Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for July 30, 2015

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 9 years ago

    Wieners and corn meal batter on a wooden stick to hold then, fried golden brown in some form of fat or oil:-)


    And wieners are tubes of ground up meat, maybe some cereal, cooked and extruded..Very tasty.

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    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 9 years ago

    …and then coated with chiropodists byproducts!

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    Aaberon  over 9 years ago

    I love this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HFdQ9O8drA

    Listen to it all the way through!

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    cdward  over 9 years ago

    Grew up with corn dogs. So tasty yet so bad for you.

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    librisleo  over 9 years ago

    You beat me to it, Prof’s hubbie!

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    Dr_Zinj  over 9 years ago

    They’re much better if you make your own sausages from scratch. I prefer a 50% mix of venison and pork, with a bunch of spices, in a pig intestine casing, then smoked. You can then batter them and deep fry them, but they’re even better if you can take the time to bake them as the cornbread comes out more like a pastry.

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    dogday Premium Member over 9 years ago

    We once helped a friend with plans for his second wedding, some decades after a really awful first wedding / marriage. He said the only thing he asked for at the reception was bagel dogs (same thing as corndogs, except rolled in a…well, y’know.) Made me kinda urpy, but he got his bagel dogs and was happy as a clam.

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    Leeroy  over 9 years ago

    We went through some awful times financially in the early 1990s; I managed to get expired foods from the local market at cut rate prices back then: one thing was freezer-burned corn dogs. I swore that I would never eat another one once we got out of debt, and I’ve kept my promise for over 20 years now. Probably better for my health anyhow.

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    neverenoughgold  over 9 years ago

    Oh for crying out loud, most folks might eat one or two corn dogs or Pronto Pups when they attend a state or county fair! It is not like you are consuming them day in and day out, or are you?

    Go ahead and enjoy the treat when opportunity arises and remember, everything in moderation…

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    Dewed  over 9 years ago

    Mystery Meat

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    pearlsbs  over 9 years ago

    I used to tell my kids, you need cow dogs to herd cows and you need sheep dogs to herd sheep. But you don’t need corn dogs to herd corn. That’s why they end up on a stick.

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    brklnbern  over 9 years ago

    Thought they made that illegal.

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    Tarredandfeathered  over 9 years ago

    as Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler would call them, sausages inna bun….But, the Cornbread coating isn’t a Bun, so he’d have a different name for them..Sausage n Cornbread onna Stick maybe?.

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    stuartj12  over 9 years ago

    I don’t know how I’m going to get my corn dog fix. I used to get at least one a year when the Nebraska State Fair was in Lincoln, but since the Universaty stole the land and the Fair moved to Grand Island I haven’t been. Don’t get my annual corn dog.

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    Lamberger  over 9 years ago

    Carnival food is like theater food: You may need to take out a small loan to pay for crappy food. Better to bring victuals with you.

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    markmoss1  over 9 years ago

    If it’s not moving, it’s been dead a long time. If the things in it aren’t moving, it’s because they’ve been poisoned.

    It’s an extruded tube of mystery meat, dipped in GMO1 corn batter, deep fried in transfats. Or GMO rapeseed oil2, if you’re lucky.

    1 Not that this makes it bad for you. It’s everything else that makes it bad for you.

    2 Renamed “Canola oil” by Canadian marketers. It’s their revenge for acid rain, rap music, and stealing the Oregon territory.

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