Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 21, 2010

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago
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  2. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 15 years ago

    Well yeah if the license plate contained only four characters, I probably could remember it.

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  3. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    I was hoping the kid would be alive. The scarf was willing but the body was weak.

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  4. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    boooooo @ VistaBill

    That was bad.

    Actually in panel 1 it looks like he was hit in the head with a hatchet

    And he looks like he is trying to wave hello/goodbye on top of everything else.

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  5. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    A touching final scene today, kiddies! Like your ‘Odd Couple’, VistaBill!

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  6. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    He appears to be a bit flat in panel #1, too.

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  7. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    All of their arms are “Too short to box with God”

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  8. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 15 years ago

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  9. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    leakysqueaky712, indeed. It must be expensive to have to purchase all those tailor made clothes…

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  10. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  almost 15 years ago

    I could remember the license plate depending on who was offended.

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  11. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Marg…………since they took out the Dinette Set, I need another comic to laugh at………..throw out some suggestions, please.

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  12. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    I already know my own license plate # I dont need to memorize it.

    LOL@ Flight Suit………thats a good one.

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  13. Missing large
    Llewellenbruce  almost 15 years ago

    Now you say it Maestro.

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  14. Missing large
    mrbribery  almost 15 years ago

    Son was not only shot, but run over by a steamroller.

    Maestro has collected Son’s head so he can take it home and love it…

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  15. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    leakysqueaky712 said,

    boooooo @ VistaBill That was bad. —————————————————————————-


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  16. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    margueritem said,

    Like your ‘Odd Couple’, VistaBill!


    Thanks, margueritem! G’morning.

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  17. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    Like your interpretation of DT, Flight Suit!

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  18. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    leakysqueaky712, that will take some thinking. I do miss ‘The Dinnette Set’. Have you tried ‘Two Cows and a Chicken’? It’s pretty funny, although not in a ‘Dinette Set’ way.

    FlightSuit: Love it!

    GM, VistaBill!!

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  19. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 15 years ago

    Thankew, thankew….

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  20. Zappa sheik
    ksoskins  almost 15 years ago

    Panel 1 seems to show a guy with a splitting headache.

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  21. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  almost 15 years ago

    Badly wounded in the arm, perhaps.

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  22. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 15 years ago

    The last panel is so hilarious.

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  23. Images
    JerryGorton  almost 15 years ago

    During the week Dinette set is at Houston Chronicle.Click here: http://www.chron.com/ and under their subheadings click on comics. They do not post on Sundays!

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  24. Missing large
    neonleon59  almost 15 years ago

    Sometime between panels one and three somebody threw litter on Junior’s dead body. That’s just disrespectful.

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  25. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    “Send Paramedics – NOW

    And before “Low Note” had dissapeared the Paramedic was there.

    Locher can really “snap the whip” on pacing when he wants to !.

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  26. Shamrock3
    antaine  almost 15 years ago

    That must have been some thorough effort to save him! The medics didn’t even need to cut off his shirt to attempt to stop bleeding or assess injuries…and by his arm posture, they never flipped him to look for exit wounds, either.

    Do they think that declaring a person dead in the field takes place after a Jack-Bauer-style two-finger check of the pulse?

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  27. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    carlo, love your strip–wish it was in here and it was a daily–the worst part is the long wait for the continuation…. one point to make, the translation from spanish to english is just a bit off here and there

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  28. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 15 years ago

    In panel 4, the guy dressed in the airline pilot’s uniform tells Macy the gunman is badly wounded and no ID. Macy needs to tell him the guy was hit in the arm and the paramedics just put his arm in a sling. As far as who the fat guy is, Macy tells the driver to read yesterday’s comics and find it out for himself.

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  29. Smokey stover
    Araldite  almost 15 years ago

    I guess we’ll get the rehash of the ambassador tomorrow.

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  30. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  almost 15 years ago

    Why is the paramedic kneeling on Kid Rocker’s hand?

