Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 26, 2014
Ned: Are you making dinner, Kate? Kate: Yep...and Uncle Bob is gonna join us! Ned: You know he doesn't eat meat now, right? Kate: Exactly! After I graduated from the french culinary institute, I decided to specialize in delicious, non-meat dishes. A healthful food revolution is growing and we should be out in front with it. Ned: Wait...after you graduated what? Kate: A lot happens around here while you're distracted by Danae, Daddy.
Dtroutma about 10 years ago
And in her spare time…
Argythree about 10 years ago
We can hope that Kate can create a delicious fortified tofu dish to ensure that her uncle Bob eats something with B-12, since the only non-animal source of that nutrient is fortified tofu. My experience with tofu has not exactly been of the ‘delicious’ variety, but then, I’m not a kid who graduated from the French Culinary Institute. I just watch the Food Channel…
Argythree about 10 years ago
@somebody short-Couldn’t use the ‘reply’ function to respond to your comment.-Wikipedia defines tofu as a food product that is heavily used in certain Buddhist diets. The only ways I’ve been able to eat tofu have been in very altered forms (as the basis for substitutes for cow’s milk-based cream cheese and sour cream), but that doesn’t mean it isn’t ‘food’. -Just not a terrific option for some of us with strong gag reflexes…
wrwallaceii about 10 years ago
Vegan, low fat and organic are NOT synonymous with healthy.
millie p about 10 years ago
Have you watched the processes involved in turning living animals into meat?
seyleigh about 10 years ago
I know its supposed to be a joke, but it almost sounds like Joe is neglecting Kate in favor of Danae. Not cool dude.
Can't Sleep about 10 years ago
SO there I was, letting my eye rove across the various comments… And then I realized, dear God, people are arguing over tofu!
Varnes about 10 years ago
Tofu is whale snot…
Rista about 10 years ago
Hate the whole meat/no meat, vegan-vegetarian arguments.I’m one of the unlucky one percent of the country who’s quite allergic to soy and any other bean product. I am also vegetarian, but not vegan. Vegan’s for the most part are extremists in their diet, vegetarians tend to be more flexible. It IS possible to be very healthy and not eat meat. It isn’t easy and requires some thought and planning to eat a balanced healthy diet. Go check out the health and life span statistics on the Seventh Day Adventist church.
Varnes about 10 years ago
somebodyshort, I think Joe and Victoria are a lot like me….They like having a “significant other” every once in while….
DamnHappyChappy about 10 years ago
Healthful? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhh. Is that even really a word. If so why did anyone need to make up one to replace “healthy”.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago
That’s pretty amazing, really.The comments from a Pearls Before Swine arc regarding the appearance of a Vegan character more annoying than the cyclist character have, by apparent quantum entanglement and tunneling, appeared here. Science is cool!And the world kept on turning while the participants were distracted by their personal inner Danaes.
jgarrott about 10 years ago
As someone who was born and raised in Japan, I am amazed at the prejudice against tofu, since it absorbs almost any flavor you cook it with, and there are almost endless varieties, including ones made from peanuts (not soybeans) and sesame seeds (no beans at all). Besides, any of the varieties can achieve assorted different textures.
pcolli about 10 years ago
No vegetarian has ever told me not to eat meat.
Plumbob Wilson about 10 years ago
All French cuisine starts with a pound of butter. Bob’s heart is going to lock up if he so much as looks at it.
puddlesplatt about 10 years ago
I just eat to live…this is living?
Plods with ...™ about 10 years ago
Apologies to Ron White, but I didn’t get to the top of the food chain to eat carrots either.
starcandles Premium Member about 10 years ago
Actually, vegans are less healthy when they take in no animal protein. There are enzymes essential to health that are only found in large animals, such as deer, cattle, etc.. If you had to survive on rabbit for a winter, you would become sickly & malnourished. There is an old anecdotal saying that “you will starve to death on rabbit.” I have never met personally, a healthy, energetic vegan. They may be thin, but they are not healthy. I am a martial artist, & I can guarantee that meat is essential to good performance. If Kate feels that a food revolution is coming, it would be micromanaged by government, which is not good for people. Can you say Soylent Green? Or the island? Heehee! Or Michelle Obama’s dictated lunch programs. She certainly is not a nutritionist! What a joke!
puddleglum1066 about 10 years ago
Nothing inherently wrong with tofu. Nothing inherently right about it either. It’s just sort of a blank canvas that you paint with flavors and textures, pretty much the vegetarian equivalent of boneless-skinless chicken breast or tilapia fillet (or two-row American pale ale malt, for that matter).
dabugger about 10 years ago
Chef Kate….OK. What is gonna happen when big sister wakes up? Maybe Danae will become Kate’s agent….
