Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 21, 2014
Gunther: "...If we cross the field we can get a bus in 17 minutes that'll take us a block from the restaurant!" Quill: "We can still make dinner!" Gunther: "I'll text the restaurant that we'll be a bit late" Luann: "So what's the plan?" Gunther: "We're hiking across that f-" Quill: "Romantic nature stroll!"
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“♪…You say sematntical, and I say romanical….you say practical, and I say distractical….♪” – Well, it’s a hopeful ’ B move’ , a relatively convenient alternate plan…..wonder if Rosa could come up with a third option?.. – On the other side, is a dog park… if they’re not careful, they’ll be going on a “tour of doody”!….
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Walking, ahem, “strolling,” across a field with your girl who has fancy shoes on?! Surely you jest, Quill!!! ;)
seyleigh almost 11 years ago
Nice save Quill!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“crossing field in high heels?”^That’s the beauty of dress shoes “closer to the ground”…. “sharps” vs. “flats”…. especially when you have to “beat” a path!…..
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Quill! It’s Not going to be very romantic if Luann twists her ankle plowing through that field!!! ;)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“Walkie/Talkie”“Dash And Dine”“Field Marshalls”“Hike Up For The Hike Up”“Over The River And Through The Woods…”or“It All Depends On How We’re Fielding”
Angelalex242 almost 11 years ago
Ya know, Rosa might enjoy the hike. In his own odd way, this is Gunther being ‘adventurous.’
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
OK, sooo they get to the restaurant…who’s going to take them to the prom?! ;)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“Brought to you” by… – Plotz’ Convenience Stores… “We put the Con in convenient!….” – Plotz’ Devices….. “Makers of the ‘Screw Up’ overhead driller and the ‘Nailed-it!’ manual nail driver!…. Available at some Plotz’ Convenience stores….” -Plotz’ Soup…. " Thick and hot is what we’ve got!" - And by…Plotz’ Drivers…. “They’ll get you there!…. Aaaaaannnyyy minitue, now……”
Belinda Banana Ana almost 11 years ago
Prom is boring, I’d rather go on an adventure like that. what idiots.
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Yes, Most convenient! Now, if this was Real life (yes, there is actually such a thing!), Luann’s ankle would twist, one of her heels would come off, she would stumble, and fall head first into a mud puddle (that being the only one in the entire field, of course), her dress will rip, and Rosa would fall down on top of her and also land in the mud. Both Gunther and Quill will be in the “doghouse” for the rest of their senior year because they laughed so hard! ;)
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
OK, thanks! ;)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Danke Schoen!…. – I consider myself in good company, then! (pointing….)
Angelalex242 almost 11 years ago
If it was real life, the girls would sensibly take the heals OFF before hiking anywhere. They’re not stupid. Well, at least Rosa isn’t.
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
“I got me flowers to strew Thy way, I got me boughs off many a tree; But Thou wast up by break of day, And brought’st Thy sweets along with Thee.”(George Herbert, 1593-1633)
And with this note, I and my Irish girl are signing off…’Nite all! ;)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Here ya go! What my wife says are “cute shoes”… “for display, only!” – From the “Gene Simmons ’ Accidental Tourist’ Collection”….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Wow! …. uh…. I was just going to get a snack… now, I’m almost thinking of considering a plan to change my mind… – Almost….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Had to repost the pic… – Wrong size shoe in the other one….
LouEthelip almost 11 years ago
Definatly shaping up to be a prom to remember.The kind year later you’ll tell your kids about and laugh. As I wrote last week I had no prom memories and I’d rather hae the kind of prom that LuAnn has had so far than not to have one at all
ProDem almost 11 years ago
Bus??? Call parents or friends for a ride…daaaaa
sarazan7 almost 11 years ago
Crossing the Freeway?
bgby4884 almost 11 years ago
Work it! Work it!
Barry1941 almost 11 years ago
Bull in the field anyone?
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 11 years ago
The art of diplomacyTelling someone to go to hell and having them look forward to the trip.
Doctor Go almost 11 years ago
I KNEW IT! By the end of this evening, someone will be covered in mud!
Contessa Carrington almost 11 years ago
Life and enjoying it, is all about perspective.
Lady Nicole almost 11 years ago
Rosa’s right arm or wrist continues to be unseen since the start of all of this.
Rosedragon almost 11 years ago
Maybe they should have gone for the KFC corsages…
SwimsWithSharks almost 11 years ago
Of all the bad prom night decisions …
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Heck if Ya’ll are gonna “Hoof it” You’d BETTER Head Straight to the Prom!
And IF You’re LUCKY, You MIGHT get There by the Time the Janitors are Cleaning up….,
StratmanRon almost 11 years ago
A leisurely stroll across a field in formal clothing. What could possibly go wrong?
