Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for March 09, 2015

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    peter  almost 10 years ago

    Cool story… needs more dragons. ;-)

    Seriously, though: for each instance wherein NOT wearing a seatbelt turned out to be working in your advantage, there are 99 stories wherein seatbelts save lives.

    Do the math before cranking up the engine.

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    Manoj Koshy  almost 10 years ago

    I can personally attest that wearing a helmet can save lives after being in a very bad motorcycle accident. It does not matter what the weather might be like or do I have to look cool, I would rather come hone safe and sound.Any type of protection gear is around for a reason.

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    Gizmo Cat  almost 10 years ago

    Helmets save lives! my husband would have been dead or had his skull cracked if he hadn’t been wearing one when he got an accident on motorcycle. I never ride motorcycle without one. We’re both good drivers, but there are a lot of other ppl on the road, that might overlook a motorcycle, so better save than sorry. Don’t get killed or injured just because you want to look cool or nice on motorcycle.

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    Wren Fahel  almost 10 years ago

    Years ago we had a motorcycle, and we’d always get all “geared up” when we rode: jeans, jackets, gloves, helmets, etc. One summer day we were riding when another couple pulled up: shorts, flipflops, etc. They literally laughed at us. They weren’t laughing a few blocks down when they took a spill and were road-rashed from head to toe.

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    flagmichael  almost 10 years ago

    A good friend had been an EMT for 8 years and reflected that only two of the highway fatalities he worked were belted in; they both hit the back of flatbed trucks and were decapitated. Seatbelts are the smart way to go, and I have two brothers who owe their lives to them.

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    nanczarny  almost 10 years ago

    No legislation is going to protect 100% against death. So… Do nothing instead?

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  7. Pecos bill
    pathfinder  almost 10 years ago

    I’ve killed two helmets riding my motorcycle … I’m STRONGLY of the opinion that anyone who thinks they have no need for a brain bucket is probably right!

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    tedunn5453  almost 10 years ago

    I ride, I wear the helmet. If you don’t want too, that’s fine, but I’d like to see the requirement for those who don’t wear one to post a cash bond equal to the cost of keeping your vegetable self in a nursing home each year so I don’t have to pay for it. Personal responsibility…

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    Plods with ...™  almost 10 years ago

    I’m pro helmet..That having been said, my original comment had something to do with NASCAR and sponsoring.

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    cubswin2016  almost 10 years ago

    Is that you, Harry?

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    loner34  almost 10 years ago

    BUT the odds are that a seat belt will SAVE you, or lessen the injuries.

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    Ironic Eggbeater  almost 10 years ago

    I am an avid bicyclist. Over the years, I have fallen some number of times. A dog ran into my front wheel. A dealer didn’t tighten the handlebars sufficiently. In these and several other incidents my helmet got crunched. If not the helmet, it would have been my head and I wouldn’t be posting this comment now. A fellow cyclist was riding without a helmet some years ago. A runner and she collided. She hit her head and did not survive. Also several local kids suffered brain damage from not wearing helmets while riding. What’s not to understand. Yes it doesn’t happen often, but it only needs to happen once. Better safe than sorry.

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    CeeJay  almost 10 years ago

    Freedom not to wear a helmet leads to we the people picking up the medical bill after the accident turns the “free” guy into a vegatable.

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    Miba  almost 10 years ago

    My husband crashed his motorcycle a few days before Christmas (there was no snow then). If he hadn’t been wearing his helmet he would have torn up the whole left side of his face and probably lost the eye. I also have a friend who wrecked their bicycle and only wound up with a broken nose (instead of a cracked skull) because of his helmet.

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    dutchs  almost 10 years ago

    And my aunt Gertrude was flung out of the car into a truckload of rose petals just before the car went off a bridge, burst into flames and sank in quicksand.

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    Dewed  almost 10 years ago

    My first wife died from not wearing a seat belt. The car rolled, she went out the window and the car landed on her. Thing is, she wasn’t going fast at all. The car had very little damage. The seat belt would have saved her for sure.

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    ankerdorthe  almost 10 years ago

    When seatbelts were made mandatory in my home country, a university clinic started monitoring fatal caraccidents in the region. Of the first 400 deaths only 4 (four) were buckled in. To do the math for A Common Tater: With seatbelt the risk of being one of the dead motorist is one percent. Without it is 99 percent.And for hearing of the many being rescued by NOT wearing a belt. Maybe there is only that one, but many recounts the urban legend.

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    W6BXQ, John  almost 10 years ago

    A helmet saved my head twice when I was riding a motorcycle and a seat belt saved me from serious injury when I was hit head on by a drunk driver when I was driving a ’79 Honda.

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    whiteaj  almost 10 years ago

    Teenage rebel witches.

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    russellc64  almost 10 years ago

    I think it was Sienfeld who said I never understood the logic of passing a law to protect a brain that is functioning so poorly it does not even try to protect the skull it is in.

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    John M  almost 10 years ago

    Judging by the number of accidents where you see a car a think someone must have died, but they got out without major injury or the those who died but car wasn’t badly damaged – I wouldn’t take much on faith about whether someone was saved by not having a seat belt on.

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    1148559  almost 10 years ago

    I knew someone once who went bicycle riding with his brother and coasted down a hill. At the bottom of that hill, his bike wheel hit a curb. He landed head first on the sidewalk and was killed. If he’d been wearing a helmet, he would not have died.

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    jeffcollier  almost 10 years ago

    The point is not whether seatbelts/helmets protect lives. The point is whether the mob may dictate choices to the individual. Or, at this point in the U.S., how many choices the mob may dictate to the individual.

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    damifid0  almost 10 years ago

    I just got a new Revolver’tm. When the roads clear,i’m getting Mogee out of storage and start out a new ‘15 season. The high tec,air flow around the new style,reduces stress on my neck also. Air at 60mph causes drag,thus stress.I ’was’ a MMA member fighting helmet laws,yrs ago but my mind has been changed,because:>’racing’ <:

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    The witches are right.You need a magic spell to protect you from impacts while riding your broom.

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