Pat Oliphant for March 02, 2010

  1. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Ewwwww!!!! I would not like to see that woman naked!

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  2. Dscn1514
    willikiii  over 14 years ago

    Mrs. Palin’s best selling point!

    Her real common sense stands her in good stead with “fly-over country” men and women.

    Look at what “Intellectuals” have done for the country so far.

    T’ain’t pretty, y’all!

    Your Back Eastie Haahvaad/Yalie elitism is showing, Mr. Oliphant.

    Please come out here to the “fly-over” country and get an education outside the DC/Boston axis. You might be pleasantly surprised how smart and educated we are in regimens other than your pseudo Conservative snob elitism.

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  3. Groundhog
    jgcp1  over 14 years ago

    Hmmm… a Bull Moose. Could it be history repeating itself?

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  4. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 14 years ago

    I’m from “fly-over” country, and we think she’s an empty shell, too.

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  5. Flynsage1.5 6
    Pjbflyn  over 14 years ago

    BE: You mean that stellar intellectual W? The biggest disaster this country’s government has EVER seen. Who knew that being ignorant could be such a patriotic virtue. Give me a break. Read a book (not hers) and pull your fetid eyeballs away from America’s biggest losers.

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  6. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 14 years ago

    Here, here, cd.

    Most folks I know here in Indiana think she’s a joke. She may very well have dragged McCain down enough to let Obama win Indiana in ‘08. (Indiana had not voted for a Dem for Prez since 1964.)

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  7. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    She does have millions in the bank and Fox News and hundreds of thousands of fans in her back pocket. Cannot argue that!

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  8. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Since when is being smart, well-educated, and well-informed a bad thing, Mr. Ewing? And since when is aggressive ignorance of the world a good thing? Republicans like to demonize the intelligent and thoughtful people by calling them “elitists,” but they are happy to push for the rich elite, who show far more signs of corrupting our democracy for their own purposes, and the resources to do it.

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  9. Missing large
    jaxaction  over 14 years ago

    Alaska has more than 400 YEARS of nat gas, jus WHERE is the gas pipeline SHE promised? (that she spent hundreds of millions on…). or, as she is a quitter, do we alaskans forget her promises?

    ubetcha. is there anyway to sue her for her lack of work as governor? how she took alaskans $$ for a job she never did? ubetcha. if yr boss treated u the way the voters treated her… YOU”D be fired. ubetcha

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  10. Ink
    Ink-adink-adoo  over 14 years ago

    Bill Ewing says: “Her real common sense stands her in good stead with “fly-over country” men and women… Your Back Eastie Haahvaad/Yalie elitism is showing, Mr. Oliphant.”

    Bill, Mr. Oliphant never went to Harvard or Yale (instead, he spent the past two decades exposing the Bush family members who did). Oliphant’s first job was in Denver, Colorado, and he now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico – the American West. Or, as you call it: “Fly-over country.”

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  11. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Oh, and as for “back East,” Oliphant is from Adelaide, Australia. (He’s a naturalized American.) Really Deep South, eh?

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    In that big hockey match between the U.S. and Canada, I think they were using Palin’s brain as the puck. It should be noted with respect to that gas pipeline and jobs- Canada won that too.

    Those who think Sarah Palin is the “real thing” believe the “Pillsbury Dough Boy” is a real baker. He IS brighter and made of more real substance however.

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  13. Missing large
    RobSmithJr2  over 14 years ago

    With all that is going on, you’d think Oliphant would stand up to fight the mess in Washington instead of going backwards to the Palin well.

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  14. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Run,Sarah run! Please please pretty please, let’s get Sarah nominated for the Republican candidate for Prez in 2012!!

    C’mon, conservatives and tea people and moral majority and Christian crusaders and all the right thinking people registered to vote! Time to put up or shut up. We’ll see once and for all whether or not our glorious Republic cares about Truth, Justice and the American Way!!

    You betcha’s gonna come and getcha!

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  15. Bari sax
    edrush  over 14 years ago

    If Sarah Palin looked like, say, Madeleine Albright, nobody outside Wasilla would ever have heard of her or listened to her.

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  16. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Funny how not even the right-wingers have commented on Oliphant’s implication that Sarah Palin is sleeping with a moose…

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  17. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 14 years ago

    zekedog, as a democrat, where do i send my money to get her on the ticket?

