The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 15, 2021
Granddad: I feel like seeing a movie! What's out? Huey: 50 Cent, "Harry Potter," "Syriana".... Granddad: Naw....I wanna see a man's movie. How 'bout this "Brokeback Mountain"? What's that about? Huey: Um..... Granddad: Let's see here...oh, it's about cowboys! Well, that sounds very manly! Let's go!
Yngvar Følling almost 4 years ago
Yup. Manly. Shows why you don’t need women.
Johnny Q Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’s actually about sheep-herding…
eromlig almost 4 years ago
Saddle up, Grandpa.
jwilbern almost 4 years ago
I remember this one, it’s a riot!
Nyckname almost 4 years ago
Hopefully the cinema has a defibrillator, and the sixteen year old usher knows how to use it.
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
2005 was a rough time for cinema.
kd1sq Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Lucky it wasn’t made 60 years ago. Would have ruined the careers of John Wayne and Gary Cooper. Then, again, who knows?
David Rickard Premium Member almost 4 years ago
And I hollered over t’ Granddad
I said, “Don’t look, Granddad!”
But it’s too late
He’d already been incensed.
jrankin1959 almost 4 years ago
Just like Captain Ned ran a very manly ship on The Raging Queen…
bakana almost 4 years ago
Oh, yes. I’ve heard that it’s Very “Manly”.