Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 25, 2015
Lupin: We've been forced into stupid little suits. Lupin: Here's Elvis with more. Elvis: No. Lupin: Elvis... We're live. Elvis: This is the worst day of my life. Lupin: Yeah, well, I don't think any of us are putting this one in their diary. ... Puck? Puck: I'm a boy. BITE BITE BITE SWIPE SWIPE SWIPE Puck: Don't they know I'm a boy? Lupin: They went with "bee, lady bug, dragon." I don't think they thought this one out, Puck. Elvis: THIS IS WHAT ANIMAL CRUELTY LOOKS LIKE Lupin: Dragonfly! How hard would that have been? Elvis: You too, huh? SIGH Woman: I'm just gonna take a quick photo! Elvis: HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH?
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 9 years ago
Reminds me of the bat in the Mighty Mouse cartoons who decided to become a costumed crimefighter. He’d go on superhero missions dressed as a… bat. Yep, called himself Batbat.
Coyoty Premium Member over 9 years ago
I know she’s dressed as a witch, but Georgia is a monster.
miscreant over 9 years ago
Putting cats in costumes is animal cruelty. It can also lead to human cruelty for the one who put it on the cat. Only 2 of my rescues are declawed. The rest have the full arsenal and are willing to use it. And no I would NEVER EVER DECLAW a cat, poor things were that way when I got them.
MIHorn Premium Member over 9 years ago
my cat would be out of that costume in 10 seconds flat. I tried a harness so we could teach him to walk on a leash. I was watching him and I still don’t know how he got that thing off so fast!
prairiedogdance Premium Member over 9 years ago
Come on, people, please! Let’s save the adjectives and outrage for Real cruelty, the kind that actually hurts, maims or kills the cat. Just because it isn’t what you would do doesn’t make it an offense. Assuming she didn’t cram hysterical cats into costumes, if a cat doesn’t object and freak out, or go catatonic, what is the harm? Don’t give me “it hurts their dignity.” The dear things lick their butts at dinner parties. I know lots of cats that don’t mind playing dress up. Mine won’t, so I just don’t do it. And I am sorry, but if you really think sweet Georgia is a monster, then you probably need to drop the strip, go read few serial killer biographies for a clearer sense of the word, and then come back and apologize for making such a hurtful comment.
SallyLin over 9 years ago
Everybody calm down. This is funny and adorable!
bjy1293 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Fantastically hilarious. I love your a wonderful artwork. The boy’s expressions are especially adorable!
Perkycat over 9 years ago
I agree, this is hilarious. They are just in costume long enough to take a picture so they can become internet sensations. (nobody is saying anything about the baby)
She Mc over 9 years ago
This such a lovely strip, how could anyone get upset with such a beautiful comic, these are pretty lucky kitties to have such a loving home X
rikkiTikki Premium Member over 9 years ago
Lupin is a cute dragon-these cats seem very tolerant anyway if you look at the photos of them. They only had to put up with it long enough to get the photo with the baby-no harm and very funny.
More_Cats_Than_Sense over 9 years ago
“Here’s Elvis with more”.......“No.”.
.Wonderful :-)
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 9 years ago
The People really missed an opportunity — why not dress Elvis up as - - - - Michael Jackson?
dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago
I’ve seen more dogs in costume than cats (more amenable, perhaps?) Some grin and seem to love it. Some look like miserable teenagers who are about to be kissed by great-aunt Sadie. But what makes anyone think that there aren’t lots of other stupid human things we do every day that our animals just put up with? My main objection to today’s strip is that you can’t see Elvis with his fur bombed out in indignant outrage. And poor Puck….yes, Pucky, we all know you’re a boy. That’s a gentlemanbug costume you’re wearing. (Yes, of course there are gentlemanbugs. Where do you…ahem…think little lady- and gentlemanbugs come from? Anyway??
SunflowerGirl100 over 9 years ago
Love how Puck objects to being a Lady Bug! Obviously, he wouldn’t mind a costume that made him a Manly Bug! And Lupin just wants to be a dragonfly, not a dragon. Wonder what the baby wants to be since it doesn’t want to be an owl? I once saw a trick or treater baby pumpkin – adorable and most important, warm on a cold night.
Maizing over 9 years ago
I think this is just precious! My own cats wouldn’t stand for it, but I have known cats that would.
zippykatz over 9 years ago
Even the baby objects, lol.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 9 years ago
Come on people, don’t get your panties in a twist, It’s just until the pic is taken, Do you seriously think that Elvis will stay in his costume for more than 2 minutes? Georgia, We think this is adorable, AND we know no one loves their cats more than you do. Every strip is a love letter to them after all.
poppet bear over 9 years ago
Poor Puck, reminds me of Francis in A Bug’s Life – always complaining that he’s not a lady . And Elvis is just priceless with his snarking
Red Ruffensor over 9 years ago
Hey, we have a bee cat costume. It gets pretty well the same reaction.
Coyoty Premium Member over 9 years ago
At least Lupin gets a cool pumpkin mug.
Vet Premium Member over 9 years ago
Well they have to learn that sometimes when giving out the news one has to put up with things like this.Imagine David Brinkley or Chet Huntley dressed like that for the evening news……HA!Walter Cronkite…..personally I think he would like it.
Mary Achary Premium Member over 9 years ago
Truly adorable and hilarious! I will definitely add “Breaking Cat News” to my list. Many thanks to the creator of this comic strip. He has good taste in names. (Naming one of the cat reporters “Elvis.”)
heatherjasper over 9 years ago
Elvis looks so cute.
bezal.jalal almost 7 years ago
Elvis is adorable
Markov Da Robot over 4 years ago
I gotta admit, I love the boy in the owl suit.
squirrelpusheen over 3 years ago
Elvis is bonding with the baby through his pain
kwblazek-16 over 3 years ago
I need another comment from stlmaddog5
Totally Not a Killer Dolphin about 2 years ago
I think each of their costumes is rather suiting.