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  18. Triopia logo
    ChuckTrent64  over 14 years ago

    Oh Ed, you nailed it. Madeleine Albright had more of everything a president would need in her little finger than Ms. Palin has in her whole body. Well, except for electability because we Americans like looks better than performance & credentials. That’s the price we pay for self-government. If things don’t get any better at all (& they will) Obama would still bury her at the polls in 2012. America isn’t that far off of the beam.

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  19. Biker2
    biemmezeta  over 14 years ago

    Pat, sorry your life is this unhappy.

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  20. Cathy aack Premium Member over 14 years ago

    If you’re not ignorant, you’re elitist – all part of the dumbing down of America.

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  21. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Don’t holt with no book learnin’. What my grandaddy knowed was good enuf fer him’n, and it’s good enuf fer me’n.

    Why, I hear tell that some of these slick Eastern Establishment types kin actually talk in French. I say if you cain’t speak God’s own English you should just shut up. If’n it’s good enuf fer King James, it’s good enuf fer me.

    Bill Buckley would be appalled.

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  22. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 14 years ago

    We can see that the Karl Rove and Lee Atwater school of political winning (you only need 50% plus one) at any cost is still working.

    Divide and conquer worked in ancient times, and we still fall for it. Pick a wedge, any wedge, and you can split your opponents into two camps, and go happily about raiding the treasury unhindered.

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  23. Empire 20crusader
    johnmcfarm  over 14 years ago

    I get a real laugh out of the clowns here who voted for an idiotic fool like Obama who literally isn’t qualified to manage a convenience store. But, these same folks vilify a woman who has achieved more in her lifetime already than they will ever hope to…and she has more intelligence and courage that the whole bunch in DC….put that in your hash pipes and smoke it.

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  24. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 14 years ago

    Yeah, and I get a laugh out of the idiots who voted for a man who couldn’t make a profit running an oil company. They voted for a man who turned a state budget surplus into near bankruptcy. They now vilify a former college professor and idolize someone who dropped out of three different colleges and quit her elected post 1/2 way through her term. Why? Because a few loud mouth partisan pundits on TV tell them to. Put that in your moonshine jug and swig it.

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  25. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    ^^ Can’t put anything new in my bong, it’s already filled with pot!

    No, wait, that’s catnip! Dammit, Sooky!

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  26. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    “They now vilify a former college professor and idolize someone who dropped out of three different colleges and quit here elected post 1/2 way through her term because a few loud mouth partisan pundits on TV tell them to.”

    The American way.
     •  Reply
  27. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    “I get a real laugh out of the clowns here who voted for an idiotic fool like Obama who literally isn’t qualified to manage a convenience store. But, these same folks vilify a woman who has achieved more in her lifetime already than they will ever hope to…”

    Actually, I’d say there isn’t that much difference between the experience Obama has and the one Palin has. He’s been an Illinois senator, she was a mayor. He was a US Senator, she was a state governor. Hardly an incredible gulf there. Obama has the edge in education, and for all the jokes about his time in community organizing, Sarah Palin wasn’t doing something particularly noteworthy at the time either (late 1980s), unless being a sportscaster is some impressive political qualification.

    On the other hand, what in the name of Kopyrka is the deal with Sarah Palin sleeping with a moose? I like that woman about as much as I like the common cold, but unless there’s some context there that borders on the offensive.

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  28. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Dang skippy! We be the patriotic convenience store shoppers that gotta give our American money to all them slant eyes and red dots at that there cash register! (‘Course, ain’t no black man qualified to manage that kinda store.) We just gonna hafta get Sarah bein’ President and then we can get to work with First Man Todd and commence to secede America from the United States of America! I’m headed back to my farm to fertilize my “medical” marywanna crop…Hyuk, hyuk.

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  29. Ak100
    Herbabee  over 14 years ago

    Aww, don’t be such a killjoy, McFactoryFarm - as is my quip, I drive better baked than those knobs with D.A.R.E. license plates on their domestic terrorist tanks~

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  30. Buddy
    lalas  over 14 years ago

    Apparently John (Puppy maybe?) doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “literally”.

