One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for November 26, 2019

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    momofalex7  over 5 years ago

    Good question. There’s nothing like observation to prove or disprove a point.

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    Bob.  over 5 years ago

    It took years to get her to shut her mouth.

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    jpayne4040  over 5 years ago

    She might have lost a couple of teeth earlier, leading him to think this. (just my wild guess)

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    Purple People Eater  over 5 years ago

    Why would he ask her to open her mouth, when he had told her so many times to close it?

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    jagedlo  over 5 years ago

    Never heard of that theory before…now I have my research project for the day!

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    Dani Rice  over 5 years ago

    Medicine was “iffy” at best. In America “empirical” doctors were sneered at. They obviously didn’t trust The Elders who had laid down theories based on who-knows-what. And then there was the Great Debate between Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. and Charles Meigs.

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    WaitingMan  over 5 years ago

    Aristotle. The smartest man that ever lived who was wrong about everything.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  over 5 years ago

    Maybe because there was no Mrs. Aristotle?

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    Stephen Gilberg  over 5 years ago

    Of course, people alive today have believed that men and women don’t have the same number of ribs.

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    Ermine Notyours  over 5 years ago

    The man who set the Fahrenheit scale wanted 100 to be body temperature, but his wife must have been running a cold when he tested his thermometer on her.

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    theotherther1  over 5 years ago

    I think she’s too young to understand this part of Ancient Greek history…

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