Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 26, 2015
Lupin: The people received a package! Elvis, answer the question on everyone's whiskers... Lupin: Are there packing peanuts? Elvis: It's a tremendous harvest, Lupin. Peanuts for days. Lupin: Yes! Puck: Packing peanuts are infinite and multiply when you look at them. Elvis: It's only a matter of time before the People clean them up. We have to act fast. Elvis: By stuffing them under a couch. Puck: People hate packing peanuts, yet mail each other boxfuls of them all the time. Elvis: Behind the refrigerator... Puck: Packing peanuts increase their volume to fill whatever space they occupy. Elvis: It closed just fine a minute ago Woman: Honey, the cats got into those styrofoam thingies, can you get me the broom? Puck: I am part of the infinite...
Masterius almost 10 years ago
Gawd! Lupin’s face in panel #2! LOL!!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Coyoty Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The box is just packed with peanuts!
Linda Solomon almost 10 years ago
Packing Peanut Angels – is anything more adorable?And Woman, its gonna take more than a broom!!
SallyLin almost 10 years ago
Lupin is losing his clothes!
Rauderi almost 10 years ago
I’m must find a way to use “I am part of the infinite” in casual conversation. :)
Observer fo Irony almost 10 years ago
Ooh, now I know what to get my neighbor’s cats for Christmas and still piss the neighbors off. Buwahaha.
funnies7 almost 10 years ago
I love the peanut angel and the picture of the boys without clothes on the refrigerator door. This makes my day twice a week.
T_Lexi almost 10 years ago
: D “The question on everyone’s whiskers…”
miscreant almost 10 years ago
I ordered cat toys and catnip and brought the box in and dropped it on my bed. I got in the shower and had a huge surprise when I got out of the shower. One of the kitties smelled the catnip in the box and ripped it open. He removed all of the contents including the packing peanuts, all the toys and had the whole package of catnip grasped in his claws as he rolled around on the floor. He refused to share the catnip but the others had a good time with the peanuts and toys and box of course.
Perkycat almost 10 years ago
This one is too, too cute! Now I know how those packing peanuts get in the weirdest places.
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The drawings in this one are too cute-the whole thing is perfect.
katina.cooper almost 10 years ago
The broom won’t work. The kitties have hidden them too well.
dogday Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I’ve never seen Lupin so beside himself, actually forgetting his reportorial duties! This IS perfect.
Spyderred almost 10 years ago
There are so many delights in this strip. Please please please do a book and include this one.
Spyderred almost 10 years ago
BTW I love Lupin’s snow angel.
deadheadzan almost 10 years ago
A book would be wonderful! All these cartoons in one book for all the book people in the crowd! I just love this one from little fangs to peanut angels!
Elisabunny almost 10 years ago
So. Much. Cute.
Peam Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I too would be part of the infinite!
up2trixx almost 10 years ago
I know others have said it but I have to also: I love Lupin’s expression in panel 2. You can almost hear his voice quivering with the excitement
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 10 years ago
Packing Peanuts from Heaven — however, Fido and O’Malley still go for a game of poop hockey every now and then.(Now there’s a pleasant surprise on your bear feet at 4:30am)
awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 10 years ago
It all started as one small box of peanuts. As they multiplied, just to keep themselves from being overrun, the people who possessed the box started shipping them off in other boxes to all their friends, who in turn started shipping them off in even more boxes to all of THEIR friends as they multiplied at THEIR houses. That original box still exists, and its owners are still shipping them off as they multiply. If only they would destroy that original box, they could end the curse, and the scourge of the packing peanuts would end. :)
rgcviper almost 10 years ago
Personally, I’ve always kinda liked packing peanuts for some reason. Today’s strip made me smile, too.
roberta.forbes.pyle over 8 years ago
Styrofoam peanuts + cat with static cling fur = ROFL! See photo submitted by Last Rose of Summer near the top of the comments.
stairsteppublishing over 7 years ago
Cafe loved to eat the peanuts. We could tell if he found them by checking out the litter box.
IAmPanda! over 4 years ago
" i am part of the infinite" lol
sando33 about 1 year ago
What does “RF” on the fridge stand for?
MoultonFamily 8 months ago
When is the beginning of when Burt has reruns for comic strips and the end of it?