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  31. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    Canookie, as I said I’m not a fan of Palins, but marital infidelity with a moose is a bit too much. Why are you so defensive about it anyway… is the moose a national animal of Canada?

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  32. Missing large
    jaxaction  over 14 years ago

    she is a quitter, just like US senator jimmy bunning.

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  33. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 14 years ago

    He’s a good looking moose, but what does he see in her?

    It’s well drawn, but pretty vicious.

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  34. Keithmoon
    Wildcard24365  over 14 years ago


    As a fan of the majestic moose, I am offended that anyone would insinuate that a moose would sleep with her.

    (My sister was bitten by a møøse, once.)

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  35. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago


    A drunken friend in Yellowstone in ‘63 decided to ride a cow moose. Well, it didn’t turn out well, of course. She stomped him, and then DID BITE HIM- coup de gras I believe on her part.

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  36. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 14 years ago

    ^M Kitt – here’s something positive about Sarah – she inspires wit in others. How’s that?

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  37. Missing large
    Jode07GoComics  over 14 years ago

    Judging from the nasty ad hominem comments this woman has received, I wonder why they are so afraid of her if they think she’s such an empty head?

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  38. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 14 years ago

    I guess the fear is that other empty heads might elect this empty head.

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  39. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti…

    Less møøses! ¡Más LLAMAS!

    ¡La llama es a quadruped que vive en los ríos grandes como el Amazon! ¡Tiene dos oídos, un corazón, una frente, y un pico para comer la miel! ¡Pero se proporciona las aletas para la natación!

    ¡Las llamas son más grandes que ranas!

    Las llamas son peligrosas, así que si usted ve uno donde la gente está nadando, usted grita… “¡Mire hacia fuera, allí son llamas!”


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  40. Empire 20crusader
    johnmcfarm  over 14 years ago

    What a bunch of low life losers…hey any of you ever have an original thought? You think Obama is so great…that is a real laugh. He is an empty suit with nothing but a teleprompter to give you the talking points you all enjoy so much.

    President Bush was the last great American President we are likely to have, so enjoy the war boys and girls…we’s coming.

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  41. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Studies show that all children born after 1970 have innate knowledge of Beatle lyrics and Monty Python routines. Alas, I was born in 1964, so I had to learn both the hard way.

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  42. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    Well, fritzoid, I knew all of your lines, and I was born in 1963. But my children (14 and 11) have already been exposed to all of the Monty Python shows (not the movies yet) and the Beatles – the younger one particularly is a big fan of Spamalot and is learning to play Beatles and Monkees songs. One must bring your children up right, my friends.

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  43. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    motive, 14 and 11 is probably not too young for “Holy Grail”, depending on how far along they are in cusswords. Anything there they probably already know, but “Life of Brian” and “Meaning of Life” might teach them some new ones you’d rather they save for later.

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  44. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    I’m initiating my wife onto the Python movies this weekend! I started it all off with a little Cleese in “Fawlty Towers” (which I compared to my own escapades in northern England when I was younger).

    She’s keen, she’s asked (I didn’t push!), I think we might have a new convert… :-D

    MM: “Life of Brian” now has 15+ classification in the UK (initially banned in a few places all over Britain and in some countries and not for its language. So funny that it was banned in Norway!) I agree with Fritzoid’s advice.

    (btw, from ‘69 myself)

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  45. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    omQ R, your wife’s “keen”, eh? I bet she is, I bet she is! Nudge nudge, wink wink. She’s “asked” for it, has she? No pushing necessary! I bet there wasn’t! Say no more! Say. No. MORE!

    That’s one “initiation” I’d like to see, nudge nudge! Always willing to welcome a new “convert”, eh? Because you know what they say about converts, don’t you? I BET YOU DO! Nudge nudge, wink wink. Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Say no more!

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  46. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 14 years ago

    Fawlty Towers makes me so nervous I can hardly watch it. A true work of (collective) genius.

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  47. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    ^^ lol ! ( I had that coming)

    Soon she, too, will be able to get the “in” jokes ;-) I’m imagining a Germanic accent trying out the “Spanish Inquisition” sketch. (This might be even better than …foreplay!)