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
It is not clear how extensive this “field” is, nor what kind of field it is. If the distance is not too long, maybe the boys should carry the girls in their arms, thus sparing the ladies’ shoes, stockings, and long dresses from any harm, So far, Gunther’s plan looks good, but if it ends up in disaster, Rosa’s potential admiration will vanish and his name will be mud (maybe what they could encounter in the field, hmm?).
RI Red Hen almost 11 years ago
Hope there is no cows and bulls in the field Plus cow pies!
locake almost 11 years ago
Didn’t that limo cost at least $400? I wouldn’t desert that expensive ride just to get dinner. Will the limo driver pick them up at the restaurant later?
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Lol! Whatever makes it easier at tax time…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Ha ha!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Ha ha! -“tour of doody!”
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I think it’s the result of the “dots for eyes”…. panel three carries that, too, though it does look most similar in 2, as you’ve said…
watmiwori almost 11 years ago
What you mean “we”, kemosabe?
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Ha ha!
Argy.Bargy2 almost 11 years ago
maybe the boys should carry the girls
I agree 100% that this would have been the best solution, to avoid problems with long dresses, heels,mud, etc. AND that would have been ‘a romantic stroll’, too.-For some reason, gocomics isn’t letting me use the ‘reply’ function today…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Here’s some examples….
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
Panty hose snags coming up!
Plods with ...™ almost 11 years ago
….and discovering it’s a cow pasture…. complete with a bull.
karanne almost 11 years ago
The proper thing is for the boys to carry the girls (on their backs) with their holding their heels and purses. If the girls have any common sense, they’ll have replacement hose in their purses.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
This will be ESPECIALLY memorable if they’re in cattle country.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 11 years ago
-The limo service would send a replacement, or they would call one of their parents to pick them up-But there’s this big traffic jam, so the second limo couldn’t reach them, and neither could their parents. I’m afraid you’re right, and we are heading into a ‘nonsensical story line’, where the girls dresses will be ruined by mud and they will lose their shoes in muddy soil, and the guys won’t understand why their dates are upset. Disappointing….
ACTIVIST1234 almost 11 years ago
Love it! Gunther has SO improved— in days of yore, he’d have been calling mommy. Now he uses his wits to find a PlanB. It’s getting dark, they’re going to get lost, and Gunther will lead them to safety!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yeah reminds me of the Eagles’ song, “Takin’ It Easy”. Or even “Peaceful Easy Feeling”, for that matter.
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 11 years ago
In no particular order: wrong. wrong. close. sort of. you’re on to something. no way.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Love these guys.
flowergirl19 almost 11 years ago
“Jay, if your wife wears shoes like those you posted, her feet will end up looking like this . . . "
I always say I was born with high heels on because I love them so much. I rarely leave the house without my “stilts,” as I call them. My daughter says my feet are deformed from wearing heels and because I guess they look something like this! Lol!
ACTIVIST1234 almost 11 years ago
Also, if Lu or Rosa twist & spraiin their ankles, their beaus will need to gallantly carry them across the field. A memorable evening indeed!
drewpamon almost 11 years ago
I think the wait staff is waiting for them at the restaurant.
doverdan almost 11 years ago
somebody is “on to something” Hmm...but who? and what?.I’ll guess that the boys will try to carry the girls, leading to . . .
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Re: The surroundings about your home…sounds positively natural! Actually, when we moved here, there was a very small farm where cows lived. It was about three houses away from us. Then, the owners died, and the land was sold off to a developer who built houses that did not fit in the neighborhood. Sigh…I did like the cows, nothing like hearing mooing in the morning! ;)
Train 1911 almost 11 years ago
Hope the girl like two for a dollar Burg King
doverdan almost 11 years ago
From 2004
doverdan almost 11 years ago
from 1999
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Lol! Thanks!– And I appreciate the zany witticisms in those “middle names” of yours… funny and original, and I’m usually wondering: “What will he change it to, next?”
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
And you are a repository for knowledge, yourself! Who else would know about "Imperial"s “wrestling connection”?…
flowergirl19 almost 11 years ago
Ha ha, I’m younger than you; I’ll be 57 on December 27! ;)
flowergirl19 almost 11 years ago
I love, love, love roses too; I have quite a few myself. My avatar shows two of my faves in the birdbath.
flowergirl19 almost 11 years ago
Your roses are exquisite.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I checked out LDover’s link to a 1999 Luann. I saw that you commented there Levi. So did you go back and read to oldies and comment then? Wondering why? And, I noticed that you are not commenting so much these days. Are you ok?
kenhense almost 11 years ago
They are gonna get chased and cornered by some kinda animal.