Teddy Rooseveldt once refused to shoot a tied bear, The beginning of the Teddy Bear. No hunting organization I know of nor the NRA is in favor of anything but fair chase hunts.
“Is it that much different then how cows are killed?”.Yes.Intent.Harvesting food is not the same thing as considering yourself the great white hunter because you killed something in a cage or just released..With weaponry available, most hunting strikes me as unsportsmanlike but I’m not a sportsman, so I could easily be wrong. I can’t complain while enjoying what others have provided me..Even if I ate only plant products, animals were killed to keep them from eating it instead..We all affect each other in this world — including plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, whatever.
“Hunting is different than shopping. Shooting a caged animal is shopping. I prefer store bought meat.”.Nah, shooting a caged animal isn’t shopping or hunting..Killing an animal for food is called butchering. Butchers are relatively well paid because they do what most don’t enjoy..Whenever friends tell me how good venison is, I always tell them the best I’ve ever eaten doesn’t compare to the cheapest hamburger meat. They then tell me I just need to know how to process it to make it palatable. I then respond that proves my point: they have to work hard to make it into something fit to eat. Some do, but at great effort..If you want to kill something, don’t pretend it is for the food. Admit you enjoy killing. We are what we are. We’re allowed to have different likes and dislikes.
mr_sherman Premium Member about 10 years ago
The Fink’s one up on Dick Cheney.
wndrwrthg about 10 years ago
Better caged hunts with those who participate in caged hunts.
sheplives about 10 years ago
Good for you, Fink!
Space_cat about 10 years ago
If only Congress had a sense of morals this high!
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
The Fink was not objecting to the deer in the cage but the blunderbus he was given to shoot with.
jbmlaw01 about 10 years ago
Bravo Nab – you inflamed the crazed leftists by merely recounting the truth. Shows Gruber knew whereof he spoke.
ladykat Premium Member about 10 years ago
I’d sooner hunt rapists and child molesters, but I’m funny that way.
Plods with ...™ about 10 years ago
…. and it has an ammo clip.
Sir Osis of Liver about 10 years ago
It doesn’t matter – the King is still a fink!
Strider Keninginne Premium Member about 10 years ago
At least the King has standards, even though he’s a fink.
awdunn2484 about 10 years ago
To all you firearms ‘’experts", . . .a blunderbus does not have not have a magazine. The king’s firearm is a repeater and not a front-end- loader.
reverence about 10 years ago
Great statement on ‘Canned Hunts’. Thank-you.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
The only hunt I tend to participate in is the discounted meat in the meat department.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
And here, I thought the comments would be thanking the King for his consideration..Asking too much, I guess…
Icorps1970 about 10 years ago
Teddy Rooseveldt once refused to shoot a tied bear, The beginning of the Teddy Bear. No hunting organization I know of nor the NRA is in favor of anything but fair chase hunts.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
yeah, it is….
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
What’s FiL?
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
Of course not, there’s still alot that haven’t been caught yet.
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
Sure it is, some less people on the planet and less money to house and feed these monsters.
mnd0829 about 10 years ago
Three cheers for the king!
Tandembuzz about 10 years ago
Looks like his blunderbus has a multi-round clip, though…more blunder for your buck. ;-)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“Is it that much different then how cows are killed?”.Yes.Intent.Harvesting food is not the same thing as considering yourself the great white hunter because you killed something in a cage or just released..With weaponry available, most hunting strikes me as unsportsmanlike but I’m not a sportsman, so I could easily be wrong. I can’t complain while enjoying what others have provided me..Even if I ate only plant products, animals were killed to keep them from eating it instead..We all affect each other in this world — including plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, whatever.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“Hunting is different than shopping. Shooting a caged animal is shopping. I prefer store bought meat.”.Nah, shooting a caged animal isn’t shopping or hunting..Killing an animal for food is called butchering. Butchers are relatively well paid because they do what most don’t enjoy..Whenever friends tell me how good venison is, I always tell them the best I’ve ever eaten doesn’t compare to the cheapest hamburger meat. They then tell me I just need to know how to process it to make it palatable. I then respond that proves my point: they have to work hard to make it into something fit to eat. Some do, but at great effort..If you want to kill something, don’t pretend it is for the food. Admit you enjoy killing. We are what we are. We’re allowed to have different likes and dislikes.