    Lonecat: …Fawlty Towers has nothing on what went on in a Portuguese owned British pub/restaurant in a small, sleepy village in Lincolnshire in the early ’90s. And yes, patrons would always refer to it (“Manuel!) when they learned most of the waiters were Portuguese. Fortunately, my brother and I knew Fawlty Towers very well and started hitting back.

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  48. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    Jode07, if you think the ad hominem attacks at Sarah Palin are bad, take some notes on what words right-wing posters here use on, say… Nancy Pelosi. If the venom in those accusations had any basis in her political ability, that woman would be the new Hammurabi, Jefferson and Lincoln, all rolled into one…

    Ok, ok, I exaggerate. Only Jefferson and Lincoln.

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  49. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    I remember Life of Brian being controversial here because people thought it was blasphemous. Nope - just making fun of what has been done to a perfectly sensible philosophy by “true believers.” “You must all think for yourselves!” “We must all think for ourselves!” Of course, where I grew up (NC), some people thought Oh, God was blasphemous! (My Catholic school, by contrast, took us all there to see it on a field trip.)

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  50. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Hmmm, “Black Knight” is a Palin supporter? (Sarah, not just Michael)

    Doc- the moose hung around our cabins all the time- it shows the extreme danger of “habituating” wild creatures to close proximity to humans- hmm that would include Dick Cheney and maybe Palin also.

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  51. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery–none but ourselves can free our minds…”

    I read M Kitt’s fact filled post and thought to myself…how on God’s green earth can anyone claim “W” was a great president? C’mon, Farm dude!! Enjoy what war? The hot-shot Tea Revolution? You and your isolationist ilk couldn’t organize a Tupperware party with weapons as party favors.

    I for one know how strong our Republic is–we survived 8 years of Dub-ya and his Masters of War three ring circus!

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  52. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 14 years ago

    As opposed to you and /your/ negative stereotypes spoon feed to you by partisan pundits? Get real.

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  53. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Reasons–I was after JohnnyMcFarm dude…he popped in with a bit of teeth gnashing tough guy drivel. Because after all, like the big-shot from Kennebunkport said…”If you’re not with us, you’re against us.” No time for funnin’ around with fancy- talk comedy–we got a revolution to tend to!

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  54. Missing large
    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    she had the balls to attack the messiah in the campaign……so she becomes a target, she was accurate and that scares the followers and fellow travellers

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  55. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    Ooooh, riiiiight. Suuure, no one, ever, attacked Obama during his campaign. Not McCain, not Hillary Clinton, not Edwards… heck, probably even Biden did.

    Yeah, yeah, accurate. I guess that’s why HRC, Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and every notable democrat has been given every insulting nickname people here can think of.

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  56. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Hey Reasons-I’m new to this…how does the gocomics ump toss you from the game? And what is all this yammering about the “messiah”? For the love of God, Mr. and Mrs. Uber- Conservative! Since when does doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with your God prompt such foolish sarcasm? President Obama is an American success story. “W” is a ne’er do well born into the wealthy white elite class. How very ironic the Hannity disciples brand President Obama an elitist.

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  57. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    Dude, it’s an old game. Invent some absurdity, pin it on the other side, then ridicule it. It’s not only conservatives doing it, but… well, that’s a textbook scenario.

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  58. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Well allriiigghhtty then…now I can’t get the “Rawhide” tune out of my head, dagnabbit!

    I do enjoy how the postings link and travel. On occasion we can take part in some rather sophisticated free association.

    Oliphant sure has gotten mileage from his last toon—wonder when his next will appear?

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  59. Missing large
    jaxaction  over 14 years ago

    this to be a “nature” film, Disney? discovery channel? Nat geo? some deep voice helping us believe animals can talk…something where we can take our children too… Or is it bullwnkle? sarin sold out to lord murdocks foxnoose corp rather than develope the Nat gas or oil in alaska, great job! sarin the quitter. (women, on cue! can protest shes not getting what glean beck does-you betcha). time to have a new one, rather than continued cover up we have wars a going…

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  60. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    That drawing of Palin kinda looks like Johnny Depp on that new movie, Alice in Wonderland :))

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  61. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Anyone out there know the record # of comments for a single cartoon?

