Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for June 19, 2015

  1. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  over 9 years ago

    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, and those are damn good odds.

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    Olddog1  over 9 years ago

    Sort of like the affordable care act. ACA.

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    greenearthman  over 9 years ago

    Big difference between something that got 15,000,000 Americans affordable health insurance and something that’s probably going to cost 15,000,000 American jobs. Doesn’t matter where you’re coming from a hot steaming pile is still just that.

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  4. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 9 years ago

    You’d best start learning to say:


    translation: Hello, welcome exalted masters of my economy.

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  5. Nancy pie hole
    hablano  over 9 years ago

    What do you get when you mix TP and pee-pee?

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  6. Roflmao
    What? Me worried ?  over 9 years ago

    “We’ll just have to pass this bill so we can know what is in it "sound familiar to anyone ?

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    knottytippet  over 9 years ago

    Actually, “Obamacare” is the product of bipartisan congressional negotiation. Its components were thoroughly thrashed over (and mostly trashed) by republicans.

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    Olddog1  over 9 years ago

    LizardPriest. No argument there. And it’s still hard to tell all of what is in it.

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    kapock  over 9 years ago

    I initially read the line near the top as “your corporate warlords”. Also works.

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    Monster Hesh  over 9 years ago

    The obstinate boneheadedness of teabaggers never ceases to amaze. Have a grown-up read the latest on the ACA from the Wall Street Journal to you, fellas, and stop listening to Alex Jones or whatever lunatic you lick up your talking points from.

I mean, if you have the guts. One or two of you might. I keep hoping.

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  11. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  over 9 years ago

    Something fundamental to keep in mind when considering any international treaty: treaties are the highest law of the land, exceeding all other laws, and surpassed, maybe, by only the Constitution itself. Be very, VERY careful when considering treaties.

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  12. Weaponbrown4
    andrew_c  over 9 years ago

    And let us not forget TTIP, which is just as bad as the TPP from what has been leaked about it, and as secretive.

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    zappothesane Premium Member over 9 years ago


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