Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for November 17, 2014
Ned: I'm with the doctor, Mom...he says Bob is fine, that he had a blockage in his artery...ok, I'll ask...what's the prognosis, doctor? Is there permanent damage to his heart? Is it congenital? Doctor: Second...that depends. Ned: Uh...depends on WHAT? Doctor: On if you consider the American diet as being a cultural or inherited trait.
Superfrog about 10 years ago
Food for thought.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Hey, fondue is on my blood.
Barker62 about 10 years ago
Yet I know(or have known) too many who had ‘healthy’ lifestyles, exercised, etc. and croaked… yet more than a few who had what ‘enlightened society’ and medical professionals call a bad lifestyle outlive them. Do the best you can & if it’s your time……make sure you have enough for a headstone.
Varnes about 10 years ago
I’m hungry…..
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago
They have a sign over the emergency entrance that reads:“Abandon All Individuality, Ye Who Enter Here.”It goes with the backless gown, really, as a matching accessory.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
It is too expensive to eat healthy and fast junk food is not worth the value. I think I will save money and just starve; i will die anyway so I might as well do it my way.
Reppr Premium Member about 10 years ago
This is a family strip. No talking about congenitals!
didereaux about 10 years ago
See what the UK NHS has to say about a Mediterannean diet.
of course that doesn’t apply to Americans, who are ‘different’.
Also NonSeq is preaching to the choir. Intelligent people know all this, and the dumb ones pay no attention. So back to humor and less preaching.
dadoctah about 10 years ago
Eating healthy can extend your life by ten years. Unfortunately, it’s the ten years at the end when you’re stuck in a hospital bed and can’t go to the toilet by yourself.
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
we were born to die, get use to the Idea!
jbmlaw01 about 10 years ago
Miles Monroe: Where am I anyhow, I mean, what happened to everybody, where are all my friends?
Dr. Aragon: You must understand that everyone you knew in the past has been dead nearly two hundred years.
Miles Monroe: But they all ate organic rice!
mplaffey about 10 years ago
Well obviously its still ok to be judgmental about some things.
felinefan55 Premium Member about 10 years ago
You know those cholesterol commercials showing people that look great but have high cholesterol? My husband has high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes but LOW! to normal cholesterol. I’ve finally lost some of the weight that I put on in the year that my hypothyroidism went undiagnosed. Unlike most people Synthroid didn’t make me lose any weight, but at least I stopped gaining. It was quite frustrating. I ate less than everyone in the house, & healthier as well. Anyway my cholesterol level is 223!! It has always been high, even when I was young and a dancer. I tried Lipitor and my cholesterol dropped immediately, but my glucose levels skyrocketed. I’d rather not have diabetes, so I stopped the Lipitor. My older daughter who has always been skinny also has high cholesterol.
Cook for Good about 10 years ago
@Observer It’s easy to eat a delicious healthy diet on a food-stamp budget with organic costing about 1/3 more. Try a whole foods plant based diet. Junk-food vegans can look sick because a diet of processed sugar and fat isn’t healthy even without the Whopper. Since I changed my real-food diet from veg to vegan
Cook for Good about 10 years ago
… After I dropped dairy and eggs, I lost 20 pounds with hunger and lost my migraines, arthritis, and joint pain. Try it for 30 days and see how you can feel younger and happier.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 10 years ago
so, you think that your unfortunate friend should have put his/her faith and life into the hands ofan American you think your friend’s intestinal cancercould have actually been stopped and eradicated by chemo and the like?think again
dabugger about 10 years ago
Inherited? Who is he kidding, himself? Although what so many pile on have told us it is tradition. Another lie someone has taught us. Some even talk about common sense; or do they mean senseless. We should just ask Bob. Or is he in a coma?
bagbalm about 10 years ago
Most people are missing the point that the strip made. It is the official government approved food pyramid that is a crap diet fit to kill you. We are eating a Kellogg/Keys approved diet that never have any basis but self promotion and political pull. Kellogg was a nuts case who solved the problem of masturbation, for which people of his era sent their children to insane asylums, by malnourishing them so badly his patients couldn’t function to masturbate. If it left them unable to function otherwise mentally or physically that was unfortunate but he’d cured the greater evil. Keys… well he is the K in K-rations. Tell you enough? His biggest contribution was the packaging.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
It’s fascinating to a see this strip show a doctor discussing diet. The reality is that, until very recently, the curricula of most US medical schools paid little attention to nutrition. Since I’m now borderline diabetic and have had Crohn’s my whole life, I’ve always gone to a nutritionist for the information I need.
