Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 07, 2010

  1. Triopia logo
    ChuckTrent64  over 14 years ago

    Cathy stayed home from work sick today?

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  2. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    I started getting ready for swimsuit season Jan1. Unfortunately the gym was closed. I ought to see if theyā€™re open yet.

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    puddleglum1066  over 14 years ago

    Not only do women endure more in the process of buying a swimsuit, they pay moreā€“a lot more.

    So why are women such doormats? Why donā€™t they just tell the swimsuit sales people where to stick it, go pick up a pair of shorts and a tank top and head for the beach?

    Enquiring minds want to knowā€¦

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  4. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 14 years ago

    LOL, Lewreader! Once again, thanks for my daily laugh!

    I donā€™t think weā€™re exactly doormats, puddleglum. Cathy is turning this into an ordeal, but thatā€™s what she does best. Shorts and a tank top arenā€™t exactly going to work well though either. Ideally, she could go to a discount store, pick one up off the rack, and go to the pool/beach without worrying about it. But that would be a boring comic. Once again, this comic doesnā€™t reflect most peopleā€™s normal lives. There might be bits and pieces that we can relate to, but we certainly donā€™t spend days in the dressing room talking to wacky saleswomen and spending half of our salary on one item.

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  5. Gnome green
    bubujin_2 Premium Member over 14 years ago

    She could save herself a whole lot of stress and aggravation by heading to the nearest clothing optional resort/beach. Of course being Cathy that would just open up a whole ā€˜nother series of anxieties: ā€œAack, Iā€™m too white! Aack, Iā€™m too fat, round, saggy, wrinklyā€¦.!ā€

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    Plods with ...ā„¢  over 14 years ago

    I just read the Cathy bio on the right. She has a Career? Professional shopper?

    I know itā€™s my pet peeve, but she really should stop shopping once or twice a month to go to work, doncha think?

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  7. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  over 14 years ago

    She goes through this agony of swimsuit buying every year for over 30 years now. When do we ever see her at the beach or pool? Inquiring minds want to know which suit she finally decided looked good on her.

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  8. Dsc05556sm
    workingathome  over 14 years ago

    puddleglum1066, a part of the problem with that idea is that many pools do not allow you to wear street clothes in the water. Also, a tank top is probably not going to give a woman the support she needs from a bra. If a bra is worn under the shirt, itā€™s going to take a long time to dry off, being an extra layer of clothing. Thatā€™s a good thing sometimes, but uncomfortable other times, not to mention embarrassing wet sections as you wait for it to dry.

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    jmersnga  over 14 years ago

    The truly dumb question is why doesnā€™t she just accept sheā€™s flabby and be happy?

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  10. Thatababy slug
    BananaSlug  over 14 years ago

    My swimsuit season strategy is ā€œpull the old one out of storageā€. Oh, and I didnā€™t buy it; it was a gift.

    Tell me, does Cathy ever intend to swim, or does she just do this because itā€™s mandatory?

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  11. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  over 14 years ago

    Thereā€™s a lot of anti-feminist thinking that women just seem to accept without questioning it. It just comes and goes. Itā€™s four steps forward, three and a half steps back.

    In the sixties, big strides were made in the way women lived. Some decades later, we lost very much of that - force of habit, I guess. Oh well, at least thereā€™s no more ā€œHelp Wanted - Maleā€ and ā€œHelp Wanted - Femaleā€ columns in the newspaper. (Yes, I am old enough to have lived thru that time.)

    Too bad the Equal Rights Amendment never got passed. It would have helped.

    But the fundamental injustice still applies:

    ā€œTo men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what form he wears? But womanā€™s self is womanā€™s body - oh, stay with me love and do not let me go - But heed the warning that the sage has said: A woman absent is a woman dead.ā€

    written by Ambrose Bierce, about 100 years ago. Has anything changed since then?

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  12. Cathy aack Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Sheā€™s been trying on swimsuits for 3 months ā€“ read my lips ā€“ there arenā€™t any that look good on aging women ā€“ and being pudgy certainly doesnā€™t help.

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