Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 28, 2014
Rosa: "On, no! It's an hour 'til the next bus to the restaurant!" Luann: "Forget dinner! Let's get to the prom before it's over!" Rosa: "How? Call someone's parents to rescue us?" Luann: "But that's 40 minutes here, then 40 back" Quill: "Got a plan, G?" Gunther: "Well, we could get another bus going toward the prom..."
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
They’re seriously going to go to their prom looking like THAT??? ;)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Suddenly, a Kinks song comes to mind…
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Gunther to the “rescue?” ;)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“Hour Town”“Hurry Up And Wait”“I Feel The Need, The Need For Speed”“Going Nowhere, Fast”“♪..I’ve Been Waiting For A Ride Like You…♪”or“♪Left A Good Prom In The City….♪”
ai_vin almost 11 years ago
Why do I get the feeling they’ll end up enjoying this night more than if they had gotten to the prom?
Also, after this adventure Gunther may feel more confident and be more inclined to go with Rosa on her adventure overseas.
Templo S.U.D. almost 11 years ago
Okay. I misunderstood when Quill’s speech balloon; I didn’t notice the comma between “plan” and “G[unther].” I first wondered what were Plans B through F.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
If it’s 40 minutes for your parents to pick you up and 40 more minutes to get to the Prom, you’ll still be there earlier than you would have been if you had gone to the restaurant and had dinner and then come back to the gym.
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
LOL! ;)
LeoAutodidact almost 11 years ago
I like how Quill is self-confident enough to defer to the “Local Expert,” Gunther!
No threat to HIS manhood, just looking for a way to resolve this with as little ‘Mess’ as possible.
(And maybe, get a kiss or two from Luann, before all’s said and done."
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
GetAGrip2 almost 11 years ago
I thought my prom was bad. I double dated and the couple that was “driving” I found out later dropped acid and couldn’t stop staring at nothing. I was so happy to get home.
They should cal their parents, brad,Toni, TJ or someone to help. Call me old fashion n
GetAGrip2 almost 11 years ago
I thought my prom was bad. I double dated and the couple that was “driving” I found out later dropped acid and couldn’t stop staring at nothing. I was so happy to get home.
They should cal their parents, brad,Toni, TJ or someone to help. Call me old fashion n
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I can see them introducing themselves: "Good evening! I’m Quill (muffled sound)… I’m Gunther Berger… I’m Rosa Aragones.. And I’m Luann DeGroot… and this is another edition of: “60 Minutes To Wait”…
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
Even when I rode my bike, my high school wasn’t forty minutes away.
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
I noticed neither girl, Especially Luann, are crying or carrying on that their prom is ruined…not that I expected Rosa to cry herself into a puddle, that is reserved for Luann. But, congrats to her for not acting like a child; either that, or Luann is just in a state of shock and will have a hissy-fit when she realizes what has happened to her dreams of senior prom… ;)
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I don’t think a bus killed Gunther’s father. He just got on one, to leave town forever. He was sick of the plates of milk and cookies every night.
live2read almost 11 years ago
Wow. This prom is turning out to be a bummer for our hapless heroine, her boyfriend, and her friends. My own prom was a breeze compared to this.
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
“What we call the beginning is often the end And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” – T. S. Eliot/ 1888 -1965
The end of Sunday is now the beginning of Monday… ’Nite all! ;)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
This reminds me of one of those “choose your adventure” books.
“If you think they should all wait for the bus and go to the restaurant, turn to page 40.”“If you’d like to ‘cut your losses’ and just go into the prom, and explain you got stopped and got an offer to pose for a lawnmower ad photo shoot, turn to page 12.”“If you realize that there’s no crying in baseball, but there is crying in ‘real life’ (2 Dimensional version), just stay where you are, and put the book down and just forget about it…”
Pointspread almost 11 years ago
Still don’t understand why the limo driver didn’t arrange for transportation. VERY unprofessional…
Lady Nicole almost 11 years ago
alasko almost 11 years ago
Taxi paying with a credit card? Hitch a ride with Jason Voorhees?
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Well Kiddies, You Could Always Go HOME, and FORGET This Night EVER Happened…..,
Liam Astle Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Maybe you could return to the limo.
OneMom almost 11 years ago
Let’s move this along.
trantor0815 almost 11 years ago
But luckily the next Bus was the Tour bus from Kiss – so they could get a cool new Outfit and some extra Make up ;o)
Editman almost 11 years ago
The school is most likely at most 2 or 3 blocks from their home.
Gus almost 11 years ago
phlash almost 11 years ago
Hourly buses? They must be in Virginia Beach…
King_Shark almost 11 years ago
So all the parents live in the same place/street 40 minutes away? With this strip’s tiny cast, that’s not surprising. Call Elwood Druitt for help quick!
ridenslide65 almost 11 years ago
40 minutes? Where the heck did they go to dinner? LA?
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
Get a grip, Luann! Relax, Rosa! Be cool, guys!Realize that you are right now having an unforgettable adventure, one to relish for the rest of your lives, and much better than a conventional old prom! Enjoy the moment!
raindog2112 almost 11 years ago
Do taxis not exist in this fictional world?
InColorado almost 11 years ago
I think they’re gonna end up at a Taco Bell
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
Traffic was backed up and at a standstill both ways. There is no way that these four are the only ones going to the prom who were stuck in that traffic. ~If and when all the attendees get to the prom, the conversations will be mostly about the traffic problem. ~The others will be laughing with these four if they have a sense of humor about it. ~“Yes, we were stuck in traffic just like you were, and this is the result of us trying to find another way to get to the prom. Ha, ha, ha, tee hee hee”
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
BTW, if those kids live in California and went through a field that would result with them looking like that, I have bad news for them. They went through poison oak.
