Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 24, 2015
Barack Obama: Got a great idea... Advisor: They'll hate it, sir. Barack Obama: But... Advisor: Waste of time. Barack Obama: But on the merits... Advisor: Sir, the merits have never mattered. Nor the facts. Nor the public good. Nothing will ever change. If you're for it it, the republicans are against it. Even if it's something they used to support, like mandates for background checks or cap and trade! Opposing everything you say or do is all they stand for now. That's the brand! Barack Obama: That can't literally be true. Let's try this: today I'll announce that the sky is blue. Rick: Leader McConnell, is the sky blue? Mitch McConnell: I'm not a meteorologist.
BE THIS GUY over 9 years ago
The Senate did give him fast track on trade.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Honestly, this is exactly what would happen.
Dtroutma over 9 years ago
“The Loyal Oppposition”- something current Republicans have no risk of being accused of.
Argythree over 9 years ago
Which is why we need a true third party, one that will advocate for, um, a colorless sky…
pelican47 over 9 years ago
As usual, Garry has the truth in a nutshell.
cripplious over 9 years ago
I love the interview Trudeau did wear he said he couldn’t find anything satirical about Obama because he was a true centrist.
Coyoty Premium Member over 9 years ago
The sky is NOT blue. It has no color at all. The sky is the medium through which blue light travels. It appears blue because the other frequencies are filtered out by various atmospheric conditions.
WaitingMan over 9 years ago
President Obama should make a public proclamation; “Breathing is good”. Then sit back and watch as 93% of Republicans drop dead within 30 minutes.
greenearthman over 9 years ago
Can you imagine a Huckabee or Santorum theocracy? How’s about a Trump idiocracy? Bernie’s too old, like Reagan. Hillary is a militarist and corporatist(that translates to just another fascist). The prospect of Latino support putting Jeb or Marco over the top is really, really scary,Who does that leave? Another first term(essentially) senator with an academic background? Obama couldn’t get tough enough fast enough, and didn’t hit the ground running like he needed to. Could Elizabeth do it? Maybe, with the right team. We’ll see. Another seven months or so before it gets deadly serious!
Kip W over 9 years ago
If a Democrat said the sky was a different color now than when the question was first asked, they would be crucified for inconsistency.
rretro over 9 years ago
It’s all the fault of Charlie Hebdo. Blame them, Gary.
Ermine Notyours over 9 years ago
The background on this page is not white. If you look at your monitor, you will see the colors red, green and blue; which seem to combine to form white. This text is not black. It is the absence of light. Life is an illusion.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 9 years ago
You bunch of hypocritical skyists! What difference does the color of the sky make? The sky is the sky, everywhere, and I say the sky should be treated equally no matter the “shade”.
Local 574 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Doonsebury is dead, because Trudeau can’t find himself to criticize a Democrat. Obama is a criminal, a cynical mouthpiece for the ruling class, and people around the world see the Dems for what they really are – partners with the Repubs in defending this poisonous for-profit system.
seablood over 9 years ago
let’s not forget that Obamacare was originally the idea of that rich Mormon republican, whathisname!
terryfitz1 over 9 years ago
What a bunch of liberal hooey. How I wish Trudeau would reform and keep his nose out of stuff he doesn’t understand.
bilbrlsn over 9 years ago
The Legislature, where entitled people really go to take advantage of Government handouts. Less work than being unemployed.
DoctorDan over 9 years ago
Spyderred over 9 years ago
A fresh start: Direct voting for a completely new set of candidates. No incumbents allowed. Candidates can give 1 30-minute speech carried live on all networks and the internet. No private money allowed and a set budget. Every party can propose one and one only candidate for each office. Standard length terms of office; no incumbents can run again. Salary is the medium wage for the local area. Medical care through Medicare only; age limit removed so at one stroke there is universal health care. Judges are chosen by members of the bar, are paid the same no matter what the level of the court, and are required to put in 40-hour work weeks. Every worker gets the same benefits no matter how many hours she/he works. No local government below the state; below that an administrator. Once in office, a candidate may not take a position on any bill that he or she has not read completely.
mpguy2 over 9 years ago
This is right on. I have contended for years that if Obama said that the sun rose in the west and set in the east, the Republicans would oppose that statement.
pauljmsn over 9 years ago
Climate change" “I’m not a scientist.”Trickle-down? “I’m not an economist.”Planned parenthood? “I AM an expert on women’s health!”
Carl Premium Member over 9 years ago
So that’s why they opposed the TPP. No wait, its the Dems that oppose and the President and Repubs that are pushing it.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
“Between night and heavy cloud cover, the sky is actually black more often than it’s blue, but it can’t make it thru even half a day being any one color.”.Due to electromagnetic resonance, blue is absorbed and scattered randomly better than any other color. Therefore, the sky itself is always blue even if the blue is faint or is overwhelmed by the clouds which may be any color due to thickness and time of day.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
“Let us not forget that there is no such thing as “Obamacare.””.Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn’t. It all depends on the one using the title and if it is popular or not.President Obama embraced the term and said soon everybody would love it.Soon.Very soon
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
“What are the chances of someone with a science background ever being elected president?”.Jimmy CarterThomas JeffersonGeorge WashingtonWoodrow Wilson (political science counts, right?)So what are we up to? four out of 44 or nearly 9.1% odds?
W6BXQ, John over 9 years ago
I’m a Democrat and I oppose that statement!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
@bherbert.“This is right on. I have contended for years that if Obama said that the sun rose in the west and set in the east, the Republicans would oppose that statement.”.Are you saying we Democrats would agree with it?.(Let’s see if I got my asterisks in the right place this time.)
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
Well, when asked, Neil Degrass Tyson looked that the person who asked him if he’d Run and replied:“Just how Insane do you think I am?”.
Hunter7 over 9 years ago
Sky is blue, unless its sunrise or sunset, then its red (pink). And sometimes during sunset – we get orange and green. Northern Lights have green. I think I covered all 3 major Canadian parties.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
“Yes, white is a color even if you don’t accept it. Next thing you know you will tell us that black isn’t a color either.”.Yep, neither existed on the electromagnetic spectrum..A white body reflects all incident radiation.A black body absorbs all incident radiation and emits radiation according to its absolute temperature.Simple physics.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
“Abraham Lincoln is the only president with a patent. ( Jefferson created things before patents it seems.)”.Patents were written into the Constitution but George Washington’s cousin was in charge of the patent office and didn’t believe in patents..You don’t have to be a scientist to get a patent, though.
ireadcards over 9 years ago
Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, the sky is not blue. It only appears that way because of our atmosphere. The Pubs might have a point here, but it would take an astronomer, not a meteorologist to explain it. So both sides wrong, per usual!!