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  62. Missing large
    jaxaction  over 14 years ago

    “hope more”

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  63. Missing large
    mamajock  over 14 years ago

    When did the GOP become the Know-Nothing Party? Intelligence and quality education is now a NEGATIVE? Eight years with a sock puppet figureheading the show - which turned America into a Third World nation - and now they want a bobble-head. Or is that bubble-head?

    An insane Roman emperor (Caligula) named his horse to the Senate; now we have an empty-headed candidate who’ll probably nominate a moose to the Senate. The more things change….

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  64. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    <======…The more they stay the same! You betcha!

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  65. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    100 comments of cheer on the screen, 100 comments of cheer…

    so what is the all time record?

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  66. Ak100
    Herbabee  over 14 years ago

    Open Page 3!

    jssst… cuz

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  67. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Thanks, rikoshay. I’ll look up the cartoon you describe. I agree with how you feel about Oliphant.

    So back to the moose–I will try and ask old O himself by e-mail what the large horned one symbolizes.

    Hey Doc! Our international team of skaters beat Pittsburgh’s international team of skaters last night in OT!!

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  68. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 14 years ago

    Since we are praising Oliphant, and rightly so, may I add that Barstow should take a look at the drawing of Palin here and learn how to draw a human body.

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  69. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 14 years ago

    Well, blow me over, a 3rd page!

    Yeah, I like Oliphant. Sometimes, very rarely, I think he gets it wrong but meh.

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  70. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Sorry everybody but I have to ask:


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  71. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago


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  72. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Hey Blazing B(ung)—excess? As in the number of times you re-invent who you are? You want a clear example of excess,go youtube Bush missteps and malapropisms. Wow, what a mother lode. Such a deep thinker. He had no time for that fancy talk. Seems you two are kindred spirits.

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  73. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    He does seem to devolve. Both my (now graduated) daughters met some neo cons and young conservatives in college…they were truly bewildered with the way the young right leaning ones behaved.

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  74. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 14 years ago


    Your effort reminds me of the Styx lyric:

    Too much time on my hands, it’s ticking away with my sanity I’ve got too much time on my hands, it’s hard to believe such a calamity I’ve got too much time on my hands and it’s ticking away from me Too much time on my hands, too much time on my hands Too much time on my hands

    I compliment your perseverance.

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  75. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Parker…was that list typed by your hand? Or do you know some “computer tricks” that did the heavy lifting (listing)? Pretty freaky, Dude!

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  76. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Whoa! Parker left out Obamessiah or whatever puppy/stripper calls itself now a days.

    Wonder what happened to thinginthebasement and oldlego?

     •  Reply
  77. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    That’s very sad to hear fennec. I hope oldlego is alright. Not sure about Radish being thinginthebasement though. Thing was a little bit more political than Radish.

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  78. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    Parker… not that I miss being in the top 3, but why did you bother :) ?

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  79. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Looks like he went numbers first, letters next, to me.

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  80. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Maybe he likes you 4uk4ata.

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  81. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    I think you missed a few.

    Better recheck.

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  82. Mexico border
    TruthfulTheocracy  over 14 years ago

    Lots of comments yes?

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  83. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 14 years ago

    I want a new cartoon.

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  84. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    You’re right about Radish fennec. Sorry for doubting you.

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  85. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    whoa … go away a few days and almost missed parker creating a list of posters … dang, girl, you good!

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  86. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Could Oliphant be seriously physically ill?

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  87. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    We’re running on fumes here, Mr. Oliphant, sir.

    Could we have some more, please?

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  88. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Well frankly, that toon appears to be rated MATURE for Beastiality.

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  89. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 14 years ago

    We’re dying here, Pat! Come back!

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  90. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    I truly hope Pat Oliphant returns, sooner than later.

