Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 26, 2014
Susie: "I got a perfect score on my quiz" Calvin: "You got a perfect score??" Susie: "What did you get? If you missed any, you owe me 25 cents" Calvin: "I ran out of time! I'd have had a perfect score too if I'd had a few more minutes!" Susie: "What did you get?" Calvin: "It's BIOLOGICAL! Girls mature faster than boys! You just got a better grade because you're a girl! It's not fair!" Susie: "Pay up" Calvin: "Maybe it's opposite day! Maybe all these X's mean my answers are CORRECT! Maybe your "a" is really an "F"! That must be it! I win the bet!"
BE THIS GUY over 10 years ago
Delusion is not an attractive trait.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Actually, Calvin, did you not finish only one test problem? ;)
katzenbooks45 over 10 years ago
Sorry kiddo, life isn’t like Calvinball, where if you can’t win, change the rules.
GROG Premium Member over 10 years ago
Dream on, Calvin!
Charlie Fogwhistle over 10 years ago
Calvin also got 100%. Wrong, of course, but still 100%.
Hobbes Premium Member over 10 years ago
Today Calvin is sitting on Susie’s left. In the following strip he was sitting on Susie’s right. It all depends on who is the first to speak on that particular day. The first speaker needs to be on the left side of the panel.Click here: Calvin and Hobbes (February 2, 1987)Click here: Peanuts (December 15, 1962)Click here: Pearls Before Swine (June 23, 2011)Click here: Non Sequitur (December 5, 2012)
dwdl21 over 10 years ago
He knows the word “biological” but can’t do simple addition?
ACTIVIST1234 over 10 years ago
Calvin shows an innate tatlent for becoming a spin doctor.
T.A.S.K Master over 10 years ago
Clutching at straws, calvin
Piksea Premium Member over 10 years ago
Holy Mackeral! Calvin deserves a medal for that quality of rationalization.
dflak over 10 years ago
Why would Calvin make such a bet? Also isn’t gambling illegal for minors? Well, I guess if you can hunt dinosaurs and fly spaceships as a minor, a two-bit bet isn’t that far out of line.
cosman over 10 years ago
Talkin’ about pounding a large square peg into a small round hole..
CalvinObvious over 10 years ago
Calvin and his pet tiger Hobbes just completed a school test that Uncle Max helped them study for. Calvin then made a funny snowman.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
I’m pretty sure Calvin will run for political office some day. When elected, changing the rules to suit yourself will just be second nature to the little brat…
Aaron Saltzer over 10 years ago
If Calvin didn’t give Susie the money, I bet he gave it to Moe. Haha
Number Three over 10 years ago
I’m afraid not, Calvin.
If only!
Not Again over 10 years ago
I reject your reality, and substitute my own. (Adam Savage).
Susie Derkins D: over 10 years ago
I’ll say it again pay up.
feralblue over 10 years ago
Calvin Rules – what an imagination he (Bill Watterson) has!!! a great kid! if he were mine, he’d drive me nuts, but i’d love him to pieces. he’s got so much pluck and spunk!!!! and Hobbes – the calm, quietly sarcastic one – Calvin’s ally – the only one who can handle him . . . who can outwit him and the only one who completely joins with Calvin – this doesn’t really quite say what i mean – but it’s close. . .