Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for May 30, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Alice, have Dad cheat, and look at the ending

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  2. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    I always hated marzipan.

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  3. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Is that a baby Alice?

    Love it Richard!

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  4. Cresswell5
    Kingoswald Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Let me know when you put it on ebay, Mr. Otterloop.

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  5. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  almost 15 years ago

    I love marzipan! But I think I would just read the last page and forget the rest – I’m not even sure that would be considered cheating with this book.

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  6. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  almost 15 years ago

    Interesting collection of animals, there.

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  7. Wink
    DonVanni  almost 15 years ago

    Mr. Owl says: “Let’s find out

    Oh wait, that’s something else. Never mind.

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  8. Hildigunnur a  vox
    hildigunnurr Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Alice, you’ll just have to learn to read :ĂŸ

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  9. Air margaritaville
    ZorkArg  almost 15 years ago

    Who is Marzipan?

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  10. Picture 056
    AddADadaAdDad  almost 15 years ago

    It’s “What is marzipan”, hamilter7.

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  11. Missing large
    twowindows  almost 15 years ago


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  12. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    To answer ”Who is Marzipan?” (rather than “what”), she’s Homestar Runner’s girlfriend. I don’t know if she’s ever been to Mars, though.

    To answer “What do they call a Whopper in France?”, they don’t call it anything anymore; Burger King closed its franchises (France-chises?) there in 1997. Prior to that, though, they called it a Whopper.

    I don’t like to eat marzipan. I don’t like Whoppers. I don’t like Life Cereal, regardless of Mikey. I don’t like that you might like them, either, because I demand that my opinions be validated by all those around me.

    That’s why I hate Dan Piraro today. (I’ll get over it.)

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  13. Missing large
    namenamename  almost 15 years ago

    This is why I learned to read at an early age. Nobody would read to me. Go for it, Alice! Declare your literary emancipation!

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  14. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  almost 15 years ago

    Ask Mom to read it, Alice-and if neccessary skip to the last page- and-and- LEARN to READ! We have to have an answer- I am fixating on “Do Martians eat Marzipan?”

     •  Reply
  15. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 15 years ago

    I used to sculpt a lot of marzipan - a cornucopia filled with stuff on top a Thanksgiving rum cake. The Nativity figures for Christmas, too ;-) Brings back memories 

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    timtribbett  almost 15 years ago

    Good luck at the Reubens Richard:)

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  17. Totorosmileicon
    kirbey  almost 15 years ago

    Love the great animal choices. .. I love Marzipan, the word is just great and fun word to use .. Now I wonder ” Do Martians eat Marzipan ”

    Don Vanni, I remember that commercial

    Richard you are a genius with crazy and wonderful story lines !

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  18. Beehive
    poohbear8192  almost 15 years ago

    Poor Daddy just doesn’t understand or appreciate Silly. His life would be more fun if he did.


    I demand that I demand that everybody understand and like me especially the nematode and that everybody including the wombat like Marzipan even thought I don’t know who OR what it is.

    When I demand that I demand things happen. I demanded that I demanded that the spammer spell PayPal right and after two months he did.

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  19. Missing large
    SherriannPederson  almost 15 years ago

    Marzipan is delicious candy made from almonds, sugar, cherries or apricots. It can be dipped in chocolate and other nuts can be added to modify different types of marzipan. There are cookies made with the same ingredients with the addition of some flour and egg white.

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  20. Missing large
    Ejay  almost 15 years ago

    Love this comic strip. When our paper first started carrying Cul De Sac I had to warm up to it
took me the third strip and I was then hooked. It’s a great strip and I think we all know someone like at least one of the characters. Good Luck on Reuben Award!

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  21. Bubble
    jump4joy  almost 15 years ago

    The comments are as funny as the comic! Thanks for the laughs!

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  22. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Ejay, timtribbett, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the Reubens were last night. Dan Piraro took home the top prize.

    (See yesterday’s comments for the play-by-play.)

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  23. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Bummer, Fritzoid. I haven’t read Bizarro in years. I didn’t find it funny at all.

    I would have been happy with Thompson or Wiley. (Sigh)

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  24. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  almost 15 years ago

    If anyone is interested, here’s a link to the actual awards (and of COURSE Cul de Sac is still great - it was nominated for best!)

    Awards Page

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  25. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Wiley was a different category (best strip), but he didn’t win either (Zits won, I think). The third nominee for Cartoonist of the Year was Stephan Pastis (Pearls Before Swine).

    I personally think Piraro’s best work is behind him, but I enjoy and admire Bizarro (although I have a bias against single-panel gags). RT is still in his prime, though (who knows - Cul de Sac may even get better!), so I’d expect to see him nominated again and often.

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  26. Alicesmall
    comicartfan  almost 15 years ago

    Fritzoid is right. CDS is just getting better. I love the first yr, but I loved the second more and the third is just perfect. I am not always right but i am never wrong. This strip will go down as one of the greatest strips ever.

    I just Dont like Piraro’s work. I am really shocked he won. Pastis is funny but Thompson is a masgter of art and storytelling.

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  27. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Where’s the new ‘Cul-de-Sac’, dagnab it!!!

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  28. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Bummer. This is one strip I really look forward to.

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  29. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 15 years ago

    Me three
 But perhaps Richard is a veteran and deserves the day off.

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  30. Ph2007091301202
    richardcthompson Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Today’s strip is here-

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  31. Missing large
    DoctorMoreau  almost 15 years ago

    Thank you sir. Cul de Sac is one of my favorite comics.

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  32. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I wonder how the eggs will be done

    Thanks, Richard!

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  33. N1495118875 241922 2408
    Ermine Notyours  almost 15 years ago

    I noticed that on Sunday both Cul de Sac and Pearls Before Swine featured poison dart frogs.

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  34. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    That’s probably related to both Thompson and Pastis losing to Piraro on Saturday night, but whether it’s cause or effect I have no idea. If Richard had won, might yesterday’s “Bizarro” have featured a poison dart frog, instead? If “Bizarro” had featured a poison dart frog and “Cul de Sac” had not, might Richard have won the Reuben? Are Thompson and Pastis preparing to poison up their darts for Piraro?

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  35. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  almost 15 years ago

    Well, Alice, all I can tell you is that Podkayne never had any marzipan (of course, that might be because Podkayne didn’t LIKE marzipan, come to think about it

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  36. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    RE: Monday’s cartoon. Dill’s brothers are at it again! :-)

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  37. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    That’s the best I could find too, Marg! Where’s the strip for today?

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  38. Ph2007091301202
    richardcthompson Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Well, dammit. Here it is on my blog again-

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  39. Petey
    peteysgrrl  almost 15 years ago

    Thank you for posting the link, Richard! I start every day with coffee and Cul de Sac.

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  40. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Again? What’s going on? Thanks, Richard!

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  41. Missing large
    hiderrcowboy  over 14 years ago

    poodles look funny when they r green

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