Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for April 13, 2015
Lupin: The trees are falling apart! Here's Elvis with an exclusive. Elvis: Thanks, Lupin. As you can see, the world is coming to an end right outside your window. Lupin: Smells like a woodstove. Elvis: The man is sweeping up leaves to put them back on the trees. Elvis: So brave. Lupin: Will it work, Elvis? Elvis: Nope. Puck: Don't worry, guys! Puck: I CAN SAVE US! Puck: After all... Puck: I did it last year!
jools_78 almost 10 years ago
I call my living room window kitty tv…my indoor only cat spends a large chunk of her waking hours in that window watching the world go by. She seems to mostly enjoy it, though she does get rather upset when there are too many people walking down her sidewalk, and of course the neighbour cat turning up prompts a reaction on par with Elvis spotting Tommy!
stlmaddog5 almost 10 years ago
We enclosed our front porch with nylon screens and installed a pet door so our cats can sit on the porch (cat trees) and watch / smell./ hear the world go by. A litter box and water bowl for convenience, and our kids are happy campers.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I’ve spotted Tommy.
Ubintold almost 10 years ago
What, is this comic strip 6 months behind the times ?
morningglory73 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Didn’t she just have a baby? Maybe it’s a rerun because of that. She’s busy with a newborn. Congrats Georgia.
Retired Dude almost 10 years ago
One of our indoor cats (no longer with us, sadly) would always try to get out when the door opened. One day the missus and I were working in the back yard and thought we would let the cat out with us. Within minutes he was swooped upon by a mockingbird and pecked on the head and never knew what happened. After the second time it happened we put him back in the house and he never tried to go out again.
katina.cooper almost 10 years ago
Something tells me that Tommy is going to be inside very soon.
bbear almost 10 years ago
My cat loves to sit in the window and talk to the birds in the nearby tree. Sometimes a grey squirrel will come down a branch to drive him crazy
Elizabeth C Premium Member almost 10 years ago
@Ubintold — maybe the artist lives in Australia part of the time?
SallyLin almost 10 years ago
Thank you, Puck!
deadheadzan almost 10 years ago
I love Lupin pressing leaves with a steam iron and Elvis saying The Man is going to stick the leaves back on the trees and then when Lupin asks him if it will work, he says with a smug little smile, “Nope”!
meowlin almost 10 years ago
The late ’Mantha dashed out the front door once. As soon as she realized that what was on the other side of the door was outside, she wanted to come back inside.
rikkiTikki Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Lupin’s cocked ear while pressing the leaf to his nose-’smells like wood stoves" how cute is that.
More_Cats_Than_Sense almost 10 years ago
I’ve only recently found BCN and added it to my gocomics page. I’ve been through the archive on GC and the BCN website in order to catch up on past strips. Georgia has brought out the characters of the cats in her drawings :-)
Georgia Dunn creator almost 10 years ago
Hello everyone!! To answer the timing question—yes, weather and holiday wise the strip is about 6 months behind. I began the strip in March 2014, and when it was syndicated on GoComics in October 2014, it relaunched from the beginning for the readers here. A few holiday strips are coming up, so you may be soon enjoying Halloween in the springtime—and Christmas in July!
And so, so crazily—yes, the baby strips were written about our son! At the time I began them I was not aware I was pregnant again! I even sketched and inked a few while she was “in the oven” but I had not yet found out! Isn’t that wild? The way ‘Breaking Cat News’ relaunched here, the strips about our son corresponded with the very week that we brought our daughter home! Life is very funny sometimes, I don’t think it could have been planned more perfectly had I tried!
On that note, a huge, HUGE thank you to everyone who has written good wishes for us and our latest bundle! The boys are taking to her very well (Elvis has begun his ‘guard duties’ early, which will no doubt be a strip in the future!)
awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 10 years ago
My brother’s cats are roughly 15 years old, and have never once ventured outdoors. Frankly, at this point, I think he could leave the front door open and they wouldn’t go out because they wouldn’t know what to do.My cat is indoor/outdoor cat. His front claws are gone, but he has taught himself how to climb trees (and the bird feeder) even without claws. And he’s figured out that if he wants to go outside, he can come and knock on my bedroom door… usually around 3 or 4 in the morning!
NyahNyahNyah over 3 years ago
Loving Tommy’s tail sticking out of the leaf pile!