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  31. Incoming
    gillbillvolume1  almost 15 years ago

    The Headless paramedic fails to save another victim.

    meanwhile in a parallel universe (Where its always Sunday and in Color) Dad was not standing behind Jr when he was shot but 4 feet way and didn’t spent the last five days going ” No, No, No my son !”

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  32. Fearless 2
    thejensens  almost 15 years ago

    I remember a license plate story that was in our loal paper. A local person was accused of speeding and his license plate was caught on “Photo Radar” in a city over 1000 miles away. This guy and his vehicle were at home. His employment records showed he was at work that day and not in the city where the offense took place. The photo radar picture showed a driver who was not him. The police said he must of loaned his vehicle to someone else. Six months went by and he received a call from the people who made the license plates. He was asked to check both of his plates Bingo - They were different plates. The last digit was one number higher than the other plate. Yet, he was consided guilty by the photo radar. Somehow 3 plates were made of the same number and one plate of the next plate in sequence. . Boy you can’t get good prison inmates these days to make and sort license plates like you used to!!! Of course there was no apology from the police and everyother person that harassed him.

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  33. Missing large
    neonleon59  almost 15 years ago

    LudwigVonDrake said, about 2 hours ago:

    Why is the paramedic kneeling on Kid Rocker’s hand?

    That’s how they confirm a declaration of death. If the supposed decedent doesn’t yell “Hey, quit kneeling on my hand!” then he must be dead.

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  34. Incoming
    gillbillvolume1  almost 15 years ago

    I remember one hilarious Crime stoppers textbook from years ago .

    “When planning to Help Police ID a criminal take special note of the style and color of his necktie for later identification.”

    In case your mugged by a well dressed crook I guess? “Ma wheres my necktie..I need to go knock over the corner liquor store !”

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  35. Softball
    ridenslide65  almost 15 years ago

    Simply more stupidity and nonsense.

    Love the “artwork and re-wording” flightsuit.

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  36. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 15 years ago

    Hmm ! - Paramedic’s knee on the arm ?

    A) - Lousy art by Brozman (?)


    B) - The new way to take a ’pulse’ under Obama Health care (?)

    ”He’s gone Tracy I couldn’t save him … See Ma … NO hands” !

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  37. Missing large
    neonleon59  almost 15 years ago

    @Flight Suit: Love the mashup! I compose those in my little twisted head all the time but I’m too lazy to actually create them. Good work!

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  38. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  almost 15 years ago

    Why does Junior seem to be raising his left hand? Does he have something to say? “Mister Macey! Mister Macey! I know who did… urgh… bleagh…”

    And speaking of license numbers–is there any significance to “DT68”?

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  39. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 15 years ago

    To nighthawks: thanks. I know but at this moment no daily yet. Sorry.

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  40. Old man kneeling in prayer
    jsdy  almost 15 years ago

    I’m glad a paramedic finally made a proclamation, rather than a policeman who hadn’t even touched the boy. In my world, policemen prefer that EMTs or paramedics make any such statements (And they in turn prefer not to.). Of course, in my world, paramedics do a bit more than kneel at the patient’s side and declare them dead, but I don’t ask that much of this strip.

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  41. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    LudwigVonDrake said, “Why is the paramedic kneeling on Kid Rocker’s hand?”

    Years ago, Maxwell Smart did something like that on a murder victim and Inspector Harry Hoo listened as the victim said, “Your knee is on my arm”.

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  42. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 15 years ago

    Thank you, Neon Leon!

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  43. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 15 years ago

    I do like that liquid metal car of the future in the crimestopper’s textbook.

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  44. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    Flight Suit said, “I do like that liquid metal car of the future in the crimestopper’s textbook.”

    That’s why it’s important to memorize the license plate number, the shape of the car can be changed. I memorize all license plate numbers.

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  45. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 15 years ago

    I might be late tonight. Tonight’s my night to go to the interstate highway and memorize the license plate numbers of all the cars that drive by.

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  46. Missing large
    boboscar  about 3 years ago

    For FormerlyFlightSuit’s last Flooom go to this link


    and scroll down to the 10th and final Floooom

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