latest celebrity nutritionist fad diet?

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    Mneedle  over 11 years ago

    You may bite your nails. Just don’t swallow.

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    Dani Rice  over 11 years ago

    When my dad was on dialysis, that was pretty much his diet. I think he was limited to one quart of liquid a day, but NO potassium, which included his favorite mashed potatoes, no oranges or tomatoes. Bless him, he stuck with it – eight years – to the end.

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    David Rickard Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Given the choices of that diet or death…

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    yangeldf  over 11 years ago

    I never heard of a diet THAT restrictive, and why do the nuts have to be raw?

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    unca jim  over 11 years ago

    Most nuts are salted and we must avoid them at all costs.. yeah, right.. try and find UNsalted nuts in the snack aisle in your local market. If you DO, they just charge you more. Since my last stroke (the one that got my attention) I’ve found that anything pertaining to ‘healthy’ foods has a higher price than that for the hoi polloi. I could rattle on about ‘almost’ diabetes, but there’s no use..it just ain’t dignified.

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    Gokie5  over 11 years ago

    My dad had a kidney out, and was supposed to avoid sodium, among other things. But he’d take the following up to his bedroom, with a spoon: a can of evaporated milk or a jar of peanut butter or a bottle of (sodium-packed) La Choy soy sauce. He died from a blood clot at age 59, most likely abetted by his two-pack-a-day cigarette habit.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 11 years ago

    That’s not food.That’s what food eats.

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