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
More bad news: There is no way Mom and Dad can pick them up. Traffic is at a standstill, and I don’t think any of their relatives own a helicopter.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
We don’t know whether traffic is still stalled on the freeway. If there was a major accident (since traffic was stopped in both directions), things could still be motionless there, and may stay that way for another hour or so. So even if they did call a taxi or their parents when the limo got hit, no one would be able to get through to pick them up, unless they crossed the field to the other road. So they had to cross the field in any case, and the bus would have been by far the quickest option, if only Saint Surfer Dude hadn’t caused them to miss it. It’s time to ship him back home.
registrationsucks almost 11 years ago
I would like to see a map of where this restaurant was located in relation to the gym.
cjswan232482 almost 11 years ago
I can’t blame Gunther. They would have made the bus if not for Quill’s knee. You can’t complain if you are not offering solutions.
karanne almost 11 years ago
At this point I’d be willing to call it a night. Go to someone’s home and have a pizza and movie night wearing more comfortable clothes.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
– Remember, too, this important plot point was given to us, when Luann said on her phone here in the first panel: “If we stay on schedule”" , and that probably was a big if …..
Dragongourd Premium Member almost 11 years ago
In any group I can think of that I would be in, there would have been a myriad of suggestions of what to do – not just one person deciding the next move.
Elle516 almost 11 years ago
Wait. If they had money for dinner, why don’t they have cab fare?
slypuma almost 11 years ago
…back on the other side of the field we just crossed.
locake almost 11 years ago
Real teenage girls would carry a small purse when they go to the prom. Where do they put their cell phones and make-up? Not realistic at all. They should have let the limo driver call for a backup vehicle, any car would do, and have it pick them up by the bus stop.
thranx1 almost 11 years ago
No taxis?
juanitamoose almost 11 years ago
This like a bad movie. Can’t wait to get past this story line.
dblbaraje almost 11 years ago
I am interested to find out who will be elected King and Queen of the Prom….I thought Rosa (not Tiffany) for Queen and Ox for King. (since athletes usually get the King spot)?? Will Tiffany be Queen? Will we ever find out??
rmbdot almost 11 years ago
In answer to somebody’s reply to my comment the other day about prom and restaurant… Where and when I grew up, prom was a dinner/dance, usually at some banquet facility. The idea of a formal dance, separate from dinner, seems (to me) to have been more common a couple of decades earlier.
lmonteros almost 11 years ago
Umm…Wouldn’t the limo company have a backup? Even if all the units were busy with prom, certainly one could come during its down time. Seems the best thing (as Mom & Dad would have told them) would have been to stick with the car or call Mom & Dad. Getting a little tired of the storyline, and I rarely say that with Luann.
wingrest almost 11 years ago
call limo service for another car nuf said
Caldonia almost 11 years ago
Or you could just live in that field for the rest of your lives. Rosa, go to Harvard! You’ll always have access to food, transportation, and a prestigious education!
ACTIVIST1234 almost 11 years ago
Two crises, and the G-man STILL hasn’t called his mother. My, oh my!
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
Knute and Crystal aren’t at the prom yet as far as I know. Neither is Ox, Les or any of the unnamed students. Only Tiffany, Bernice and Delta are there. ~Have you ever been in traffic that was at a standstill both ways? There is no way you can get anywhere anytime soon. Not only is the freeway backed up, but so are the streets because no one can get on or off the freeway.
Caldonia almost 11 years ago
Somehow, that lack of silhouettes in the background will be determined to be All Tiffany’s Fault. What disturbs me most about all the pro-Luann comments here is that there are all these anti-Tiffany comments. The other day I actually saw some criticisms of Tiff’s prom gown—because wow, it sure is naughty to show that much thigh! Yes, people sure criticized Angelina Jolie for showing her thigh at the Oscars…oh wait, nobody at all in real life did.
Tiff is now my favorite character.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
Did we miss the panel where everyone fell and rolled around in the grass, or did they encounter a plague of moths that disintegrated their clothes during their amble across the field?
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 11 years ago
There are some that definitely notice Levi.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“Maybe I’m wrong, but wasn’t the driver already approaching that trouble spot when the report came over the radio? There may not have been an available exit to take an alternate route with.”^This can be true. I also expressed this, on the day of that strip.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I’ve mentioned this before, that amongst the comics sites, they have people with a bit of wit.. – However , I think, as well, that they’re a bit slanted with a sort of "I- won’t- like- it- "bias, when it comes to many comics, including “Luann”….
sukiec almost 11 years ago
Although it will not happen I have an image of the four being plucked up by a troupe of traveling players, fed fast food, and then being outfitted in period costumes for the prom. I see Quill in Edwardian clothing, complete w round collar and derby, Luanne in jet jewelry and a Victorian dress, Gunther in tails, and Rosa cutting her hair with some help from her friends and becoming a Flapper.
ORMouseworks almost 11 years ago
Well…I finished with 15 minutes to spare. I sure hope the kids don’t try to catch Another bus…the first attempt turned out to be disastrous. And, Why aren’t they thinking about taking care of Quill’s injured leg over going to prom where he wouldn’t be able to do anything anyway?! Finally, I say go with the parents…they will most likely know how to avoid the highway because one of them might commute to San Diego every weekday and that commute gets downright Nasty… ;)