Can't Sleep about 10 years ago
Jeez, all the complaining and hokey controversy!We saw Bob, knew he’d gained a lot of weight on eating greasy, salty meals, and didn’t exercise.Yes, people who take care of themselves die, too.But people who abuse themselves (and their hearts) usually go sooner. No controversy, no brainer.(Of course, the complainers probably live the Bob lifestyle.)
phoenixnyc about 10 years ago
“In order to live to be 100, you have to give up everything that makes you want to.”
Ernest Lemmingway about 10 years ago
I’ve seen the same studies but the idea that carbs have not been a part of the human diet in terms of evolution can’t really be proven or disproven yet. Humanity’s ancestors were hunter-gatherers and in fact there is sufficient evidence to support that grains were actually a big part of our ancient diets. However, our species was also burning a lot more calories daily than we have been in over a century. Carbs are a source of immediate energy that most of us don’t need in modern Western society. There’s also been studies that show excess protein can be actually be as serious a problem as excess carbs.
.@NabuIt’s not a vegan diet that’s the problem, it’s not enough variety in what’s actually being eaten. There are plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains that can substitute nutrients from meat and dairy to avoid health issues. Those who follow a vegan diet have to take even greater care to eat the right things so they have a balanced diet. Otherwise, yes, they’ll have issues like those students.
hippogriff about 10 years ago
Night-Gaunt49: Right for JUST bacon and eggs (and maybe toast and jelly), but when the rural diet had to fuel a massive amount of manual labor, it would add pancakes, hashbrowns, and biscuits through much of the 19th century. Plutocrats did the same to show they could afford it, thus their bloated physique (now just their salary is bloated).
BillWa about 10 years ago
I am really getting sick of this. Ever notice how when somebody complains about the “American” diet they never add exercise to the mix. Try something funny next time, this is just Political Correctness.
luckylouie about 10 years ago
“I get my exercise acting as pallbearer for my friends who exercise.”—Mark Twain
Hunter7 about 10 years ago
Knew a fellow who exercised. Ate healthy, low fat diet because he lost his father and grandfather when they were in their early 40’s…… He still had a heart attack. Had to have the major bypass of just about everything going in & out of his heart. …. When we finally saw him after hospital – he was still feeling depressed. All that work and still had the heart attack.he had been a regular at our café – we all explained to him – he had lived 10-15 years longer than his father before having a heart attack. His exercise made him strong enough to not only survive the heart attack, but to survive the surgery. And now – his kids still have their father. …. Don’t know if that little talk helped. Nice guy. Hope it did.
Argythree about 10 years ago
Alas, the Atkins diet replaces sugar and carbs with lots and lots and lots of salt. Anyone with high blood pressure can’t handle Atkins…
lorkav4 about 10 years ago
Not sure where the kook got the red face thing….yeesh. It’s not " poor cow"….but health. Myths ??
It’s not expensive,…Kale is like a dollar, and steak ?? More. And have you priced Cancer, Diabetes, Rheumatoid….etc ? $$$$$
You don’t get wild deficiencies ….you need a B12 supplement once in a while No biggie. Dats it.
Some things you can get organic, some you can slide on. Depends on your aversion to pesticides. Only. You eat what you like…no one said chew radishes and kale if you hate it.
You cut out the meat and dairy , animal stuff… shut down inflammation , fix cholesterol numbers ( trigycerides take longer), diabetics reduce and go off meds, HBP meds aren’t needed, cholest. meds arent’ needed, Arthritis get WAY better, plantar fascitis gets WAY better ( I know )……why NOT DO IT. ??Do people that eat ribs and cheeseburgers while smoking live to be 100……sometimes. You wanna roll those dice ??
You won’t be all deprived and you ‘ll feel like a million bucks. Results ARE typical. Science bears it out, tons of research that proves it. No doctors don’t learn it. Pick up a book…educate yourself.Canine teeth are not for tearing meat flesh. Get a clue. Honestly.
Plant based is the wave of the future and long ignored. Watch the documentary…." Fork over Knives". It’ll blow yr mind. <3
kunstartig about 10 years ago
awesome !!
FranziskaM about 10 years ago
Glad this is being mentioned. Instead of wanting to do as you please and then expecting doctors to FIX IT, try not getting in that situation to begin with. We all KNOW what a healthy diet looks like by now, and meat, dairy, processed foods, alcohol and cigarettes aren’t it.