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  91. 100 2208
    parkersinthehouse  over 14 years ago

    wait a sec 4, you’re in the top 3

    numbers first and my-choice-type alphabetization after

    charlie - back at christmas i wanted to say “merry” to everybody

    just to be sure i made a list (at the time it was about 400)

    so for grins i add the newbies (oldlego please take note), many of which are the poopster, as we go along

    and as of today (don’t worry - i ain’t postin’ the list again), we have a decorative, quantitatively whopping 565 posters - and counting

    thanks poops - you’re a real sport for dancin’ with this

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  92. 100 2208
    parkersinthehouse  over 14 years ago

    Blazin!!! the ones with TWO ** are striper, not you

    i am clear-headedly focussed on whom (heh heh) is whom

    those guys, as they say in the country music sector, ”cain’t hold a caindle too yoou …”

    love and honor

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  93. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    fritzkringle was me, just using a holiday-themed handle for a week or so. It wasn’t an actual alter-ego or anything…

     •  Reply
  94. Missing large
    MrWuxtry  over 14 years ago

    Gee, Mr. Ewing, Pat Oliphant is from Australia. He made his U.S. reputation working for a newspaper in Denver. And now, last I heard, he was living in New Mexico. Are all those places too Ivy League for you?

    And hey, syndicate people, is Pat OK? This same cartoon’s been up for almost three weeks now.

     •  Reply
  95. Missing large
    MrWuxtry  over 14 years ago

    Gee, Mr. Ewing, Pat Oliphant is from Australia. He made his U.S. reputation working for a newspaper in Denver. And now, last I heard, he was living in New Mexico. Are all those places too Ivy League for you? And hey, syndicate people, is Pat OK? This same cartoon’s been up for almost three weeks now.

     •  Reply
  96. Drfcassowary bigger
    Creniere  over 14 years ago

    I say we send out a search party!

     •  Reply
  97. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Yup. We have a puppy but we’re not sure how reliable the nose is. Maybe Sooky can help?

     •  Reply
  98. Missing large
    paulhennig2  over 14 years ago

    Sara Palin, our national joke and cheerleader for the right wing ignoramuses in this country which pose a real threat to the democratic process which as a result is in real peril.

     •  Reply
  99. Missing large
    jonathan.james  over 14 years ago

    ‘nuff said

     •  Reply
  100. 100 2208
    parkersinthehouse  over 14 years ago


     •  Reply
  101. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    The last shall be first.

     •  Reply
  102. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago


     •  Reply
  103. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    So we can finally put this to rest! OOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!

     •  Reply
  104. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  over 14 years ago

    Thanks for the quick story, riko! Ah, the days of little W and uncle Dick…Pat had a blast with them!

    Maureen is a gifted gal–and a foxy redhead to boot.

    If you could find out Mr. O’s status, that would be great. I’ve heard nada out east.

     •  Reply
  105. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Well, at least we finshed this before we hit page 4.

     •  Reply
  106. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Yep, three pages of comments is QUITE enough, thank you.

     •  Reply
  107. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    And now that a new cartoon has been posted, there’s no danger of…


     •  Reply
  108. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago


     •  Reply
  109. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.

     •  Reply
  110. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    If it’s true that nice guys finish last, I really ought to take myself out of the running, but I hear that Fox is eyeing this as a possible reality show, so…

    Actually, M Kitt, since neither Reasons nor I have “Genius” status, all you have to do is wait until we no longer have access to this strip. Of course, that means neither of us will be able to witness your triumph, either…

     •  Reply
  111. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    This will be my last post on this cartoon.

     •  Reply
  112. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Dammit, I’m the youngest of three children, I was born on December 31, and my surname begins with “Z”. Being last is my BIRTHRIGHT!

    Could this be considered “Ultimate Fighting”?

     •  Reply
  113. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Whoa there, Bunny-boy! At least buy me dinner before you try to screw me out of my BIRTHRIGHT, huh?

    And I expect something better than a mess of pottage, too…

     •  Reply
  114. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 14 years ago

    <=======Sorry you dumb animals but I hear by “liberate” you from the burden of being the las comment.

     •  Reply
  115. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago

    That’s so thoughtful…

     •  Reply
  116. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  about 14 years ago

    Howdy! Sorry about my extended absence…

    Yessir, rikoshay– looks as if fritz and Reasons are hell bent on being last!


    (This is a blast for a Gocomics rookie such as myself!)

     •  Reply
  117. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Keep up the good effort, zekedog!

     •  Reply
  118. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    <=====What about me?

     •  Reply
  119. Dsc00100
    zekedog55  about 14 years ago

    wherefore art thou, rikoshay?

     •  Reply
  120. Warcriminal
    WarBush  about 14 years ago

    <=======Finally last! No dumb animal is gonna outlast the Bushmeiser.

     •  Reply
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