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 10 years ago
If it’s not Meat, It’s a Side Dish!
jahoody about 10 years ago
Wonder if Emeril or Guy Fieri are planning on featuring her on one of their shows.
Fido (aka Felix Rex) about 10 years ago
A burning question — is French Toast really French food?
pumaman about 10 years ago
I prefer toad-fu.
JimT8 about 10 years ago
Sure are a lot of hostile carnivores here today. And I know some very healthy vegans.
Wiley creator about 10 years ago
Wow. Just the mere mention of someone not eating meat sets off so much vitriolic, anti-vegan hyperbole? There’s no greater testament to effectiveness of the meat and dairy industries propaganda than what we see in the disinformation made by so many comments here today. I also note that it’s no mere coincidence that not one of the anti-vegan rants come from anyone who has any personal experience with the whole-food-plant-based diet. Unhealthy? Lack of energy? Welcome to opposite world.
neeeurothrush about 10 years ago
kate is not boring – she is sharp witted – sometimes sharp tongued – and knows enough to not flaunt what she knows and therefore often gets away with more than danae
neeeurothrush about 10 years ago
when i think of tofu i think of tom terrific – “i can be what i want to be”. you can stir fry either chicken or tofu – but can you make chocolate mousse from chicken?
TMO1 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Oh so typical that the family troublemaker (Danae) gets all the attention.
WFPB Guy about 10 years ago
There seems to be a lot of confusion here. A whole food, plant-based diet is not equivalent to a typical vegan diet or a vegetarian diet. Those diets can be and often are very unhealthy. Except for B-12, a WFPB diet does not suffer the deficiencies that have been identified in other vegan or vegetarian diets. And B-12 deficiency is easy to remedy. I’ll offer my experience over the last 14 months since going on a WFPB diet. I’ve lost 110 pounds. I’ve come off of the 3 prescription medications I was taking — my total cholesterol is 110 with an LDL reading of 71. My triglycerides level is now 67. My blood sugar is 90 and my blood pressure is consistently in the range between 90/60 and 110/70. Pretty good for a still overweight guy in his late 60s wouldn’t you say? Going on a WFPB diet also cured me of Parkinson’s disease and eliminated certain prostate issues I was having. So, don’t tell me this way of eating isn’t healthy. It’s really the ONLY healthy way of eating. Watch the video Forks Over Knives to learn more. It’s available on Netflix or from Amazon. I also blog about it at
1148559 about 10 years ago
Yeah… you could not get me to eat tofu unless I was starving to death. I have also read some things about how soy, as a general rule, is not a good thing to have as a major part of the diet.
Dtroutma about 10 years ago
While tofu challenges poi for “most disgusting” honors, the more critical issue is ilustrated by the his doctors recently told the Dalai Lama he needed to add some (not a huge amount, just some) MEAT to his diet as he was dying on his long standing diet. Simple fact, some proteins mandatory for biological functions in Homo sapiens, and interestingly other critiers with canine teeth, do require at least some animal protein, period. Cats? They MUST have high animal protein diets or the DO DIE! Dogs are much more omnivors, like us, or bears, or for that matter the majority of critters since T. Rex.
sbischof about 10 years ago
@argythree Nope, several types of seaweed as well! (Plus these days its fortified into loads of things.)
I swear I recently ran across one more as well, but can’t remember it.
Watcher about 10 years ago
Yes, Tofu is an Asian dish. Living in China as I do, a lot of Tofu is served and it can be quite good if don properly. I like the fried Tofu myself.
dogday Premium Member about 10 years ago
Good shot at bringing the comments back to the actual cartoon. I’m guessing it didn’t work.
dogday Premium Member about 10 years ago
@MayKitten and everyone else: There is no “N” in “restaurateur” PLEASE!!!!
Also, a really good, level-headed article addressing our cultural craziness over food (IMO) “Eat Food. Mostly Green. Not Too Much.”
Haaspitality about 10 years ago
@Wiley, keep up the healthy WFPB messages! Those who don’t yet ‘get it’ make me think back to the days when cigarettes were marketed (even by doctors!) and touted as harmless. Meat is the new tobacco. It will take time to for folks to recognize the peer-reviewed studies which prove how today’s chronic diseases can be cured by eliminating meat and dairy. Our environment, health care and overall future depends on the word getting out. Thank you for your part to make “whole foods, plant based” more visible to the SAD (Standard American Diet) and Vegan communities.