Rob Rogers for June 22, 2014

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    l-empress68  about 10 years ago

    Vice president? Or President in Charge of Vice?

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    Vermont Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Harleyquinn: ????. Is that an example of what a million wingnuts at a million typewriters typing for a million years comes up with? If so, it still doesn’t make any sense at all.

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    eddodt  about 10 years ago

    the dick is the guy who made the cartoon.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member about 10 years ago

    It really makes no difference how many terms Chaney could serve as VP, because he, and the Republicans in general, have done about as much damage to the Presidency as they are ever going to do.

    The demographics are all trending toward the Democrats. New voters register as Democrats twice as often as they do as Republicans ( though more than half register as independents). But, in general, they are relatively liberal.There have been previous situations where one party was the subject of “The Party’s Over” books. But they were able to come back by appealing to demographics that the other party didn’t have in their pocket. The only people that aren’t solidly in agreement with the positions that Democrats hold on the issues that are important to most people are far left wingers and far right wingers. There aren’t enough far right wingers to win a national election. The Republicans can’t make their tent big enough to include the far left wingers without the people already in the tent setting it on fire. It’s pretty hard to imagine a situation where any of the available Republicans can beat any of 3-5 possible Democratic candidate, and most incumbents are reelected. That means we are most likely going to have a Democratic president through 2024, by which time a huge number of those angry old white guys that are now the bulk of the Republican base are going to be dead.The upshot is that there is a darn good chance that we will never again have a Republican president.

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    Wacky Jacky  about 10 years ago

    Rarely has a commenter been so wrong about so much at the expense of his own ego.

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  6. Green d18 sided dice
    TripleAxel  about 10 years ago

    Maybe if we hate Dick Cheney enough President Obama’s failures won’t seem so bad …

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