When you use that method, don’t put brackets around it. just type _ example _ (but make sure the underscores are directly next to the text you want to italicize, or else it won’t come out.). – You can click on this link or you can copy this url: http://home.comcast.net/~ccdesan/Pibgorn/StyleGuide.html and it will show you easy shortcuts for underlining, bold and many others!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Thanks, Robb! Got a big tickle out of that one! The Mrs. is going to also get a big kick out of it!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
When you use that method, don’t put brackets around it. just type _ example _ (but make sure the underscores are directly next to the text you want to italicize, or else it won’t come out.). – You can click on this link or you can copy this url: http://home.comcast.net/~ccdesan/Pibgorn/StyleGuide.html and it will show you easy shortcuts for underlining, bold and many others!
TheSkulker over 10 years ago
I can see clearly now my brain is gone.All of those white cells have gone a way.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
I can see all the skulls in my way??You mean I heard it wrong?It sounded gruesome as such and made me wonder what was so cheery about it.
David Rickard Premium Member over 10 years ago
I see eaten popsicles…. all the time
DKHenderson about 1 year ago
That’s what’s known as a “mondegreen”—and it’s a fun one!